
试卷更新日期:2022-05-05 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 选出下列各组单词中与其他两项不同类的一项。
    A、from B、UK C、Canada
    A、he B、she C、student
    A、Mr. B、China C、Miss
    A、duck B、sister C、brother
    A、man B、family C、woman



  • 7. 选择合适的选项补全对话。

    A. I'm from the UK.

    B. Is this your brother.

    C. Who's that man?

    D. My name is Lucy.

    E. Who's this woman?

    A: Hello, I'm Tom. What's your name?


    A: Hi, Lucy. Where are you from?


    A: Look! This is my family.


    A: She is my mother. She is a teacher.


    A: He is my father.


    A: No, this is me. Ha ha.


  • 8. 当你询问照片上的女人是谁时,你可以这样说:
    A、Who is that woman? B、What's she?
  • 9. Lucy 来自加拿大,她自我介绍时会说:
    A、Hi! I'm Lucy. I'm from Canada. B、She is Lucy.
  • 10. 新学期再次见到你的好朋友,你可以这样说:
    A、Nice to meet you. B、Nice to see you again.
  • 11. 你想把新同学迈克介绍给大家,你可以这样说:
    A、This is Mike. He is a new student. B、Hi, I'm Mike. I'm from Canada.
  • 12. 向朋友介绍你的爷爷时候,可以这样说:
    A、This is my grandfather. B、This is my father.


  • 13. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Look at the photo(照片). This is my family. This is my mother. She is a teacher. She is very beautiful. That man is my father. He is a doctor. The boy is my brother. He is 13. He is a student. The little girl is me. I am 11. I am a pupil. I love my family.

    (1)、My mother is a doctor.
    (2)、My mother is not beautiful.
    (3)、My father is a teacher.
    (4)、My brother is a student.
    (5)、My brother is eleven years old.

六、连词成句. (10分)