
试卷更新日期:2022-05-19 类型:期中考试

一、Look and write. (看图,完成句子,每空一词。)

二、Look,read and choose. (看图,选择相应的问句或答句。)

  • 6. —Are you going to the zoo?


    A、Yes, I am. B、No, I'm not.
  • 7. —________
    —There are 36.
    A、How many bedrooms are there? B、How many classrooms are there?
  • 8. —Is there a garden in your home?


    A、Yes, there is. B、No, it isn't.
  • 9. — May I buy an ice cream?


    A、No, you may not. B、Yes, here you are.
  • 10. —________
    —There is a big bed.


    A、What's in your bedroom? B、What's that?

三、Read and write. (补全对话,把编号写在括号内,句子抄在四线格上。)

  • 11. 补全对话。

    A. Yes, there is.

    B. No, there isn't.

    C. May I watch TV in the classroom?

    D. There are 36.

    E. I'm going to my school.

    F. Yes, it is.

    Gogo: Good morning! Tony. Where are you going?


    Gogo: Is it big?


    Gogo: How many classrooms are there?



    Tony: No, you may not.

    Gogo: Is there a gym in your school?


    I like exercising in it. You can go and have a look.

    Gogo: Great! Let's go together.

四、Read. (阅读。)

  • 12. Read and choose. (阅读,选择最佳答案。)

    Tina is a new student in Sunflower School. Her family visits the school on Sunday. They are reading the guide on the wall.

    Sunflower School


    science room, computer room, library


    art rooms, music rooms, teachers' office


    classrooms, teachers' office


    classrooms, hall


    playground, canteen

    (1)、There is a __________ in Sunflower School.
    A、Garden B、gym C、hall
    (2)、There are some__________ on4/F.
    A、art rooms and science room B、computer room C、art rooms
    (3)、Students have music class on__________.
    A、1/F B、4/F C、5/F
    (4)、The__________ are on 3/F and 4/F.
    A、classrooms B、teachers' office C、teachers' offices
    (5)、Students can borrow books on__________.
    A、3/F B、4/F C、5/F
  • 13. Read and judge. (阅读短文,判断对错。)

    It's a sunny day. A bird is in a tree. She likes singing. She gets a piece of meat. She is hungry now. She wants to eat the meat. A fox is coming. He is hungry,too. The fox sees the bird and the meat in her mouth. He wants to eat the meat,too. He says to the bird,"Hi! Ms. Bird. You are so beautiful. I know you can sing very well. Can you sing a song for me? "The bird is happy to hear the praise(赞美). Then she sings. The meat falls down. The fox gets it and runs away.

    (1)、The bird has a piece of meat in her mouth.
    (2)、The bird and the fox are hungry.
    (3)、The bird doesn't like to hear praise.
    (4)、The fox wants to listen to a song.
    (5)、The fox eats the meat.

五、Write. 书面表达

  • 14. 以“My Dream School”为题,描述你梦想的学校,不少于7句话。