
试卷更新日期:2022-04-27 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 阅读下而短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Do you think hard work always pays off? What have you got by working hard? Here is the story about1I became successful.

    I'm a very smart person who has spent 210 years learning mechanics (机械学), but

    I have no formal (正式的)education. I always tried my best to make people 3 me. However, I never made it.

    I started out this year having just taken another factory job with a little 4 pay than my last one. I was making $13.50 an hour at my last job and even had a hard time living. 5 I was paid more, I still lived badly.

    But 6you held on and didn't run away, you would succeed one day. My 7 finally arrived.

    Three months ago, my neighbor bought a used car that everyone thought had some 8 problems. After taking a look at it, I said that I would be able to 9it. It turned out that I 10 him $2,000 that he expected to pay to rebuild it. He was surprised at my work and told many of their friends about me. So I got a lot of new 11.

    In about two months more people came to me for work and I was making great money.

    Then luckily I got a job 12 one of my customers (顾客).I was able to let them believe in me by solving difficult problems 13. They offered me another job that started even higher. I finally improved my life.

    In one year's time I went from being in the worst condition to having customers begging (恳求) me to work for them. Now I can honestly say I feel truly proud of 14 and my skills.

    So everyone, remember not to give up your dream easily because 15 will come to you in the end with your hard work.

    A、what B、how C、where D、when
    A、still B、quite C、almost D、hardly
    A、help B、hear C、like D、trust
    A、less B、better C、heavier D、smaller
    A、Although B、Unless C、Since D、If
    A、as quickly as B、as soon as C、as far as D、as long as
    A、life B、luck C、pay D、job
    A、serious B、popular C、small D、simple
    A、drive B、repair C、buy D、sell
    A、sent B、asked C、saved D、lent
    A、money B、business C、workers D、cars
    A、in B、through C、by D、for
    A、quickly B、quietly C、luckily D、happily
    A、ourselves B、himself C、herself D、myself
    A、excitement B、success C、truth D、love


  • 2. 阅读理解

    Ways to Reduce (减少) Food Waste Food bank

    Many countries have food banks. People and food stores can give extra (额外的)food to them and they can give the food to those in need. Shanghai Oasis opened China first food bank in 2015. In five years, it saved 7 million tons of food and helped 760,000 people, Xinhua reported.

    Buy ugly food

    Many fruits and vegetables go to waste because they look ugly. For example, about 25 to 30 percent of carrots don't make it to the store because of their looks, the UN said So try to buy ugly food next time, as it is just as good as "normal" food.

    Order dishes with the "N-l" formula (公式).

    Many Chinese restaurants are telling people to order dishes by using the "N-l" formula. "N" stands for the number of people in your group. So if you're in a group of six people, you should order five dishes.

    (1)、If you want to have dinner with ten friends in a restaurant in China, you'd better order______________ dishes according to the passage.
    A、nine B、ten C、eleven D、twelve
    (2)、Which of the following is true?
    A、Shanghai Oasis saved 760,000 tons of food in five years. B、People don't like ugly fruit because they are not so good. C、We have food banks to save food and give it to those in need. D、A lot of countries tell people to order dishes by using the "N-l" formula.
    (3)、The purpose of the passage is to____________.
    A、try to buy any fruits and vegetables B、build as many food banks as possible C、call on more people to reduce food waste D、tell people to order dishes with the "N-1" formula
  • 3. 阅读理解

    My family and I went to the Superstar Circus last weekend. We went to the last show at nine o'clock. The horses performed first. The horses danced around when the band started to play in order to make everyone happy.

    The young acrobats (杂技演员) were up next. They put on the amazing performance on two-legged chairs. The most special one was performed by a fifteen-year-old girl. She rode a bicycle on a rope (绳索),but it was difficult for her to ride the bike on the thin rope. As she tried to ride from one end to the other, she almost fell down twice. The crowd broke into a loud applause (掌声) when she finally finished her performance.

    Next, a large elephant stepped carefully on its trainer before walking over him. The people gave them loud applause once again, l was actually an exciting act!

    The clowns (小丑) offered the people the interesting act during the break. They played jokes on each other and even on some of the people in the crowd. We had a laugh as they finished their act with a funny song and dance.

    After the break came the wild animals. The lions would sit, run and shout according to trainers' orders. The trainer was so close to the lions that we were worried about them much.

    The show ended with a group of clever chimpanzees showing off their maths skills.

    It was already eleven o'clock when we left the circus. We went home, excited by the experience of watching a great, live show. It was a show not to be missed!

    (1)、Which of the following pictures shows the underlined word "circus"?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (2)、The clowns performed _______________.
    A、at the end of the show B、throughout the whole show C、between two performances D、at the beginning of the show
    (3)、In the last act, the chimpanzees could _______________.
    A、dance B、add C、sing D、tell time
    (4)、This passage was probably written by______________.
    A、the horse trainer B、the owner of the circus C、the person who watched the acts D、he clown in the circus
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Sometimes what we write online may have bad results we don't expected. A few years ago, a girl's birthday party turned into a nightmare (噩梦). Fifteen-year-old Cathy posted her address (地址) and an invitation to her birthday party online. When her parents got back from the cinema that evening, they couldn't believe their eyes. There were 500 people at the party, and some of them were even breaking windows, making a mess of the house.

    Most teens think they know everything about social media and things like this could never happen to them. A study shows more than many young people have got into trouble because of their online activities.

    Here are some important tips. They will help you to be safer online.

    RULE1: Share with care!

    Not everyone will like what you write on Facebook or WeChat. You can never completely control who sees your texts, your pictures, or your videos. Before posting them, everyone should ask themselves two questions: "How will I feel if my family or teachers see this?" and "How might this post be bad for me in three, five or ten years from now?'1 RULE 2: Be polite when you write!

    Imagine someone is unfriendly in real life. You don't like it, right? Well, the same is true of online communication. Politeness matters, and anyone can be polite. No one likes it when you "shout" in your messages. If you feel angry or upset while you're writing a message, wait a bit. Read it again later and then send it.

    RULE 3: Protect and respect (尊重)!

    Don't share your passwords with anyone. Don't post your home or email address online. Pay attention to "cyberbullying (网上欺凌)" 一 don't say anything bad about other people. If you get messages like that or see them online, talk to parents or teachers.

    (1)、How does the passage lead into the topic?
    A、By using numbers. B、By giving an example. C、By offering reasons. D、By comparing facts.
    (2)、Which of the following is true according to these three rules?
    A、You can share your personal information online. B、You can write online at any time whether you are angry or not. C、You can write something impolite online if you don't like someone. D、You should predict what will happen to you after writing something online.
    (3)、What is the pattern (模式) of the passage?
    A、Opinion — Reason pattern B、Question — Example pattern C、Problem 一 Solution (方法) pattern D、Cause — Effect (结果) pattern
    (4)、Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
    A、Think before You Act Online B、Make Friends Online C、Rules for Protecting Yourself D、Say No to Cyberbullying
  • 5. 阅读理解

    In one country, a poor man told the king, "My daughter can make straw (稻草) into gold." The king called the girl to the palace (宫殿) and kept her in a tower, saying, "Make all this straw into gold or I'll keep you in the tower forever."

    The girl started to cry. She couldn't make straw into gold. Suddenly, an ugly imp (小精灵) appeared. "I can help you to turn straw into gold," he said. "Give me all your money and I'll do it for you." The girl gave him all her money and the imp changed the straw into gold.

    The next day, the girl thought,"I'm going to be free now," but the same thing happened. This time, the imp helped her and took the girl's ring. On the third night, the girl had nothing to offer him. Finally, thinking she was never going to be free, the girl agreed to give him her first child. The next day, the king was happy with the gold. He married the girl and made her queen.

    Some time later, the queen had a baby. The imp appeared, and the queen didn't want to offer him her child but all of her treasure.

    However, the imp said, "I will give you a chance. If you can guess my name in three days, you can keep your child."

    The queen sent people out to collect everybody's names. She guessed hundreds of names but failed. Finally, one man found the imp's house. lie listened to the imp singing his name ...

    When the imp came back to the palace, the queen asked, 4<Is your name Frederick? Benedict?…Archibald?" Then she had one more guess, "Is your name RumpelstiUskin?"

    The angry imp ran away ... and they never heard from him or saw him again.

    (1)、What do the underlined words "th2 same thing" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
    A、The imp asked the girl for gold. B、The king asked the imp for gold. C、The imp changed the straw into gold. D、The king asked the girl for more gold.
    (2)、What should the girl otter the imp for the third lime?
    A、Her money. B、Her first child. C、Her ring. D、  Her treasure.
    (3)、How did the queen know the imp's name?
    A、She herself guessed the imp's name right. B、The imp himself told her his name. C、She heard the imp singing his name. D、One man told her the imp's name.
    (4)、How did the girl's feelings change in the whole story?
    A、Nervous → moved → upset B、Happy → sad → excited C、Sad → happy →nervous → excited D、Excited → nervous happy → sad


  • 6. 阅读下面文字解说,将A-E参赛照片与相应的文字解说进行匹配,其中有一幅图是多余的,并回答小题。

    Dear Funmag,

    This is me and my younger sister on vacation last summer. We were playing on a beautiful beach, but we weren't really enjoying it. It was rainy and it was cold! We were running back home. It wasn't a good day.

    Eddie Jones

    Hello Funmag,

    This is my funny family last year with our crazy dogs. My dad and sister were eating delicious chocolate cookies. The dogs were really excited. They were jumping on them. They were hungry. It was the funniest time!

    Jon Dent

    Hi Funmag,

        This is my funny family at Christmas last year. They were sitting on a comfortable sofa in front of our new TV. A movie was on TV. They weren't watching it. They were so tired. They were sleeping!

    Becky East

    To Funmag,

        This is me and my older brother last week. We were at a birthday party. We weren't wearing our blue jeans. We were wearing our comfortable pajamas (睡衣).It was a pajamas party. It was a colorful party.

    Olly Clark

    A.   B.   C.

    D.   E.

    Who may Funmag be?

    A. The person who is the winner.   
    B. The person who likes parties.

    C. The person who took these pictures.
    D. The person who decides the winners.


  • 7. While camping by Dongqian Lake, we sat around the fire to keep (我们自己) warm.
  • 8. Shakespeare's works were popular (在...中) the common people in his day.
  • 9. To make my letter easy to understand, I should make it shorter and (清楚易懂的).
  • 10. (无论何时) he's around, he always tries his best to help us.
  • 11. Why did these (德国人) politely refuse their friend's invitation to go out for dinner?
  • 12. The rain was (敲打) the window heavily when he fell asleep.
  • 13. In summer, the sky often (突然) goes dark and then it starts to rain.
  • 14. We reach the agreement that (没有人) talks about work over lunch.
  • 15. The most important part of the (政府) plan is to stop wasting food.
  • 16. It's unbelievable that the technology of China has (进步) in such a rapid way.


  • 17. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用一次(每空一词)。

    weigh  area  because  nowadays  huge

    Gorillas (大猩猩) are smart animals. They live in groups, and they communicate using body languages and sounds.

    Gorillas live in the forests of Africa. There are five different kinds of gorilla,and they live in five different in Africa. An adult gorilla are 1.8 meters tall and more than 250 kilograms. Gorillas don't cat any meat but they eat amounts (数量) of plants - 23 kilograms of grass, leaves, fruit and flowers every day!

    Gorillas are endangered animals they are losing their living places and they are also caught by humans. In fact, humans are the only killers.

    Gorillas need our help! , there are only 600 mountain gorillas left in the world. To help them, we have to protect the African forests they live in and stop killing.


  • 18. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连货的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式(最多限填三个单词)填空。

    Yuan Longping, the famous Chinese agronomist died on Saturday at the age of 91. The Chinese agronomist was famous for (develop) the first hybrid rice varieties (杂交水稻品种) in the 1970s and regarded as a hero for many of his (achieve). People in China were so sad they went on streets in Changsha to say goodbye to him.

    Yuan, known the "father of hybrid rice", had given his life to the research of hybrid rice, which helped China to feed nearly one-fifth of the world's population with only about 7 percent of the world's land.

    Born in Beijing in 1930, Yuan (success) in growing the world's first high-yielding hybrid rice strain in 1973 because he knew the (important) of food in China.

    For the next forty years, he continued to research and achieving higher and higher output, which could help to make a big difference Chinese people's life. He still worked in the fields of resting at home even though he was ninety.

    On September 29, 2019, Yuan was awarded the "Medal of the Republic," the (high) honor (荣誉) in the country because of what he did for China.

    Yuan once said he had two dreams - One was to 4tenjoy the cool under the rice crops taller than men" and the was that hybrid rice could be grown all over the world to help solve the food problem.


  • 19. 暑假将至,合理安排能让假期更充实。鄞州区某校布置了特殊的"四个一"暑期社 会实践活动:参加一次志愿活动、参观一座博物馆、分享一本好书、承担一件家务,以此激 发他们责任感和使命感。请你根据表格内容结合自身情况,写一篇短文阐述你的计划和原因。

    Activities                  What                                Why

    Volunteering                go to old people's house             lonely

    Visiting a museum        Sharing a book       Doing housework



    3)词数:80-100 个;


    Our school advises us to do meaningful activities during the summer holiday. Here is my plan.