
试卷更新日期:2022-05-20 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同。
    (1)、A. cat                 B. bag
    (2)、A. she                 B. pen
    (3)、A. six                B. leg
    (4)、A. big                  B. milk
    (5)、A. hand                B. seven


  • 2. 选出不同类的一项。
    A、on B、no C、in
    A、car B、bear C、cat
    A、tall B、short C、man
    A、he B、father C、mother
    A、boy B、girl C、sister



  • 8. — Where are you from?

    — _____ from the UK.

    A、I'm B、He's C、It's
  • 9. — Let's go to the zoo.

    — _______

    A、Great! B、Guess! C、Thank you!
  • 10. —Who's that      ?
    —She's my mother.
    A、man B、woman C、boy
  • 11. This is my new friend, Amy.


    A、Nice to meet you. B、How are you? C、Good bye.
  • 12. Nice to meet you.


    A、Welcome. B、Thank you. C、Nice to meet you ,too.
  • 13. I'm a ________.
    A、student B、boys C、girls
  • 14. Today we _____two new friends in our class.
    A、has B、have C、had
  • 15. Where are you from?

    — _________

    A、I am Amy. B、Nice to meet you. C、I am from the UK.
  • 16. He's _____ father.
    A、he B、my C、man
  • 17. I'm from China, what about you?


    A、I am Mike. B、Nice to meet you. C、I am from the UK.
  • 18. —Is she your sister?


    A、Yes, she is. B、No, he isn't. C、Yes, he is.
  • 19. It     a long nose.
    A、has B、have C、it's
  • 20. _________ the panda.
    A、Look B、Look at C、has
  • 21. The giraffe is    .
    A、short B、small C、tall
  • 22. —    is that boy?

    —He is my brother.

    A、Who B、Where C、How


六、情景选择我能行。( 10分)

  • 28. 你想说:她是一个学生。应该说:
    A、She is a student. B、I am a teacher.
  • 29. 有想知道同桌是哪里人,你应该说:
    A、Where are you from? B、Who are you? C、Sure.
  • 30. 你想把艾米介绍给你的朋友认识,你应该说:
    A、Who's that woman? B、Who's that man? C、This is Amy.
  • 31. 告诉大家你来自山东,应该说:
    A、He is from China. B、I'm from China. C、I'm from Shandong.
  • 32. 班上来了新同学,应该说:
    A、Welcome. B、Look at that boy. C、This is a boy.


  • 33. 读句子,选答语。

    ⑴Where are you from?            A. She is my sister.

    ⑵Who's that girl?                    B. It's so fat.

    ⑶Is he your brother?               C. I'm from China.

    ⑷Do you like pears?                D. Yes, I do.

    ⑸Look at the elephant.            E. No, he isn't.


  • 34. 阅读理解,判断正确。

    Jack: Come on, Sarah! Look at the panda.

    Sarah: Oh, they're so cute! I like the panda.

    Jack: I like the monkey! It has a long tail.

    Sarah: Yes. And it is fat.

    Jack: Look! The monkey is eating bananas! It's so funny!

    Sarah: Yes, and it's cute, too.

    (1)、Sarah likes the panda.
    (2)、Jack likes the monkey.
    (3)、The panda has a long tail.
    (4)、The monkey has a long tail.
    (5)、The monkey is eating bananas.