
试卷更新日期:2022-04-29 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    My son David is about 7 years old. Last month he told me there was a new child in his class. The boy was1Russia and very shy, and he couldn't speak an English word. My son felt very sad2he thought that the boy was quite lonely. He didn't bring3up to me again, and I just supposed that the teacher had given the boy the help he needed.

    About three weeks later, I went into my4room and found that he was using Google Translate. He was trying hard to translate his English into Russian so that he could communicate with5boy. And then he would translate the boy's responses(回应) from Russian to English. Though it was not 6, he kept trying.

    He had found a way7on well with the boy because he didn't want him to be alone. When I asked him what he8, all my son said was "I'm writing a note to my friend".

    It was the first time that I had seen 9 kind and merciful my son was. That's when I found exactly who he was. I think my son10up. He can think of others. I am very proud of him.

    A、in B、to C、from D、with
    A、so B、because C、and D、but
    A、it B、its C、it's D、its'
    A、son B、sons C、sons' D、son's
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、easy B、easier C、easiest D、the easiest
    A、get B、to get C、got D、getting
    A、does B、is doing C、was doing D、will do
    A、what B、what a C、what an D、how
    A、has grown B、grows C、grew D、will grow


  • 2. 通读下面短文,堂握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    There were three young girls who lived in a small town. They were best friends. Each girl had a dream about their1. The first girl's family was rich. She said that she would never be happy until she was2. The second girl was beautiful, but she said that she would not be happy until she was3. The third girl, who was neither beautiful nor rich, said she was happy now, 4 she had nothing. The other two5the third girl for her simple way of thinking.

    The three took separate roads to pursue(追求) their6. The first two girls went to big cities, trying to7happiness. The third girl spent her twenties in the little town, 8 children with disabilities. And she had a happy family.

    Years later, the third girl 9 her old friends. When they met, it was10 to recognize (认出) the rich girl. She explained that she had surgery(手术) on her11to make her beautiful, but the surgery had left scars (伤疤). She was very sad.

    The beautiful girl had married a rich man. But the man 12 all his money in the financial crisis (金融危机). So she 13 him and now she was alone and unhappy.

    The third girl was not only smart, but also very 14. She helped them learn to be happy with what they had.

    They spent the rest of their lives as friends, always remembering that15 does not come from the outside, but from somewhere deep inside a person's heart.

    A、journey B、future C、education D、work
    A、thankful B、peaceful C、helpful D、beautiful
    A、rich B、safe C、smart D、strong
    A、after B、when C、though D、unless
    A、laughed at B、looked after C、picked up D、depended on
    A、challenges B、promises C、dreams D、steps
    A、buy B、raise C、protect D、find
    A、helping B、forgiving C、choosing D、refusing
    A、turned down B、heard from C、took after D、shouted at
    A、possible B、common C、necessary D、difficult
    A、heart B、back C、face D、head
    A、got B、lost C、threw D、made
    A、held B、left C、pushed D、followed
    A、kind B、clever C、honest D、brave
    A、courage B、shame C、fear D、happiness


  • 3. 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

    Helping others is a great thing to do. You can learn new things and have fun. Here is some volunteer work for you.

    Hospital Volunteer Wanted

    Are you interested in being a doctor or a nurse? Being a hospital volunteer is a great way to test that interest and see if you enjoy working in a hospital setting. We need three volunteers at Sunshine Hospital. Normally, you have to be 16 or older to volunteer. If you are available on Saturday, email

    Welcome to Loving Animal Shelter (避难所)

    Do you love animals? Do you want to be an animal doctor? We need five weekend volunteers. As an animal shelter volunteer, you must be at least sixteen years old. You'll spend lots of time cleaning up after the animals and feeding them. If you can join us, call us at 7724-8839 for more information. We need your help!

    Soup Kitchen Needs Volunteers

    Are you interested in helping the homeless? Consider volunteering at Soup Kitchen. You need to help give out food to the homeless, and clean up the food and plates. If you are over seventeen and can work for us on weekends, please call Miss Green at 232-5347.

    City Library Needs Volunteers

    Do you love being around books? Are you over fourteen years old? You can consider being a library volunteer. Your job is to help visitors use the computer or help younger students with their homework. Checkout the City Library website for more information.

    (1)、Sunshine Hospital needs ______ volunteers.
    A、3 B、5 C、12 D、16
    (2)、Volunteers at Loving Animal Shelter need to ______.
    A、do some cleaning B、walk the animals C、buy food for animals D、work there on weekdays
    (3)、Mark wants to help the homeless. He can ______.
    A、call 7724-8839 B、call 232-5347 C、email sshvolunteer@163. com D、visit City Library website
    (4)、Susan is fifteen years old. She can volunteer at _________.
    A、Soup Kitchen B、City Library C、Sunshine Hospital D、Loving Animal Shelter
    (5)、The passage probably comes from ______.
    A、a newspaper B、a storybook C、a travel guide D、a science report
  • 4. 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

        Imagine being able to make your own game pieces, model sets or toys? lf you have a 3Dprinter, you can do it. It sounds like magic, but a 3D printer is a real machine. It can be used to create toys, clothing, as well as things like machine parts and musical instruments. Some 3Dprinters can even make food!

    3D printers do not use paper or ink. Instead of printing pictures, they print three-dimensional (三维空间) objects with different sizes and shapes. Instead of ink, they use many different materials (材料), like glass, wood, and even chocolate!

    Most 3D printers are quite expensive, and they can take up a lot of space. However, making objects with a 3D printer is often more efficient than making them in other ways. For example, accompany in China built a house using a 3D printer. The house covered an area of 200 square meters. The cost of building a house was under $500. It cost far less than a home built in the usual way, and the whole job was finished in just forty-eight hours!

    People keep coming up with new ways to use 3D printers. Companies have used them to make shoes, airplane parts, and even hamburgers. The U. S. Navy (海军) came up with the idea of putting them on ships, so sailors (海员) can print new tools or parts while they are at sea. The printers have even been used by astronauts in space. 3D printers are turning ideas into objects, on this planet and elsewhere.

    (1)、3D printers can make lots of things EXCEPT ______.
    A、food B、clothing C、drinks D、machine parts
    (2)、The underlined word "efficient " in paragraph 3 probably means ______.
    A、环保的 B、昂贵的 C、有影响力的 D、有效率的
    (3)、A company used a 3D printer to build a house in just _________·
    A、30 hours B、48 hours C、200 hours D、500 hours
    (4)、We can learn from the passage that________.
    A、3D printers can't make circle objects B、3D printers also need ink to print the objects C、3D printing is becoming more and more popular D、3D printers have been used by astronauts to print new tools in space
    (5)、The passage is mainly about ______.
    A、how 3D printers work B、what 3D printers can make C、who invented 3 D printers D、why some 3D printers are better
  • 5. 左栏是对5个外国学生的兴趣描述,右栏是7个中国舞蹈剧的简介,请为左边每位学生选择一个合适的舞蹈剧。

    Alice is an Italian girl in Guangzhou. She takes great interest in the stories of China's "Four Great Beauties".

    Dave is an American boy. He is a Chinese art lover. He becomes interested in anything about the silk Road and Dunhuang art.

    Lisa comes from Russia. She is learning ballet. Her teacher told her the ballet about a girl with white hair. She wants to enjoy the performance.

    Jack is studying music in Guangzhou. He likes Cantonese music very much and learns a lot about it.

    Alan has read a lot about the history of China. He loves to enjoy the dance and music of the Tang Dynasty.

    A. Ballet the Red Detachment (分遣队) of Women

    The story happened in Hainan Island in the 1930s. It is about a servant girl who runs away from a local family and grows into a soldier.

    B. Ballet the White-Haired Girl

    It tells a story about a girl named Xi'er. Her father is killed by a local landlord (地主). She has to run to the mountains and lives there. She lives a hard life. Her hair turns white.

    C. Dance drama Silk Road, Strewn (撤满) with Flowers

    It tells about the friendship between a Chinese painter Zhang and a Persian trader. It is from the Silk Road and Dunhuang murals (壁画).

    D. Dance drama The Past of Shawan

    It sets the story at the Shawan ancient town in South China's Guangzhou city. It follows the main storyline of musicians' creation of the Cantonese music piece Dragon Boat Racing.

    E. Dance drama Li Bai

    It tells about the great poet Li Bai with a fresh new look. It also brings to life the scenery (风景), dance and music of the Tang Dynasty.

    F. Dance drama Dunhuang Dream

    It is from the thousands of years' creation history of Dunhuang art treasure. It follows the storyline of a young painter and the daughter of a general.

    G. Dance drama Princess Zhaojun

    It is from a true historical event in the Han Dynasty. It tells a story of one of China's" Four Great


四、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)

  • 6. 请用适当的词完成下面短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Once there was a beautiful girl in a small village. She was arrogant (傲慢的). So other children disliked her and didn't with her.

    One day, the girl went out to play alone and got lost. Just then she saw old man working on the opposite side. She walked up to the man with her raised and asked," Hey! How can I get to the nearby park?" "The old man didn't look at her. The girl asked again. the old man still didn't look at her. Then she shouted. , "Hey! How do I go to the nearby park? Didn't you hear me? I'm asking !"Then the old man looked up at her,but he did not say any and continued to work. Then she realized that the man didn't tell her the way on purpose and to leave. At that time, a boy came and asked the way to the park. The man told him a smile. The girl was surprised and said," Why wouldn't you tell me?"

    "Didn't you see it just now? The boy was so polite. What about you?" said the man.

    The girl's face turned . She lowered her head and said, "I'm so sorry! Thank you for your instruction (教导). "


  • 7. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。

    Have your parents ever helped you with schoolwork or other projects? Do you think they are giving you too much help?

    Du Peng, 18, from Hebei has a story to share. When he was in middle school, his mother often let him join in English speaking competitions. To help her son win, Du's mother once asked an English teacher to help write a speech draft(稿子).

    "Although I got good results at the competition, I didn't feel proud," Du said.

    Du is not alone. Nearly 90 percent of Chinese parents said that they have helped their kids too much in school, according to a recent survey of1, 504 parents done by China Youth Daily. And 70 percent of parents agreed that over parenting (过度照顾孩子) could lead to an absence (缺失) of their children's independence.

    Children, on the other hand, want to do things by themselves. "Doing things by ourselves gives us a strong sense of achievement," said Liu Jiawei, 13, from Jilin. "We will leave our parents in the future. So it's better to develop skills and live independently as early as possible. "

    However, some think parents have good reasons to help. Jiang Qi, 14, is from Beijing. When he was in primary school,his parents often helped him by creating handmade works. "Our teachers are very strict with us, " Jiang said. "If I didn't do my work as well as others, I would be criticized (批评) for it."

    (1)、Where does Du Peng come from?
    (2)、What did Du Peng's mother once do to help her son win the competition?
    (3)、How many parents thought that they have helped their kids too much in school?
    (4)、What can children get by doing things by themselves?
    (5)、When did Jiang Qi's parents help him create handmade works?


  • 8. 假如你是李华,你将参加学校举办的主题为"Be self-dependent"的英语演讲比赛,请你写一篇英语演讲稿。





