
试卷更新日期:2022-04-29 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 通读下面短文,在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

    Have you even been to Singapore? For1tourists from China, this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and2place to take a holiday. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can3speak Putonghua a lot of the time on the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country, so it's4a good place to practice your English!

    Have you ever5Chinese food outside of China? Maybe you fear that you won't be able6anything good to eat when you travel.7Singapore, however, you'll find a lot of food from China; you won't have any problem8rice, noodles or dumplings. Singapore is also9excellent place to try new food.

    10you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you'll find it all in Singapore!

    A、thousand B、thousands C、thousand of D、thousands of
    A、safe B、safer C、safest D、safely
    A、simple B、simply C、difficult D、difficulty
    A、also B、too C、either D、neither
    A、try B、tried C、tries D、trying
    A、find B、finding C、found D、to find
    A、On B、To C、In D、At
    A、get B、gets C、getting D、got
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、Whether B、Unless C、When D、whenever


  • 2. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    I have been a reporter for the last fifteen years. My job is sometimes1, for I have seen wars, earthquakes and death. But for most of the time, it's wonderful, because I have also seen courage, 2and happiness.

    In India, I visited a city where there were many homeless children living in the street. But a kind-hearted ladv3Rosa opened a home for them. In a year, she was looking after two hundred 4feeding them teaching them and giving them hope.

    5time, I was in Japan after a terrible earthquake. In a place I found a lady whose house fell down. Her son was missing and many people around her said there was no6that her son was alive. But the lady did not7hope. For four days, she kept8heavy stones by herself. She did not stop9 she found her son. He was alive!

    Here in China I met a young boy with a serious illness. He had to have twenty operations in the10. But when I met him, he was still smiling.

    A、interesting B、relaxing C、difficult D、exciting
    A、hope B、trouble C、pressure D、sadness
    A、told B、called C、wrote D、bought
    A、kids B、women C、men D、babies
    A、Next B、Another C、Every D、Some
    A、choice B、excuse C、chance D、time
    A、give up B、look for C、take up D、give away
    A、bringing B、sending C、moving D、taking
    A、while B、until C、since D、for
    A、restaurant B、bank C、supermarket D、hospital


  • 3. 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

    Have fun on QQ Island!

    Green Lake

    Green Lake has different places for city fun--cinemas, restaurants, museums, shopping centers and so on. Also, don't miss its famous night markets.

    East Mountains

    Summer is the best season to see the trees and flowers. Spend a quiet day in the teahouses here and get away from your life.

    New Bridge

    August is Music Month in the small town. Come and enjoy different groups playing music you've never heard before.

    Blue Sky

    Come and ride a bicycle under the sun and enjoy a country lunch with farm-fresh fruits and vegetables.

    East Beach

    Looking for a family fun place? It has to be East Beach. It's a perfect place to enjoy surfing and fishing or just lying in the sun.

    (1)、The Browns want to find a place where their two sons can play with sand and Mr. Brown can go swimming with his wife. They should go to _______.
    A、Green lake B、New Bridge C、Blue Sky D、East Beach
    (2)、Dinna wants to visit New Bridge in August because she wants to enjoy the activity. She is probably _______.
    A、a scientist B、a singer C、a cook D、an athlete
    (3)、Zhang Hong wants to enjoy a quiet life at East Mountains. She should choose to go there in _______.
    A、January B、April C、July D、October
    (4)、You can't enjoy _______ at Green Lake.
    A、riding bikes B、seeing movies C、watching exhibitions D、going shopping
    (5)、There are _______ sceneries(景点) on QQ Island.
    A、three B、four C、five D、six
  • 4. 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

    A growing number empty-nesters (空巢老人) has become a social problem. When the children leave home due to reasons such as work, study and marriage,empty-nesters will produce the symptoms of mental disorders (精神障碍症).

    Some empty-nesters can live a good life after retirement (退休), especially those in cities. Most of them live in the same city with their children so that they can visit each other often. Besides, they can take part in different kinds group activities. But in rural areas, situations get worse. Most young people leave the country to work in cities. Their elderly parents have to be left at home to take care of themselves.

    It's our duty to care for our parents. No matter how busy you are, remember to go back home to see your parents and talk to them as often as possible.

    (1)、_______ will produce the symptoms of mental disorders according to the passage.
    A、The children B、The empty-nesters C、Young people D、Young parents
    (2)、How many people reasons about children's leaving home are mentioned in the passage?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three. D、None.
    (3)、The underlined word "rural" means _______in Chinese?
    A、农业的 B、贫穷的 C、农村的 D、富裕的
    (4)、As for the empty-nesters situations in the city are _______ those in the country.
    A、worse than B、better than C、as good as D、not so good as
    (5)、What is the passage mainly about?
    A、Life of empty-nesters. B、How to take care of empty-nester. C、Empty-nesters in the city. D、Empty-nesters in the country.
  • 5. 配对阅读 左栏是五个人的职业追求,右栏是七个地方的介绍。请为每个人选择一个合适的地方。


    l like to be quiet, so I want to be a farmer and live in a place with mountains around it.


    l want to live in a capital city with a long history because I can find a good job easily and travel a lot after work.


    l think Disney Park is great, so I want to get a job in a Disney Park.


    I like sports, especially. Water sports, so I want to get a job in a city with nice beaches.


    I want to be a movie star, so I want to live in a city that is famous for its movies.

    A. There are lots of places to have fun in Southern California, especially Hollywood. It is famous for movie making all over the world.

    B. The weather, the people, even the colors… everything is warm in Hawaii. Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. Thousands of people come to take part in water sports here.

    C. Venice is one of Italy's major seaports. There are no cars or buses, no subways or trains or bicycles. It has canals instead of roads.

    D. Orange Tree is a beautiful village. There are tall trees around and some high mountains around it.

    E. Hong Kong is a big and busy city in Asia. And Hong

    Kong Disneyland is a great place to go to.

    F. Lijiang is a beautiful town in the southwest of China. As you enter the old town of Lijiang, you'll get a deep feeling of long history when you see the stone streets and the old houses.

    G. Beijing is the capital of China. And it is famous for its beautiful old buildings and the Great Wall.

四、短文填空((本大题有10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)

  • 6. 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Ⅰ have a lot of problems recently. Firstly, I'm not happy in class. I'm shy, so I'm of speaking in front of my classmates in class., sometimes I can't sleep well at night. I feel worried when the midterm exam comes and I have to prepareit. Thirdly, I got into a fight with myfriend Kate. I like her very much. I don't want to lose her. l expect to be friends with her again.

    Yesterday, my motherme to the doctor. I told the doctor myand he gave me some advice. He asked me to make more friends and play games in my free time soI will not be so shy. He asked me to drink some milk before going to bed because it helps me get good and enough. And he asked me to relax. He also said, "If you don't want toyour best friend, you should talk with her. Tell heryou think "I'm trying to follow what the doctor told me. I think I will get better soon.


  • 7. 请阅读下面的文章,根据所提供的信息,回答后面的问题。

    Taiwan is in the southeast of China. It is the largest island in China. It has an area of 36, 000square kilometers or so and has a population of about 23, 500, 000.

    The scenery in Taiwan is so beautiful and the weather is so pleasant that a lot of tourists go there for a visit. Sun Moon Lake and Ali Mountain are very famous places of interest(名胜). Taipei City, the capital of Taiwan Province, is in the north of the island, it is the largest city on the island. Taiwan is famous for its hundreds of night markets. It's fun for you to spend time walking through the night markets. It's common to find night markets in most cities and towns in Taiwan. They take place on the same streets every day. During the day, these streets are quiet. At night, there are crowds of people and the streets become busy.

    (1)、Where is Taiwan?
    (2)、What's the population of Taiwan?
    (3)、How's the weather in Taiwan?
    (4)、How many famous places of interest in Taiwan are mentioned (提及)?
    (5)、What is Taiwan famous for?


  • 8. 你恰好看到Chinese Overseas月刊在举办征文比赛, 请你以“Make My Hometown Better"为题写一篇文意投稿。内容包括:







    Make My Hometown Better