
试卷更新日期:2022-04-21 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 从下列各组中找出一个与另三个不同类的词。
    A、worry B、happy C、sad D、tired
    A、me B、we C、him D、her
    A、sunny B、rainy C、cloudy D、slowly
    A、museum B、bookstore C、postcard D、hospital
    A、gloves B、clothes C、scarf D、pants 


  • 2. —Would you like some milk?

    — _________

    A、Yes, please. B、No, please. C、I'd like some tea.
  • 3. I have __________ cold and stay in __________ bed for one day.
    A、a; the B、a; / C、/; /
  • 4. We usually stay _________ home _________ Saturday afternoon.
    A、at; on B、at; in C、in; at
  • 5. All of us like George __________ he is very hard-working.
    A、and B、so C、because
  • 6. Ningbo is famous for _________ sea food.
    A、it B、its C、it's
  • 7. What __________ your sister usually __________ on weekends?
    A、does; do B、is; doing C、did; do
  • 8. The sign by the river means 'No _________'. We shouldn't _________ here.
    A、swim; swim B、swimming; swim C、swim; swimming
  • 9. Mary is thirteen years old. Mark is fifteen years old. Mark is __________ than Mary.
    A、bigger B、younger C、older
  • 10. Mrs. White is Simon's mother. She is my aunt. Simon is my _________.
    A、brother B、cousin C、uncle
  • 11. __________ delicious fish! Lucy, come and help __________ to it.
    A、What; yours B、How; yourself C、What; yourself


  • 12. 从方框中选择正确的选项完成对话。

    A. You can get there by subway.

    B. Go straight and turn left.

    C. Thank you very much!

    D. It is on the East Zhongshan Road.

    E. Is there a subway station near here?

    Mr. Black: Excuse me. Where is Tianyi Square?


    Mr. Black: How can I get there?

    Mark: Take the subway line 2, please.

    Mr. Black:

    Mark: Yes. It is behind the bookstore.

    You can see it on the right.

    Mr. Black:

    Mark: You're welcome!


  • 13. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词填空,只填序号。
    A. drivers B. safe C. street D. quickly E. special

    Zebra crossings can help people keep . Now we are doing something .

    That is 'give way at the zebra crossing'. It asks  to stop when they see people walking through crossings. With this rule, people will be safer when crossing the . But at the same time, it is polite to cross the road .


  • 14. Which sign means dollar?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 15. Grape Valley is in _________.
    A、Tibet B、Hainan C、Xinjiang
  • 16. Christmas is in _________ in Australia.
    A、summer B、autumn C、winter
  • 17. When the sun gets lower, your shadow is _________.
    A、smaller B、shorter C、longer
  • 18. You can't judge a book by its _________.
    A、title B、cover C、author


  • 19. 判断下列句子正误。

    Youngor Zoo is open all year around. It opens at 9:00 am and closes at 4:30 pm from November to April. It opens at 8:30 am and closes at 4:30 pm from May to October. The last entry (进入) time is 3:30 pm. There are some animal shows for visitors, but they will be closed in bad weather. Tickets are 130 yuan each person, but students can get a special price of 70 yuan. Please bring your student card when you buy your ticket. You can take No. 902, No. 106 and No. 165 buses to get here. If you need more information (信息), call us at 88378378 please. Thank you!

    (1)、Youngor Zoo opens seven days a week.
    (2)、It opens at 8:30 am in February.
    (3)、You can go into the zoo at 4:00 pm.
    (4)、You can enjoy the animal shows in good weather.
    (5)、Tickets for two students and a teacher are 330 yuan.
  • 20. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    David: I want to work hard at English next school year. I only got a 'C' in the English test and I'm very sad. I hope I can do better in English. I'm clever but kind of lazy.

    Rosa: I want to lose weight next school year. I'm not ugly, but I'm too heavy. I always feel tired. My doctor told me to run in the morning and take a walk after dinner. I love to eat meat, but too much meat is not good for my health. I have to eat more fruit and vegetables. Hamburgers are not my favourite food.

    Mike: I really like playing ping-pong. Next school year I want to join a sports club. I want to practice playing ping-pong every day after school. I want to be a player like Zhang Jike.

    (1)、David didn't do well in the _________ test.
    A、maths B、English C、Chinese
    (2)、Rosa wants to _________ next school year.
    A、eat more meat B、eat more hamburgers C、take a walk after dinner
    (3)、Mike wants to be a _________.
    A、ping-pong player B、basketball player C、volleyball player
    (4)、What do the underline words "lose weight" mean in Chinese?
    A、整容 B、住院 C、减肥
    (5)、What are they talking about?
    A、New Year Festival. B、Plans for the new school year. C、Their favourite jobs.


  • 21. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(包括大小写,注意书写规范)
    (1)、 Cc
    (2)、 Gg
    (3)、 Qq
    (4)、 Ww
  • 22. 重新排列字母,组成一个正确的单词。(用小写字母写)

    I am a . I go to school from Monday to Friday. (u p l i p) .


  • 23. with   play   puppet   Let's   the    (.)(连词成句)
  • 24. I   not   vegetables   like   but   carrots    (.)(连词成句)
  • 25. Chinese   your   Put   in   desk   your   book    (.)(连词成句)
  • 26. there   on   any   mountain   lakes   the   Are    (?)(连词成句)
  • 27. music   to   Do   listen   you   the   often   on   weekend    (?) (连词成句)


  • 28. 下图是Peter的家庭照片,图中的小女孩是Peter的妹妹Lucy。假如你是男孩Peter,请你介绍你的家人,可适当发挥想象,描述家人的职业、爱好等。作文不少于3种句型,至少5句话,注意使用正确的表达方式。