
试卷更新日期:2022-04-25 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. The ________ on Jack's face showed that he was surprised at the news.
    A、secret B、form C、expression D、sense
  • 2. Parents should teach their children to ________ properly in public.
    A、prevent B、support C、reflect D、behave
  • 3. Cooking is important in daily life, and ________ should learn to cook some simple dishes.
    A、nobody B、anybody C、somebody D、everybody
  • 4. The brain is the ________ part of human body, so we should try to keep our brains healthy and active.
    A、empty B、central C、private D、medical
  • 5. Your answer ________ be right, but I'm going to check to make sure.
    A、might B、can't C、must D、needn't
  • 6. I ________ go out to eat with my family because it's too expensive.
    A、always B、gradually C、directly D、seldom
  • 7. Lucy said that she had sent a letter to me, but I haven't ________ it.
    A、invented B、received C、heard D、compared
  • 8. —What do you think of your Chinese teacher?

    —Well, we are afraid of her, but ________ we really like her very much.

    A、for the first time B、at the same time C、at that time D、from time to time
  • 9. Bob and his friends________ Bruce because he kept them waiting so long.
    A、got on with B、took care of C、got mad at D、looked up to
  • 10. —Mom always comes home by 7: 00 p. m. ________, she will come back as soon as the meeting is over at 6:30.

    —I hope so.

    A、Without doubt B、Once in a while C、In total D、All of a sudden
  • 11. The writer ________ her original (起初的) idea although her friends made other suggestions.
    A、clean off B、talk back C、take off D、stick to
  • 12. I know my cousin is careless—she often wears my hat ________.
    A、by heart B、by hand C、by mistake D、by plane
  • 13. —Do you like the novel?

    —Yes, I do. It is the first novel ________ I have read three times.

    A、when B、that C、who D、whose
  • 14. — How long will it take me to get to the museum?

    — It depends on ________.

    A、what you will think of it B、how you will get there C、why you will go there D、what you will buy from there
  • 15. — I'm afraid I can't come to your birthday party, Jack.

    —________! But why?

    A、What nice news B、How happy C、How lucky D、What a pity


  • 16. 从方框内所给的句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话。

    A: You look upset. What's up?

    B: Well, Rob. I had lunch today with some people from sales (销售部).


    B: No. The food was good.

    A: Was the waiter impolite?

    B: No. He was polite.


    B: The people from sales kept answering their phones.

    A: Well, they are busy people.

    B: I understand that. They are supposed to say, "Excuse me, I have to take this call"


    B: No. They just answered their phones at the table. Then they had long conversations. A: That's not right. They should leave the table for long calls.

    B: He ignored(不予理睬)everyone.

    A: I know. Some people do have bad phone habits. They should learn to change them.

    A. Was the food bad?

    B. And they didn't do that?

    C. Then what was wrong?

    D. But they should be polite.

    E. We aren't supposed to have good phone habits.

    F. They shouldn't use their phones in public places.

    G. And one man played games on his phone for the whole meal.


  • 17. 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

    Canadian girl Capri loves to sing. She1loves to help others. Years ago after she read stories about homeless children, she felt the need to do something. Her father, Tom, came up with a way for her to help them. He 2 her to use her voice to raise money for a children's charity (慈善团体), SOS Children's Villages. Capri 3it. She visited and sang in 80 different countries around the world in nine months.

    In each country (from Thailand to Turkey and the Netherlands to New Zealand), Capri learned and 4 the country's anthem(国歌). She sang in 41 languages! "I had to make sure to learn the correct5 of each national anthem." she says. 6 she couldn't go to school during the nine-month trip, she also juggled(尽力同时应付) homework.

    Along the way, Capri met some of the children she was trying to7. She met girls in Cambodia who 8 go to school and a homeless girl in South Africa.

    "Meeting them made me 9 how lucky I am to have so much in my life," Capri says. "The whole trip gave me a better10of my life and the world.

    A、also B、just C、ever D、nearly
    A、valued B、encouraged C、praised D、punished
    A、failed B、mailed C、did D、interviewed
    A、locked B、mentioned C、produced D、performed
    A、fair B、pronunciation C、stamp D、direction
    A、Though B、Or C、Until D、Unless
    A、help B、beat C、admire D、increase
    A、mustn't B、needn't C、shouldn't D、couldn't
    A、influence B、realize C、suppose D、doubt
    A、pain B、list C、understanding D、background


  • 18. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Day 1

    Now I'm here! My mom sent me here as she said I had nothing to do at home during the summer holidays. My dad worried that I might have trouble sleeping away from home. But I decided to have a try.

    I lived in a room with a girl called Catherine. I asked her why she joined this camp. She said that she wanted to give herself a break from the boring school life, and she heard about this camp at school and thought it would be interesting. She didn't worry about herself much, since she believed that our instructor(指导员) would look after us. That's why she is here. Looking at her, I hope we could become good friends.

    Day 2

    The instructor woke us up at 6 o'clock and asked us to get together in the playground in15 minutes. Catherine and I rushed to get out of bed and wash up. When we got to the playground in time, several kids were standing in line already. Suddenly the fire bell rang. We were scared, and just then the instructor appeared. She told us that what we heard was a false alarm(假警报)and we needed to keep calm (镇静的). At about 6: 30, we left the camp and took a long walk near a lake. We were all very tired. When we went back to the camp, it was already 12 o'clock. In the dining hall, there was some bread on the table. Everyone ran to reach for it. I think it was the most delicious lunch I had ever had.

    (1)、The idea to send the writer to the camp was from her_______.
    A、mother B、father C、instructor D、friend
    (2)、Catherine joined the camp in order to________.
    A、make friends B、stay healthy C、have fun D、learn something
    (3)、When the writer and Catherine got to playground on the morning of Day 2, _______.
    A、all the other kids had left B、the fire bell stopped ringing C、their instructor was already there D、there were already several kids there
    (4)、How long was the long walk?
    A、About 5 hours. B、About 5 and a half hours. C、About 6 hours. D、About 6 and a half hours.
    (5)、What does the underlined word "it" mean?
    A、The bed. B、The dining hall. C、The bread. D、The clock.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    Do you know how many kinds of plants and animals there are in the world? Experts(专家)believe there are over 8 million, but right now we only know about 1. 8 million. Scientists are finding new kinds all the time.

    In 2019, a team of researchers led by a university professor(教授) named Austin discovered a new kind of animal. They were in

    Papua, studying the wide kinds of life of the island country. One day, the researchers were listening to the sounds of frogs(青蛙) at night. Suddenly, they started to hear some very unusual sounds. At first, they couldn't tell where the sounds were coming from, but after some time they realized they were coming from the ground. They started to look carefully among the leaves. They were expecting to find an insect, but what they found surprised them. It was a really tiny frog —just 7 mm long!" This frog has a sound that doesn't sound like a frog at all. It sounds like an insect," said Austin. The frog they discovered was the smallest frog in the world.

    Researchers believe that frogs and insects are very important. They help to keep our environment clean. We can also use them to make new medicines.

    Researchers all over the world are working very hard to find new plants and animals every day. However, their jobs are getting more and more difficuIt. This 1s because forests where these animals live are quickly disappearing, and the animals are, too.

    (1)、How many kinds of plants and animals have we known?
    A、Almost all. B、A bit over half. C、Half. D、Less than one quarter.
    (2)、Austin and his team found the new frog when they were _______.
    A、looking for insects B、studying leaves C、listening to the sounds of frogs D、doing researches on the beach
    (3)、The new frog was special because of its________.
    A、color and age B、size and sound C、color and size D、sound and age
    (4)、What makes it more difficult to find new plants and animals?
    A、Animals and forests are getting fewer. B、Fewer researchers want to do the job. C、Less attention is paid to the job. D、More plants and animals have been known.
    (5)、The passage is mainly about _______.
    A、when the new frog was found B、how the new frog was found C、where to find new plants and animals D、why to find new plants and animals
  • 20. 阅读理解

    Joe moved to Canada with his family at the age of 41. There were many stressful days for them in the beginning. Since Joe had no job, the savings(存款) they brought with them were diminishing quickly.

    One day, Joe went out to look for a job. As he walked, he saw many things on the street that people threw away on Garbage(垃圾)Day— TVs, washing machines and fridges. Joe could not believe his eyes. "Why would people throw away such things?" he asked himself. Joe saw a "new" television and decided to take it home to see what the problem was. Since he was twelve years old, Joe's main hobby has been electronics. As a teenage boy, he began to repair radios, TVs and so on.

    Joe brought the television home and turned it on. There were pictures on the screen, but there was no sound. He opened the back cover. Before long, Joe found the problem. The

    loudspeaker (扬声器) was broken. He went out again. Among the garbage on the street, he found a toy piano. He carried the piano home. Luckily its loudspeaker worked. Fifteen minutes later, Joe had a TV with both pictures and sound.

    Joe began to question people about why they were throwing away electronics. The answer was the same from everyone: getting them repaired was too expensive. People would rather buy new products. Then Joe came up with an idea to begin his new life.

    (1)、The underlined word "diminishing" in Paragraph 1 means "_______" in Chinese.
    A、节省 B、窃取 C、增加 D、减少
    (2)、How did Joe feel when he saw the things thrown away by people?
    A、Excited B、Surprised C、Upset D、Angry
    (3)、What was Joe mainly interested in as a teenage boy?
    A、Repairing electronics. B、Listening to the radio. C、Playing the piano. D、Watching TV.
    (4)、Why did Joe bring the toy piano home?
    A、To sell it for money later. B、To play it for fun. C、To repair the television. D、To put it in his shop.
    (5)、Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
    A、Garbage Day B、An unusual shop C、New country, new life D、A creative teenager
  • 21. 阅读理解

    Andrea is an American writer. She has written more than 20 books, including her latest collection of poems, Martin Rising: Requiem for a King.

    Reporter: What inspired(激励)you to become a writer?

    Andrea: When I was in second grade, my dad got me a notebook. He said if I had a thought, l could just write it down. He said it didn't have to be perfect. So that's where it started. Then, when I was in sixth grade, there was a writing competition at my school. My teacher entered me for the competition. I wrote a story about a man made of fire. It was a mess, but my story won. I felt good, and I thanked my teacher for that.

    Reporter: What were some of your favorite books when you were a kid?

    Andrea: One was The Snowy Day. That was really the first mainstream(主流的) book to have an African-American kid as the main character. I loved Peter, and this kid looked just like me. I loved that book.

    Reporter: You're both a writer and an editor (编辑). What's the difference between the two jobs?

    Andrea: When I write, I'm creating what's going to go in the book. When I'm editing, I'm helping other writers say what they want to say. As an editor, I also pass messages between the writer and the illustrator(插图画家), who typically do not meet each other.


    Andrea: Write about things that are important to you. Believe that you can do it, and don't let anybody tell you that you can't.

    (1)、Who encouraged Andrea to start writing?
    A、Her teacher. B、Her father. C、Her classmate. D、Her mother.
    (2)、When Andrea was in sixth grade, ________.
    A、her life was a mess B、she read her favorite book C、she won a writing competition D、her teacher often helped with her studies
    (3)、What can we know about The Snowy Day?
    A、It is a collection of poems. B、It was the first book Andrea read. C、Its hero is an African-American boy. D、It was written by Andrea's teacher.
    (4)、What does Andrea think of the editor?
    A、The job of an editor is boring. B、The editor helps writers draw pictures. C、The job of an editor is similar to that of a writer. D、The editor is a bridge between the writer and the illustrator.
    (5)、What is probably the last question the reporter asked?
    A、Where do your ideas come from? B、When do you usually write your books? C、Can you say something about your latest book? D、What advice do you have for kids who want to be writers?


  • 22. 在下面对话的空白处填入恰当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。
    A: Good morning, madam. ?

    B: Yes, I'd like to buy a dress, please.

    A: Oh, good! We've got lots of new dresses in different styles. They were all produced in Shanghai and their quality(质量) is very good.

    B: Oh, they touch soft. . ?

    A: The blue ones are made of cotton, and those green ones are made of silk.

    B: But I don't like the colors.

    A: Well, this way please! Please look at this one. I think this one is for your age.

    B: Oh, it's brown. I like brown. Is it made of silk, too?

    A: Yes. It feels very cool in summer.

    B: It's good. ?

    A:Of course. Hmm, it fits you very well and you really look beautiful in it.

    B: How much is it?

    A: $ 78.

    B: OK.

六、根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(共11分。局部翻译,每小题1分;整句翻译,每 小题2分)

  • 23. 没什么能妨碍我们的计划。

    Nothing can our plan.

  • 24. 他似乎是特地帮我的忙。

    He seemed to help me.

  • 25. 无论何时遇到新单词,你都可以在这本字典中查到。

    Whenever you meet the new words, you can in this dictionary.

  • 26. 出席这次会议是值得的。

    It the meeting.

  • 27. 你知道在飞机上关闭手机的目的吗?

    Do you know keeping off mobile phones when being on the plane?

  • 28. Jack已经习惯向别人传播温暖了。
  • 29. 这些学生将被分成两组来读这首诗。
  • 30. 妈妈总是教育我智慧地学习。


  • 31. 阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。

    Do you like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs(侏儒)?Nearly half of the villagers in Mingyangsi, a small village in Sichuan Province are dwarfs People with a height of less than 1 meter are seen everywhere.

    According to the elderly people in the village, they used to enjoy a peaceful life until one summer night in 1951. A mysterious illness came by and mainly struck children between the ages of five and seven. They stopped growing and their heights have never changed for the rest of their lives.

    Many scientists and experts have visited the village to study the water, soil and grain(土壤和谷物) in the area. They've also examined the villagers to collect a few clues(线索). Hope to find out the answers in the future!


  • 32. 根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次, 有两个多余词)

    sport, smooth, since, role, wide, in, invite, develop, both, among, whole, surprise

    Five most influential sports in China

    ●Women's national volleyball

    The China women's national volleyball team is one of the leading volleyball teams in the world. The team won the Olympic titles(冠军) in 1984 and in 2004. Though with as low in the late 2000s, the team rose again and won the Olympic title a third time in2016.


    Ping-pong, or table tennis, is an unfailing national sport in China, Chinese ping-pong players have won 60% of the Men's World Championships 1959 and almost all of Women's World Championships. The sport plays an important. in China's history. In1971, the USA table tennis team was by China and played with the Chinese team, which became the well-known "Ping-pong diplomacy(外交). "


    You can find people riding bieycles everywhere in China. The country owned about500 million bicycles in the late 1980s, bicycles are used to travel in the country.


    Chinese diving started to the world from the 1980s. all the sports in China, the Chinese diving" dream team" has won more Olympic titles than any other sport in the country.

    ●Badminton (羽毛球)

    Badminton is one of the most popular in China. You can find people playing badminton in communities, parks, gyms…Badminton lets the Chinese people have an easy Sport to choose after the meal.


  • 33. 阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。

    Bao, an eight-minute film, is the winner of the 2019 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film(奥斯卡最佳动画短片).

    The story starts when a lovely baozi comes to life in an old Chinese woman's house. The woman is a lonely mother. Because of the lovely baozi, she gets to revisit the joy of being a parent. As the cute baozi boy grows into a teenager and finally an adult, the mother realizes that her child will not stay cute, and by her side forever.

    The director of the short film is Domee Shi, a Chinese-Canadian woman. She got the idea for the film from her own life. "I'm an only child with Chinese parents, so I was very protected. I'd always been my mom's 'little dumpling'," Shi said. "It was a challenge to put myself in my mom's shoes and try to understand things from her point of view (视角). "Through making the film, she understood her mom better.

    Many Asians were touched by the film. They are so familiar(熟悉的) with the mother's way of showing her love.

    "Bao is very similar to me because lam a daughter of a Korean mom and I grew up like this, " someone said online.

    "I cried watching Bao. It's so beautiful," another said.

    Even though something is small, it can be used to do big things. Clearly, Domee Shi knows it. She wanted to tell a great parent-child story with the food of baozi. She made it.

    (1)、How long is the film "Bao"?
    (2)、What makes the lonely mother revisit the joy of being a parent?
    (3)、What is the idea of making the film from?
    (4)、How did Domee Shi understand her mom better?
    (5)、Who is so familiar with the mother's way of showing her love?
  • 34. 阅读下面短文,完成表格。(横线上所填内容词数不限)

    Some of us have little difficulty in falling asleep anywhere. But there are also quite a few of us who find it's really hard to fall asleep when we need rest. It often makes us crazy.

    So, how to get a better night's sleep? Here are the 3 things that I've found to be the most useful for helping me fall asleep faster and finally get a better night's sleep:

    Put down your phone

    The first decision that I've found to be really helpful in getting me to sleep faster at night is not to end my night by being on my phone. Every day I try to put my phone away at least one hour before bed. Of course, it's of great help.


    I've heard that some people say when they try meditation, they can't seem to focus (集中注意力) and as a result they fall asleep. But, don't we want to have a good sleep? I often choose to guide myself through my bedtime meditation and it helps me sleep. Write it out

    The last tool I'd like to suggest is keeping your diary. I personally love to just let my mind say everything it wants to, so that it feels heard. After writing out what happened in the day, you simply end your day with ease(缓解).

    Not only is sleep quite comfortable, it's also a very important activity that can help us to recharge and reset(恢复体力和调整).


    Put down your phone

    for me to sleep by putting my phone away at least one hour before bed.


    some people can't focus when they try meditation and as a result they fall asleep.

    ♡After writing out what happened in the day, you simply end your day with ease.

    All in all, sleep is . It can recharge and reset.


  • 35. 根据要求完成小作文。

    假如你是王竹,上个月你到厦门旅游。你的邻居李丽把你的小狗照顾得很好, 还每周浇一次花。请你给李丽写一封信来表达谢意同时邀请她今晚来你家吃晚饭。


    Dear Li Li,




  • 36. 根据要求完成大作文。

    面对"双减"背景下的九年级学习生活,你考虑过怎样做才能取得好成绩吗?2022年的中考,你准备好了吗?请以 How to get good grades?为题写一篇作文,在下周五的




    How to get good grades

    Now I have less homework than before and I also don't need to go to after-school classes on weekends. In order to improve my grades