
试卷更新日期:2022-04-29 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 通读下面短文,在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

    Dear Mike,

    How was your school trip? I had1happy school trip with my classmates. We went to Dinghu Mountain. The weather2warm and sunny. All of us were3and happy. We went there4bike. Along the way, we saw lots of interesting things.5took us about an hour to get there. At about nine o'clock we6to climb the mountain. The mountain was so7that we were all tired when we got to the top(顶端). So we sat under a big tree and relaxed. Then we felt8moving in the tree. 9we looked up at the tree, we got a surprise. A monkey was in the tree. He was not scared10us. He even jumped down the tree and played with us.



    A、/ B、a C、an D、the
    A、is B、was C、are D、were
    A、excite B、excitedly C、excited D、exciting
    A、in B、on C、by D、at
    A、One B、This C、That D、It
    A、start B、starts C、started D、are starting
    A、high B、higher C、highest D、highly
    A、nothing B、everything C、anything D、something
    A、When B、Before C、So D、But
    A、see B、to see C、seeing D、saw


  • 2. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    My name is Li Bing. I am in Huaxin Middle School. My school is in a1neighborhood. It's near a busy street. When you get into my school, you can see a(n)2building. We all study there. Behind it, there is a3. It's my favorite place because l like reading. After school, l always4books or do my homework for an hour there.5is the office building? It's next to the library. Behind the office building is the dining hall. There are6kinds of foods there, such as dumplings and hamburgers. Students78 yuan having lunch. And there is a small park between the office building8the dining hall. We often9there after lunch. Our school is one of the best schools in our city,The teachers are friendly and strict. We10 have a good time studying and playing together.

    A、quiet B、noisy C、dry D、cold
    A、teaching B、office C、library D、sports
    A、playground B、hospital C、library D、dining hall
    A、read B、look C、see D、watch
    A、Where B、What C、When D、How
    A、so many B、so much C、too much D、much too
    A、pay B、cost C、spend D、take
    A、to B、or C、and D、for
    A、go swimming B、drive a car C、go for a walk D、take a shower
    A、hardly B、always C、never D、quickly


  • 3. 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

    Ocean Museum

    Time: 9:00 -17:00Thursday to Sunday

    Price: 50 yuan

    Address: 132 College Street

    Tel: 543-9871

    Show you a full picture of sea lives!

    Health Center

    Time: 9:00-17:30

    Address: 16 Yongle Street

    Tel: 38-1451

    Free exams for those over 70!

    Give you good advice to keep healthy!

    Stay One Boutique Hotel

    Stay One Boutique Hotel is on Xiaotianzhu Road, the Tianzhu Town the Shuyi District in Beijing.


    Beijing International Airport,China New International Exhibition Center

    Price: $ 58 to$ 107 per night

    Red Wall Hotel

    Red Wall Hotel is close to many famous sportst in Beijing.


    Beihai Park, Wangfujing Street

    Price: $ 32 to 75 per night

    (1)、You can visit the Ocean Museum on _______.
    A、Monday B、Wednesday C、Saturday D、Tuesday
    (2)、A person can get free exams in Health Center if he is _______.
    A、73 B、67 C、55 D、27
    (3)、How long is the Ocean Museum open every day?
    A、7 hours. B、8 hours. C、9 hours. D、10 hours.
    (4)、If you want to live in Red Wall Hotel, you should pay ________ per might at least.
    A、$ 32 B、$ 58 C、$ 75 D、$ 107
    (5)、If your sister wants to fly to New York, she had better stay at _______.
    A、Ocean Museum B、Health Center C、Red wall HoteI D、Stay one Boutique Hotel
  • 4. 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

    Last Saturday, it was sunny. My mother took my sister Helen and me to visit the Fengkai Museum of History. The museum is in  Guangxin Cultural Park (广信文化园). First we went to the Guangxin Tower (广信塔) in the park. Helen and I played for two hours in the tower.

    We got to the museum at eleven o'clock. We saw many old things. We learned about what Fengkai was like hundreds of years ago. In the past, Fengkai was a small village. It is the birthplace of Lingnan culture and Cantonese.

    Helen and I took some notes about the history of Fengkai. We also took some photos of the old things. We left the museum at two o'clock in the afternoon.

    (1)、The Guangxin Tower is _______.
    A、in a park. B、in a village. C、in a store. D、in a museum.
    (2)、They stayed in the Fengkai Museum of History for _______ hours.
    A、2 B、3 C、4 D、5
    (3)、The writer and Helen didn't _______ in the museum.
    A、see any old things B、take any notes C、take any photos D、see any old people
    (4)、The underlined word "Cantonese" means "_______" in Chinese.
    A、国语 B、粤语 C、客家语 D、闽南语
    (5)、What did the writer and Helen learn about in the museum?
    A、What Fengkai was like in the past. B、What Fengkai made in the past. C、How people lived in the past. D、How people ate in the past.
  • 5. 配对阅读 左栏是五位学生对自己亲人的介绍,右栏是七位人物的介绍,请将他们进行配对。

    My brother is 16 years old. He's very tall. He can play basketball very well.

    My mother is a housewife. She can cook very delicious food.

    My sister is very good at badminton. She often plays badminton with me.

    My grandpa is old, but he still works on the farm every day.

    My father is a teacher. He's 42 years old.

    A. Mr. Smith is a farmer. He's very old, but he's very strong.

    B. Kate likes sports very much. She often plays baseball after school.

    C. Mr. Longman is a middle-aged man. He teaches English in a middle school.

    D. Tim is a tall boy. He's 16 years old.

    E. Sam likes basketball very much, but he's too short.

    F. Sally is an active girl. She likes badminton very much.

    G. Mrs. Brown doesn't have a job. She just stays at home and cooks the meals.

四、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)

  • 6. 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    A good meal can give us energy. As students, we should eat well to keep. Let meyou something about mymeals. For, I like milk and bread. lunch, I have rice, chicken and vegetables. I don't like fish. For dinner, I eat noodles and soup. I will eat an ice cream at sweet and delicious. My favoriteis the apple. I don't like eating junk foodit is not good for us. I don't to get fat.


  • 7. 请阅读下面的文章,根据所提供的信息,回答后面的问题。

    Dear Parents,

    I am writing this letter so that you can all know about our spring trip to Guangxin Cultural Park next Friday.

    Everyone will meet in front of the school on the morning of Friday,March 5th, at 8: 00 a. m. We are going to the nark by bus and arrive before 10: 00 a. m. We will stay in the park for over five hours and get back to school at 5:00 p. m.

    There will be free lunch for all the students that day. But the children still have to take some drinks with them. A there may be changes of weather, you'd better out an umbrella in your child's bag. Each student must wear his/her school card during this trip.

    If you want to know more, please write to Miss Lee at CWHs@ hotmail. com.


    Frank Grand, Head Teacher of Class 701

    West Lake High School

    (1)、When is the school trip?
    (2)、When will they get back to school?
    (3)、What had better parents put in their child's bag?
    (4)、What's Miss Lee's email address?
    (5)、What's the name of the head teacher of Class 701?


  • 8. 你们学校每年也开展春游活动吗?你喜欢什么样的春游呢?请你写一篇短文谈谈你的看法。内容包括:





