
试卷更新日期:2022-04-24 类型:高考模拟

一、听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。(共 5 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 7. 5 分)

  • 1. What are the children probably doing?
    A、Making orange juice. B、Cooking a meal. C、Listening to loud music.
  • 2. Who might Allie be?
    A、The speakers' pet. B、The speakers' child. C、The neighbor's turkey.
  • 3. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A、Ticket prices. B、Trip plans. C、Holiday celebrations.
  • 4. What season is it now?
    A、Spring. B、Summer. C、Winter.
  • 5. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A、At a cafe. B、At a cinema. C、At a fast food restaurant.

二、听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(共 15 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分

  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、How old was the woman when she was allowed to drive by her parents?
    A、18. B、21. C、23.
    (2)、What month was the man born in?
    A、September. B、November. C、December.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What do we know about the camping area?
    A、It's totally free. B、It's a little cold. C、It's very crowded.
    (2)、How long was the man staying for the camping trip?
    A、One night. B、Two nights. C、Three nights.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What problem does Roger have with exams?
    A、He isn't confident. B、He isn't clever. C、He doesn't work hard.
    (2)、How does the man decide to help Roger?
    A、By helping him to stay calm. B、By finding an expert for him. C、By giving him some advice about his future.
    (3)、What do we know about the woman?
    A、She is easy to be tired. B、She often feels nervous. C、She finds exercise relaxing.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、How does the woman feel about her job hunt?
    A、Very excited. B、Quite angry. C、A little unsatisfied.
    (2)、What do we know about The Creator?
    A、It provides medical insurance. B、It gives less holiday time than other companies. C、It gets a lot of great reviews from the customers.
    (3)、What was the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A、Classmates. B、Colleagues. C、Parent and child.
    (4)、What will the woman probably do next?
    A、Negotiate her salary offer. B、Search online for her salary. C、Ask about her benefits package.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the main idea of the talk?
    A、The corona-virus is spreading in the UK. B、The health service in the UK is lacking. C、Orders are given to deal with the virus in the UK.
    (2)、How do people in the UK feel about the announcement?
    A、Calm. B、Shocked. C、Angry.
    (3)、How many times a day are people allowed to exercise outdoors?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three.
    (4)、For what can people leave their homes according to the announcement?
    A、For necessary work. B、For a haircut. C、For public gatherings.


  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Sleep behind ancient stone walls, wake up in an elegant four-poster bed and explore a private estate. We can introduce you to the best castles to rent. From five-star luxury to budget-friendly rustic (质朴的) experiences, each one has its own fascinating history.

    A. Schlosshotel Klink Germany

    € 96 per room, per night (room only)

    Hotel Schloss Klink stands directly beside Lake Müritz, a 5-minute walk from the boat harbor. Built in 1898, many of the elegant rooms feature wooden beams(木梁) and sloping ceilings. There are five on-site restaurants, a large spa and an indoor pool with lake views.

    B. Castello di Bibbione Italy

    € 99 per room, per night (room only)

    Castello di Bibbione is set between Florence and Siena with views of the Chianti hills. The rustic apartments feature wood-beamed ceilings and terracotta floors, and each comes with a fully-equipped kitchenette with a dining area. In the summer, you can relax in the outdoor swimming pool or garden. Wine tastings can be arranged, and bikes are provided free-of-charge.

    C. Augill Castle England

    £180 per room, per night (bed & breakfast) Free cancellations

    Augill Castle is located in the upper reaches of the Eden Valley and is a mere 10 minutes' drive away from the picturesque Yorkshire Dales. This is very much a family retreat and, as such, the castle owners can offer an informal and relaxed castle experience, creating memories that adults and children alike will never forget.

    D. Highlands Castle USA

    $600 per room, per night (room only)

    Highlands Castle is located in Bolton Landing in upstate New York, offering views of Lake George and the Adirondack Mountains. Accommodation includes a seating area and in some cases, a dining area, terrace and kitchen. Guests can enjoy swimming, boating, kayaking (划独木舟), horse-riding and diving.

    (1)、What is special about Castello di Bibbione?
    A、It is near the Yorkshire Dales. B、Visitors can taste wine there. C、Visitors can ride horses for free. D、It is surrounded by the Adirondack Mountains.
    (2)、Where can a family with kids have a comfortable castle experience?
    A、Augill Castle. B、Castello di Bibbione. C、Schlosshotel Klink. D、Highlands Castle.
    (3)、What do Schlosshotel Klink and Highlands Castle have in common?
    A、Both have indoor pools. B、Both are located in New York. C、Both offer lake views. D、Both were built in the 19th century.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    When plumbing( 水暖设备)makes funny noises, it's not always a good sign. But John Kovac, a harpist(竖琴演奏者)from Virginia, likes the pipes to sing. He thinks plumbing pipes make good musical instruments.

    Kovac has made standard harps out of wood for more than 20 years. He says he feels excited when he creates an instrument with his hands and uses it to make music come alive. But it takes years of training and special tools to make a traditional musical instrument. Kovac wanted to share the joy of

    making instruments with people who might not have the time or money to do it. So he decided to find an easier way.

    Plumbing was the answer. Kovac found PVC pipes at a local store. PVC pipes are the white tubing that many plumbers use. You might find some in your house under a sink or in the basement. Kovac says that PVC pipes are great for making instruments because they are inexpensive, come in many shapes and sizes, and fit together perfectly.

    Kovac makes harps, guitars, violins, and drums out of PVC pipes. He also makes uncommon instruments like the udu from Nigeria. His instruments may look as if they come from outer space, but they really work. He and some of his music students and friends even started a band called the East Coast PVC Band.

    Sally Seabright is a violin teacher who plays the PVC violin with the band. At first, the rounded shape of the PVC violin made it difficult to hold between her chin and shoulder, but Kovac made a slight change by adding a piece that fits perfectly under her chin.

    That kind of adaptability is what Kovac admires about PVC. He says, "I know it's not easy for the average person to make a musical instrument, but I hope to enable anyone who has ever dreamed of making a violin, harp, or guitar to fulfill his or her dreams. "

    (1)、What does the author intend to show in paragraph 2?

    A、The great hardships of being a harpist. B、The different instruments Kovac has created. C、The process of making a musical instrument. D、The reason why Kovac came up with his creative idea.
    (2)、Why have PVC pipes won Kovac's favor?
    A、They are environmentally friendly. B、They can make better sounds than wood. C、They are highly available and adaptable. D、They offer a selling point for his instruments.
    (3)、What can be learned about the PVC instruments from paragraph 4?
    A、They are a bit difficult to hold for players. B、They are inspired by outer space elements. C、They are designed to play traditional music. D、They are very unusual in the way they look.
    (4)、What is a suitable title for the text?
    A、A wonderful harpist B、Musical plumbing C、A plumber's music dream D、The East Coast PVC Band
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Everything you know is in your brain. For what you don't, you can ask the web. However, as you can imagine, in the past there were no computers and no web at all. Think about people living 3, 500 years ago, in places where pyramids towered above them. The lack of explanations about how things worked inspired the ancients to make discoveries and feed their curiosity.

    But do not think they knew nothing: in fact, we still wonder how the Egyptians could build the pyramids using their own, rather rudimentary equipment. They wrote down their knowledge on books (called papyrus scrolls) so that later people could benefit from their skills.

    Living safer and healthier was a top priority for the ancients: when they hurt their heads in battles,

    they used to heal their wounds using the cures, some of which were recorded on a papyrus now known as the Edwin Smith Papyrus. Interestingly, this is the oldest written evidence of the word "brain" we have on Earth, and it dates back to 3, 500 years ago!

    However, writing the word "brain" on a papyrus did not solve all the curiosities and questions about it. Around 2, 500 years ago, for example, ancient Greeks wondered whether mind and soul lay in the brain or in the heart.

    2, 000 years ago, Roman physician Galen of Pergamon was sure he had solved the question: it was the brain, not the heart, that was the center of mental life. However, Galen had to convince the people around him that what he had discovered was true. It was not easy, mostly because people held their earlier beliefs. Every neuroscientist, just like Galen did, has to carefully observe reality, focus on something that is really interesting, think about how it can work, perform experiments, and discuss the data they get. This way, they can obtain convincing evidence to be shared with others.

    (1)、What encouraged the ancients to make discoveries?
    A、The search for explanations. B、The need for writing books. C、The hope for keeping curiosity. D、The wish to work faster.
    (2)、Which word can best replace "rudimentary" underlined in paragraph 2?
    A、Complicated. B、Electrical. C、Primitive. D、Protective.
    (3)、What can be learned about the Edwin Smith Papyrus?
    A、It was finished 2,500 years ago. B、It was probably a medical text. C、It was considered useless at first. D、It was written by Galen of Pergamon.
    (4)、How did Galen convince people of his discovery?
    A、By following strict scientific methods. B、By teaching people to do experiments. C、By finding evidence from papyrus scrolls. D、By asking many scientists to support him.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    In 2008, Michael Goodfellow, a scientist at Newcastle University, was handed a soil sample taken from Chile's Atacama Desert—the world's driest desert, once considered a dead zone. "Quite frankly, we didn't expect to isolate(使分离)anything, " Goodfellow admits. But to his surprise, he was able to grow a diversity of bacteria from the sample.

    A 2018 review counted a total of 46 new molecules(分子)that have been isolated from the Atacama bacteria so far, many of which show antibiotic(抗菌的), antiviral or anticancer properties(特征). It was the type of bacteria living in the Atacama that proved particularly exciting: actinobacteria(放线菌).

    Take streptomyces griseus for example, a species of actinobacteria you might find in soil. A sample of streptomyces, when placed among mycobacterium tuberculosis( 结核杆菌), will release a chemical which stops its bacterial neighbors from growing the proteins they need to survive. When scientists at Rutgers University managed to isolate this chemical in 1944, they accidentally found the first antibiotic treatment for tuberculosis, saving countless lives.

    Today, there is general agreement on the need for the development of new antibiotics because our most trusted drugs began to fail—bacteria have learnt how to survive our antibiotic attacks. Sometimes, a potentially useful chemical can be found right in environments around us. But many scientists argue that we should also be exploring the natural world for novel bio-chemistry, an approach known as "bioprospecting".

    "70% to 75% of all antibiotics come from nature, " notes MarcelJaspars, a natural product chemist

    at the University of Aberdeen. "It strikes me that we should be looking more deeply into how nature makes these molecules and how we can actually find antibiotics. "

    (1)、What did Goodfellow think of the sample at first?
    A、It was man-made. B、It was lifeless. C、It was of great value. D、It was of doubtful origin.
    (2)、Why does the author mention scientists' achievement in 1944?
    A、To compare two species of actinobacteria. B、To explain the major cause of tuberculosis. C、To explain the purpose of antibiotic treatments. D、To show the potential of the Atacama actinobacteria.
    (3)、Which of the following best describes Jaspars' attitude to "bioprospecting"?
    A、Doubtful. B、Tolerant. C、Supportive. D、Conservative.
    (4)、What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A、Antibiotics are bound to fail. B、The desert soil could save lives. C、Effective treatments come from nature. D、Fun facts are listed about the Atacama Desert.

四、任务型阅读 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分

  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Everyone wants actually the same thing in life and that is to exist and flourish(辉煌). Living a long and fruitful life is a difficult thing to do when a person can't coexist with other people in harmony. Living in harmony not only helps others but it helps the person living the harmonious life. Avoid controversial topics with people. There are certain topics like religion and politics that can make another person embarrassed immediately. This is especially important if you are

    very communicative.

    Focus  on  the common things  you  have  with  other  people rather  than  the  differences.  But too many times a person can focus on what other people do not like or believe, and this can give them a negative opinion of others without even trying to find some common ground on which they do agree.

    Do not drift off or try to think of what you are going to say in response. You will be surprised how much people appreciate someone who is really listening without judging or arguing.

    Let them understand that there are certain conversation topics and actions that you do not tolerate. It is up to you to set them and make people know and follow them. However, do not be argumentative about setting them.

    Some people just cannot get along no matter what measure you take to make a relationship work.

    So just stay out of these people's way and let them live their own lives apart from you.

    A. Listen to other people when they talk to you.

    B. Then, how do you live happily with others?

    C. Making boundaries is not selfish, so voice your limits.

    D. Establish proper boundaries with people in your life.

    E. Most people can find at least a few topics on which they agree.

    F. Decide how much you are willing to listen to other people.

    G. It is best to talk about movies or anything that does not lead to a conflict.

五、完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 30 分)

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    The young couple looked dusty, tired and worn out. 1down the window, I asked, "Where are you2? " The woman replied, "We were supposed to meet our mate there, with the car, at the crossroads. " My husband and I3each other and nodded our agreement in giving them a

    4. We opened the trunk and they put their packs inside.

    Although talking was difficult with the steep and5road, we discovered that the wife came from Edmonton, Canada and her6was from the Netherlands. They had been out on the7 for four nights, seen about 12 bears, not much8because of the smoke from the big wildfire in Glacier National Park. We were having9problems with the poor air quality. We10how my husband and I had backpacked along that same trail many years ago and our own11of searching for bears.

    I asked them if they wanted any more help from us, 12 they said they could manage themselves. They had13 to go back to her mom's in Canada, regroup, and then14 round the world for a year, maybe Bali, New Zealand, but they weren't15 sure yet. For now, they were looking forward to16 their friend and getting a special pizza because they had17 a lot before about how good the pizza was.

    I gave them each a big "bear" hug, with blessings ( 祝 福 ) for a18 journey. I put some cash into the young woman's hand,19 her "Get some pizza! Our treats. " I smiled, thinking of them  20pizza and good wishes from kind strangers—my husband and me.

    A、Cutting B、Setting C、Breaking D、Rolling
    A、going B、working C、living D、staying
    A、turned to B、stared at C、dealt with D、relied on
    A、gift B、ride C、chance D、suggestion
    A、broad B、smooth C、rough D、convenient
    A、friend B、bear C、partner D、mother
    A、ocean B、journey C、street D、train
    A、caution B、regret C、land D、scenery
    A、health B、spirit C、weight D、finance
    A、wondered B、inquired C、forgot D、remembered
    A、warnings B、anxieties C、generations D、experiences
    A、so B、for C、but D、or
    A、plans B、secrets C、rights D、instructions
    A、hunt B、wander C、reflect D、study
    A、exactly B、approximately C、typically D、regularly
    A、carrying B、seeing C、making D、leaving
    A、doubted B、eaten C、realized D、heard
    A、safe B、quick C、short D、tough
    A、telling B、inspiring C、rejecting D、convincing
    A、smelling B、assessing C、enjoying D、ordering

六、语法填空(共 10 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分)

  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Does Takeaway Exist in Ancient China?

    As early as in the Song Dynasty, "takeout" services were already available. In Zhang Zeduan's popular painting Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, there is a restaurant boy who has just come out of the shop with "to-go boxes" in his left hand and tableware ( 餐 具 ) in his right, still (wear) the shop apron and seeming to deliver the food somewhere. That image(believe) to be a reflection of the original takeaway boy. In ancient times, there were three ways to order food. The first is servant order. Send a family retainer ( 仆人 ) to go to a restauranthe can make an order. When the food is ready, there is someone who (particular) delivers the food to the customer's home, and then gets paid. The second is agreed delivery. Sign a long-term(agree) with the restaurant. The store,every agreed day, will pack the food well and send it to the customer's home. The last one is door-to-door selling. The sellers from restaurants sell the food door to door, especially in the entertainment places like theatres, are crowded with many people. The to-go box, wenpan (warm tray), (consist) of two layers of porcelain( 瓷 ). When (use), hot water is injected into the interlayer of the plate (keep) the dishes warm. In this way, the dish is still warm when it arrives at the customer's home.

七、短文改错(共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)

  • 18. 文中共 10 处语言错误,每句中最多两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。

    删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

    修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

    注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处)起不计分。

    During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, apart from visiting to tombs, I spend a week helping my family pick tea. It was extremely hard job. I started out with picking early in mornings and went back later in evenings. Which I suffered most was the pain in my back and legs, but it was an unforgettable memory, an experience to remember the hardship of life. Do this job is not easy. Tea is to be picked and then collect together for being processed in a machine. It is getting easy to process tea via machines than by hand. Besides, there is no need to sell tea to factories for money any more. We just make them for ourselves. Chinese tea is nice and I often drink it with great satisfactions.

八、书面表达(满分 25 分

  • 19. 上周末,你班全体师生组织了一次环绕 the City Lake 的骑自行车观光活动。请你为班级的英语角写一篇短文,介绍这次活动。内容包括:

    1)活动目的;    2)活动过程;    3)个人感受;


    2)词数 100 左右;


    A Cycling Tour