
试卷更新日期:2022-05-20 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 读一读,将下列单词按要求进行分类。(填选项)

    A. mother    B. tall    C. brother    D. Canada    E. short

    F. small      G. UK    H. father     I. USA       J. sister



  • 2. It has          small eyes.
    A、a B、an C、\
  • 3. Look          that monkey. It's thin.
    A、to B、at C、from
  • 4. —         are you from, Lisa?

    — I'm from the UK.

    A、Where B、Who C、What
  • 5. I have a        . He is a student.
    A、brother B、sister C、grandmother
  • 6. —Is he your grandfather?

    —Yes, he        .

    A、aren't B、is C、isn't


  • 7. 看图,选择合适的单词并抄写在四线三格内。

    teacher   China     fat     giraffe    woman



  • 8. 读一读,根据左栏的句子在右栏中找到合适的应答语。

    ⑴Is she your mother?         A. Wow! It's so tall.

    ⑵Where are you from?         B. OK.

    ⑶Let's go to school together.    C. I am from China.

    ⑷Look at the giraffe.     D. Oh! It's small.

    ⑸Look at the cat.           E. No, she isn't.

五、读句子,选图片。( 每小题2分,共10分)


  • 14. 你在学校里交了一位新朋友,回家后你会对妈妈说:
    A、I have a new friend. B、I'm a new student.
  • 15. 你画了一只小狗,它有长长的尾巴,你会跟同桌说:
    A、It has a big head. B、It has a long tail.
  • 16. 你想告诉同学你来自加拿大,可以说:
    A、I'm from China. B、I'm from Canada.
  • 17. 你看见埃米刚刚和一位男士打招呼,想知道那位男士是谁时,你会问埃米:
    A、Is she your mother? B、Who's that man?
  • 18. 体育课上,老师希望大家到他那里集合时,会说:
    A、Come here, children! B、Hi, boys and girls.