
试卷更新日期:2022-04-25 类型:月考试卷


  • 1. When I'm down, my parents and teachers always give me lots of ________to face difficulties.
    A、power B、wealth C、fame D、relief
  • 2. My sister often gives away things to people in trouble. I should learn from _______.
    A、she B、herself C、hers D、her
  • 3. —_______ have you studied Chinese culture?

    —For about 3 years. I'm especially interested in traditional Chinese food.

    A、How often B、How long C、How far D、How soon
  • 4. The doctor _______ the kid and found there was nothing wrong with him.
    A、introduced B、kissed C、examined D、noticed
  • 5. Thanks to a passenger at the airport, I found the passport _______ I lost.
    A、which B、who C、whom D、what
  • 6. Our English teacher is_______ us. We are afraid to make mistakes.
    A、relaxed about B、friendly to C、hard on D、good with
  • 7. The mother ________her coat and put it over her sleeping kid.
    A、kicked off B、took off C、cleaned off D、put off
  • 8. —I haven't seen you _______ Where have you been?

    —I've been to Shanghai on business.

    A、mostly B、exactly C、actually D、lately
  • 9. The soup________ good. Can I have some more?
    A、tastes B、looks C、smells D、sounds
  • 10. He is so _______ a boy that we all trust him.
    A、humorous B、serious C、honest D、active
  • 11. —I called you yesterday morning, but you didn't answer the phone.

    —I_______ some of my old friends at that time.

    A、dropped by B、was dropping by C、will drop by D、drop by
  • 12. There________ many old houses in our city, but now we can see many new tall buildings.
    A、used to be B、used to have C、were used to be D、were used to have
  • 13. ________basic knowledge we are learning!
    A、How B、How a C、What a D、What
  • 14. —I'm not sure _______.

    —Don't worry. Just try your best.

    A、when I can hear from him B、if I can pass the driving test C、whether he likes living here or not D、how many times he has read the book
  • 15. —Sorry, I don't know how to behave at the new school.

    —_______. Let me help you, and you won't find these rules strange soon.

    A、That's too bad B、I'm sorry to hear that C、Never mind D、Don't mention it


  • 16. 从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项)

    A: Excuse me, Li Hua.

    B: Of course not. What's up, Lily?

    A: A Chinese friend invited me to her house. Can you help me?

    B: Sure. When are you supposed to get there?

    A: At 9:00 a. m.

    B: , or they will be worried about you.

    A: All right.

    B: You are supposed to say hello to everyone.

    A: OK. Oh, what about the gift?

    B: You should take some flowers or fruit.

    A: Thanks a lot for your help.

    B: No problem.

    A. What should I take?

    B. Should I take a gift?

    C. Could you please help me?

    D. Would you mind helping me?

    E. But I don't know much about the customs.

    F. What am I supposed to do when I meet her family?

    G. Well, the first thing is that you should get there on time.


  • 17. 根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

    There was once a well (井). People got water from it. They got water1dropping a bucket(桶) tied to a rope deep into the well. They would then2the bucket up from the well by the rope. The rope passed over a wheel that was just above the well. Another bucket was tied to the other end of the rope. Either bucket would3water, depending on which direction the wheel was turned.

    A strong pull brought one bucket to the top, while4the other bucket was lowered (降下) to the water. They always passed each other on the way up and down, but the buckets5had time to speak.

    At last, the rope became won(坏的). So a new rope had to be put in its place. While this was being done, the two buckets were left standing near the well.

    "What a boring life we have!" said one bucket to the other. "I'm fed up with (厌烦) it. No matter6full we come up, we are always sent down empty!"

    But the other bucket laughed, and said, "Well, to me, there seems7to complain(抱怨) about. Don't you see that whenever we are sent down empty, we always come up full?"

    Boys and girls sometimes talk like these two buckets. You8hear one of them say, "Just as we are having a good game, we are made to stop and go to work again. ""Yes, "the other will reply, "but 9 work is over, we always get to go out and play again. ""There are two ways of looking at things. If you want to be happy, look at the10side. Do you agree?

    A、by B、over C、through D、in
    A、push B、pull C、prefer D、prepare
    A、turn on B、give out C、pick up D、put down
    A、at first B、by accident C、in that case D、at the same time
    A、usually B、often C、sometimes D、never
    A、how B、what C、when D、where
    A、something B、anything C、nothing D、everything
    A、should B、must C、will D、may
    A、until B、as soon as C、because D、although
    A、possible B、bright C、important D、perfect


  • 18. 根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案。

    When I was a student in France, a local friend invited me to have lunch at her home. During the meal, I found all her family had their hands on the table, except me. Later I learned that it's impolite to put your hands under the table.

    When I was a student in the UK, I went to a pub(酒吧) with two local friends. We all had a drink and I drank mine quickly. My friends still had half-full glasses so I bought another drink, just for myself. My friends said, "You can't do that. When in a pub in the UK, you should buy drinks for you and your friends." I was so embarrassed.

    I spent a year studying in Germany. I was shocked the first time I went to a lecture讲座). At the end of the lecture, all the students started knocking on their desks. How strange! A student told me that in Germany, students don't clap their hands(拍手) to show they like something. They knock on their desks instead.

    I love making birthday cards. One day, when I was a student in South Korea, I made a birthday card for a local friend. But when I gave the card to her, she cried, " My name is written in red ink(墨水)!"She said in South Korea, a name written in red ink means that the person has died.

    (1)、Michael once studied in _______.
    A、the UK B、France C、Germany D、South Korea
    (2)、Why didn't Adam buy drinks for his friends?
    A、Because he had no money B、Because it was the custom. C、Because they didn't finish theirs. D、Because they didn't need any more.
    (3)、To show they liked the lecture, the students_______.
    A、stood up B、clapped their hands C、knocked on the desks D、put their hands on the desks
    (4)、How might Zoe feel when she heard her friend's explanation(解释)?
    A、Embarrassed. B、Nervous. C、Angry. D、Bored.
    (5)、What caused the four students' problems?
    A、They weren't polite enough. B、They didn't know the local customs well. C、They had never been abroad D、They didn't understand foreign languages well
  • 19. 阅读理解

    It's well-known that human activity is changing the surface and temperature of the planet. But new research shows it is also changing the sound of the Earth's oceans and seas. Scientists say the changes in the sounds of our oceans, seas, and other waterways make a difference to many marine(海洋的)animals-from very small shrimp(虾) to huge whales.

    Sound travels very far underwater. Sounds help fish and other marine animals survive(生存). They use sounds to communicate with each other. Sounds also help some marine animals find food and avoid their hunters is making it harder for these animals to hear each other. The noise is coming from shipping traffic, motorized (有引擎的) fishing ships, underwater oil and gas exploration (石油和天外气勘探)and other noisy human activities.

    Experts at NOAA (美国国家海洋和天气管理局)say that effects of noise on marine animals are not well understood However, some studies show that noise may cause hearing problems in marine animals. The stress from human noise might also affect the animals' immune system(免疫系统).

    "Imagine having to raise your kids in a place that's noisy all the time, said Joe Roman, a marine scientist. It comes as no surprise that many marine animals are showing higher levels of stress because of noise. "

    Scientists say when people think of the threats(威胁) that are facing the ocean, we often think of climate(气候)change plastics and overfishing. But noise pollution is another important thing we need to consider.

    Noise pollution may be easier to deal with than other ocean threats. People can turn down or turn off sound with little effort. It's not like plastics or climate change, which are much harder to undo(消除).

    (1)、New research shows human activity is changing _______.
    A、the sound of Earth's oceans and seas B、the shape of small shrimp and huge whales C、the surface and temperature of the planet D、the ways of communication between marine animals
    (2)、Sound can help marine animals do many things EXCEPT________.
    A、To find food B、To Travel very far underwater C、To avoid their hunters D、To communicate with each other
    (3)、From the third paragraph, we can infer(推断) _______ can increase noise from humans.
    A、relaxing on the ship B、going fishing by the sea C、swimming in the sea D、exploring oil underwater
    (4)、The underlined word "affect" means _______ in the fourth paragragh.
    A、create B、control C、require D、influence
    (5)、What's the title of this passage?
    A、Ocean threats B、Noise pollution C、Marine animals D、The use of sound
  • 20. 阅读理解

    Gu Ailing is a talented free skier(自由滑雪选手). She is also a model and Stanford student. She is one of the top medal hopefuls(有望夺牌者) in Beijing2022. In fact, she doesn't disappoint people. She finally won three medals at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics一gold in both big air(大跳台) and halfpipe(U 型场地), and a silver in slopestyle(坡面障碍技巧).

    Gu was born in the US on Sept 3, 2003, where she started on the snow at the age of 3. Her father is American and her mother is Chinese. She hopes to use sports as "a bridge" between China and the US. So she got Chinese citizenship(国籍) when she was 15to encourage more Chinese young people to take part in ice and snow sports. She began competing for China in 2019. She established herself(站稳脚跟) in just two years of international competition, winning her first World Cup event in 2019. Later she won golds at the Winter Youth Olympic Games as well as the World Championships.

    "For me personally, my goal is to win Olympic old That to me is just representative of excellence(杰出代表) in sport, "Gu said in an interview.

    Hoping to encourage young people to do ice and snow snorts the teenager embraced (迎接) all the attention with her trademark eloquence (标志性的口才):"I'm S mud to have done my best to spread appositive and personal message, and to have reached audiences(观众) willing to listen to me. "

    (1)、According to the first paragraph, Gu Ailing is a _______.
    A、freeskier B、model C、student D、All above
    (2)、How many gold medals did Gu Ailing win at the Beiiingz 2022 Winter Olympics?
    A、0 B、1. C、2 D、3
    (3)、When did she begin competing for China?
    A、In 2003 B、In 2018 C、In 2019 D、In 2022
    (4)、Gu Ailing's goal is to win ________.
    A、the Olympics B、the World Championships C、the World Cup D、the Winter Youth Olympic Games
    (5)、According to the last passage, we can know Gu Ailing tries her best to_______.
    A、get people's attention B、ecourage all the people to do sports C、win gold medals D、spread a positive and personal message
  • 21. 阅读理解

    Pineapples are delicious fruit and now they have a new use. As drones (无人机)! A research team in Malaysia has found a way to turn pineapple waste into drone parts.

    Farmers in Hulu Langat region, Malaysia, grow large areas of pineapples. The pineapples taste pretty good, but their leaves are useless. The large number of pineapple leaves was a big problem for local farmers. Often they were homes for dangerous animals like lizards or snakes. Since the farmers didn't have a good way of solving the problem, they usually burned (烧) them. That was bad for the environment.

    ___________A research team from the University of Putra Malaysia has discovered a way to make pineapple leaves "fly". They turn them into fibers(纤维制品) that can be used to produce drone parts. The pineapple fibers are cheaper, lighter and stronger than traditional ones. They are green as well. When a drone is out of use, its pineapple-leaf-based parts can be buried(埋) without polluting the environment.

    This invention also gives back to the local economy(经济). Local farmers can sell their pineapple leaves to make more money instead of burning them for nothing.

    The pineapple drones can reach a height of 1, 000 m and fly for 20 minutes. The team's end goal is to develop larger drones that can be used for agricultural (农业的) activities. Locals are hoping that this new development will encourage more clever inventions for the use of pineapple waste.

    (1)、The first paragraph tells us a new way to _______.
    A、use pineapple waste B、process pineapples C、grow pineapples D、change pineapples
    (2)、How did farmers in Hulu Langat region use to deal with pineapple leaves?
    A、They sold them. B、They turned them into fibers. C、They burned them. D、They used them to keep animals.
    (3)、Which of the following can be put in _______?
    A、How to deal with pineapple waste is still a problem. B、Pineapple leaves can't be eaten and used by the farmers. C、In fact, what the farmers did was not good for the environment. D、Luckily, they now can change pineapple waste into things of value.
    (4)、According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
    A、The color of pineapple fibers is green. B、Pineapples can be used to produce drones. C、Pineapple leaves are cheaper, lighter and stronger. D、Farmers can make money by selling pineapple leaves
    (5)、The pineapple drones parts now can_______.
    A、be made of pineapple waste B、be used for agricultural activities C、be 1, 000 m tall and fly for 20 minutes D、encourage people to invent more drones


  • 22. 在下面对话的空白处填入恰当的话语,使对话完整。

    A: Hi, Mary. You look so happy. ?

    B: We won one more gold medal at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Didn't you watch the event yesterday?

    A: No, I was busy doing homework yesterday. .

    B: Su Yiming. He won it in the men's snowboard big air.

    A: I hear Su Yiming is only 18 years old.

    B: That's right. This is the second medal he got at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

    A: .

    ! He is without doubt the pride of China.

    B: I agree. By the way. What kind of winter sports do you like?

    A: I like skating.

    B: Me, too.


    B: That sounds good. I'm free tomorrow. See you tomorrow. A: See you.


  • 23. 别沮丧。毕竟输赢只是比赛的一部分。

    Don't be upset. Winning or losing is only half the game, .

  • 24. 谢谢你特地给我做这么美味的食物。

    Thank you for to cook such delicious food for me.

  • 25. 你吃越多的甜食,你体重增加的就会越多。

    The more sweet food you eat, you'll put on.

  • 26. 好像很多重要的信息被忽略了。

    It seemed that much important information.

  • 27. 他正在逐渐习惯这里的饮食习惯。

    He is gradually the eating habits here.

  • 28. 自我18岁以来,我就和汤姆成为朋友了。
  • 29. 只要我们齐心协力,就会赢得他们的支持。
  • 30. 我弟弟和我都不想让我们的父母失望。


  • 31. 阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。

    What's the most popular Winter Olympics design with kids and teenagers? It must be the mascot(吉祥物). A baby panda was chosen as the mascot for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics in 2019. What can better stand for China than our national treasure? Its name is Bing Dwen Dwen. It wears a full-body "shell" made of ice and looks like an astronaut in a space suit. Some colored floating lines(流动线条) around its head look like the tracks on an ice rink(冰场). They refer to Beijing's National Speed Skating Oval (国家速滑馆), known as the "Ice Ribbon"(冰丝带). The colorful lines also refer to fast 5G signals (信号). Bing Dwen Dwen has two red hearts on its hands, showing kindness and love. Look! It is waving (挥舞) its left hand with a red heart to greet the whole world.


  • 32. 根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次, 有两个多余词)

    worth   five   suggest   manner   lies   between   big   expect   rather   another   advice   hope

    Brazil is the world's largest country after Russia, Canada, China and the US. It in the eastern Part of South America and covers an area of 8.51 million square kilometers. The capital of Brazil used to be Rio de Janeiro, the second . A city in the country on the South Atlantic(大西洋) coast, but now it is Brasilia.

    Brazil is a beautiful country and is visiting Every year a lot of people from all over the world visit it. Would you also like to travel there? If so here is a(n) for your to learn as many Brazilian customs as possible.

    The communication style of Brazilian locals is usually relaxing and informal (非正式的). Brazilians are quite direct in their of sneaking as well as in what they say. When communicating, locals will often touch one lightly and stand close together. Sticking the thumb(拇指)the middle and index finger(食指)is a symbol of wishing someone good luck in Brazil. Women are generally to take care of all chores. Brazilians are generally well dressed and neat (爱整洁的). In a work-related (与工作有关的)environment, it is not acceptable to wear jeans.


  • 33. 阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题

    How well do you think you would sleep if you were sleeping high in the sky? Thanks to a company in Peru, you can find it out!

    The company offers its guests three "transparent capsule suites(透明胶囊套房)", which hang from the top of a 1200-foot mountain. They are called Sky lodge Adventure Suites. The suites are surprisingly spacious (宽敞的)—they're over 7 m long and about 2. 4 m high and wide. Each suite has four beds, a dining area and a bathroom. To get to the suites, guests can either climb 400 meters up a rock face or take a challenging hike that includes using zip lines(滑索). Both of them are exciting. When guests arrive, an ice dinner awaits. Breakfast is also served the next morning. One night's stay starts at about $400.

    Those who don't have time to stay the night can instead have lunch in the dining capsule, which is also on the side of the mountain. It can hold up to 12 people.

    (1)、What does the company in Peru offer its guests?
    (2)、Why are the suites special?
    (3)、How big are the suites?
    (4)、How many ways can we use to get to the suites?
    (5)、If you stay there for one night, how much will you pay at least?
  • 34. 阅读下面短文,完成表格。

    As you know. washing your hands is an important way to stop the spread of germs(细菌). And another important way is to "cover your cough" Butt how can you do that and why are you supposed to do that? How to cover your cough

    It's not difficult to cover your cough, but there is a right and wrong way to do it. You shouldn't put your hand in front of your mouth cover y our cough. If you cough with your hands, the germs will then spread onto everything you touch with your hands. You are supposed to cough with the inside of your elbow. That's because you probably won't try to open any doors with your elbow. If you happen to be standing next to a box of tissues(纸巾) when you need to cough, another choice is to cough with it, and then throw it away at once. If you do. you should clean your hands with some hand sanitizer(洗手液) or wash them just in case (以防any germs got by the tissue and onto your hands.

    Why to cover your cough

    It is important to cover your cough. It will greatly reduce(减少) the number of germs. These germs are able to spread to people and objects around vou. Even if your illness doesn't seem very bad to you, it could be much more serious for someone that catches your germs. Besides, it's also a very easy way to cover your cough. This step could protect many people from getting sick.

    Be sure you cover your cough every time and help cut down the spread of airborne (空气传播的)illnesses.

    and why

    Right ways to cover your cough

    Cough with the inside of your elbow your hands

    You won't touch anything with the inside of your elbow.

    Clean your hands at once.

    Why to cover your cough

    It's a(n) way.

    It will greatly reduce

    It could protect many people from getting sick.


  • 35. 根据要求完成小作文。词数:30词左右。


    It's very important to protect your eyes.     ▲    I hope you can follow my advice.

  • 36. 根据要求完成大作文。词数:80-100词。

    在你的生活中,一定发生过一件让你难忘的事情,不管它让你开心或是让你难过,最后都会带给你很多珍贵的领悟。请你以An unforgettable thing为题给大家讲讲你的故事吧。内容包括:

    1) What happened?

    2) When did it happen?

    3) Where did it happen?

    4) How did it make you feel? Why?

    5) What did you learn from the experience?


    An unforgettable thing