
试卷更新日期:2022-04-20 类型:中考模拟



  • 6. Little Tom learns to skate by  (he) for a long time.
  • 7. I  (real) like to eat some salad and eggs to stay healthy.
  • 8. You are halfway to  (solve) a problem just by talking to someone about it.
  • 9. Picking strawberries with my own hands is quite an  (usual) experience for me.
  • 10. Thanks to the Internet, more and more (farm) can sell their products online now.


  • 11. The policeman        a speech on how to protect personal information next week.
    A、will give B、gives C、gave D、has given
  • 12. We all like soft music that        us relaxed.
    A、making B、make C、to make D、makes
  • 13. It's about twenty        bus ride from my home to school.
    A、minute B、minutes C、minutes' D、minute's
  • 14. My younger sister wants to get her ears        after graduation.
    A、pierced B、pierce C、piercing D、to pierce
  • 15. —Which subject do you like better, art or music?

                    . Because I like painting so much.

    A、Yes, I do B、Art C、No, I don't D、Music
  • 16. Some flowers are beautiful but they don't        good.
    A、listen B、smell C、look D、sound
  • 17. —I heard        Whites would come to Changchun this summer.

    —Really? I can't wait to see them.

    A、the B、a C、/ D、an
  • 18. You can        the word in the dictionary if you don't know it.
    A、look at B、look up C、look for D、look after
  • 19. The book        belong to Mary because her name is on it.
    A、need B、might C、must D、could
  • 20. My brother is             than me. He makes people laugh a lot.
    A、funny B、funnier C、the funniest D、fun
  • 21. We need to come up with a plan        people about the city park clean-up.
    A、to tell B、tell C、tells D、told
  • 22. Tea        by accident about 5,000 years ago. It is one of the world's favorite drinks.
    A、invent B、is invented C、invented D、was invented
  • 23. —Can you tell me       ?

    —I bought it at the bookstore near my school.

    A、where did you buy the book B、when will you buy the book C、where you bought the book D、when you bought the book
  • 24. You shouldn't forget where you came from        you set out on your new journey.
    A、or B、unless C、so D、when
  • 25. I got        strong feeling of satisfaction when I finished volunteering.
    A、so B、such C、such a D、such an


  • 26. 根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Anna: Hi, Dale. Good news is coming.

    Dale: What is it?

    Anna: Changchun Workers' Cultural Palace has reopened.


    Anna: It opened on April 9, 2021. It has a new style.

    Dale: What does it look like inside?

    Anna: It follows the rule of keeping it in an old style but provides many new services.


    Anna: We can watch free movies.

    Dale: Sounds good. What else?

    Anna: We can also go to the Dancing Club to do exercise.

    Dale: That's cool.

    Anna: And it offers training classes and has the cloud service.

    Dale: How interesting!

    Anna: Both are OK. Besides, there is a big hall where we can watch performances.

    Dale: Sounds like that it's very relaxing.

    Anna: Yes. Let's go there to enjoy our weekend!

    A. What can we do there now?

    B. Do I play the piano?

    C. When did it open?

    D. Dancing is my favorite.

    E. We will have a good time there!

    F. Could I take up drawing or playing the guitar there?


  • 27. 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    From April 13 to 15, the 16th China Daily "21st Century New Oriental Cup" National English- Speaking Competition was held in Hangzhou. Jin Ruiqi, a 13-year-old boy from Shanghai, 1 the junior group's final prize. In fact, the road to his success was 2 and full of hard work.

    During the competition, Jin amazed 3 of the people with his English and his critical (批判性) thinking abilities. Besides, he showed his 4 for observing(观察).

    During the Q&A part, one judge asked him whether he liked memes (表情包). Instead of 5 answering yes or no, Jin explained his opinions in two ways. He said he didn't like memes made with photos of 6, as he believed this was against the law. Memes made with cartoon characters could make chatting online more colorful and easier.

    His thoughts were logical (有逻辑的) and reasonable. A professor said Jin had great critical thinking abilities, which 7 let him think things in an all-around way and 8 many difficult problems. Of course, it 9 Jin a lot of time to learn his skills. Jin said the best way to 10 these kinds of skills was to read and think a lot.

    He prefers to read in the morning, which makes him 11. Whenever he finishes a book, he writes an English report, recording his opinions of the book. He also likes to 12 with classmates and teachers, so he can get new ideas by hearing different people's points.

    He believes being a good 13 is helpful. "I enjoy finding interesting things 14 me and doing research. For example, why do 24-hour convenience stores have locks on doors? At the beginning, I'll search for the 15 online, and then consider other possibilities after doing more research," Jin told TEENS.

    In the end, he added, "Learning is a lifelong journey. I will keep fighting!"

    A、missed B、beat C、failed D、won
    A、short B、long C、smooth D、safe
    A、all B、none C、both D、neither
    A、interest B、secret C、luck D、talent
    A、simply B、widely C、carefully D、differently
    A、food B、animals C、people D、books
    A、never B、always C、seldom D、hardly
    A、work out B、hand out C、cut out D、take out
    A、brought B、spent C、took D、paid
    A、discuss B、develop C、advise D、spread
    A、polite B、difficult C、strange D、fresh
    A、agree B、part C、talk D、compare
    A、listener B、speaker C、observer D、visitor
    A、in B、around C、of D、behind
    A、plans B、suggestions C、works D、answers


  • 28. 根据短文和图表内容,选择最佳答案。

    Last month we asked 1055 students in our city about their living habits. They are teenagers between 13 and 16 years old. Our questions were about exercise, eating fruit and vegetables, and doing eye exercises. The results are shown below:

    More and more students pay attention to their health. However, it's difficult for them to exercise quite often because of hard schoolwork. Some students don't have any time to exercise. The survey shows that most of them eat fruit and vegetables very often. Most students do eye exercises every day, which improves the situation of short-sighted (近视眼的) students.

    Experts suggest that students should balance their exercise and diet. Parents should manage to spend more time with their children going out to nature to exercise and enjoy themselves. It is good for both the mind and the body.

    (1)、How old are the students asked last month?
    A、10-55. B、13-16. C、10-13. D、16-55.
    (2)、How often do most students eat fruit and vegetables?
    A、4-6 times a week. B、1-3 times a week. C、Every day. D、Never.
    (3)、What percent of the students do eye exercises 1-3 times a week?
    A、2%. B、13%. C、90%. D、10%.
    (4)、Where do experts suggest that parents should go with children to enjoy themselves?
    A、To the museum. B、To the factory. C、To the cinema. D、To nature.
    (5)、What can we know from the survey?
    A、The students have a healthy eating habit and they love fruit and vegetables. B、Doing eye exercises is the best way to make short-sighted students fewer. C、The students are too lazy to exercise every day. D、There are more students who eat fruit and vegetables than those doing eye exercises every day.
  • 29. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

    Early today, the body of a 25-year-old man John Miller was found in West Town. The police found that John was a computer engineer. He was last seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7 p.m. yesterday. He said he was going to visit his parents.

    The police believe that the murder (谋杀案) took place between 9 p.m. last night and 1 a.m. this morning. They are still working at the scene of the crime to find out whether John was killed somewhere else and then brought to West Town, or killed at the place where he was found.

    "We're asking anyone who saw anything strange near West Town last night to call us," said Officer Lu. "John was wounded with a knife and lost too much blood to death as a result."

    The police are wondering if John had any enemies. He was not married. He had many friends and a well-paid job. However, he was charged with breaking into several computer systems (系统) over the last year. He was punished because of that. Officer Lu said, "We're not sure whether this made him any enemies. We suppose that John knew his murder."

    Last night, an old woman saw a short thin man running down Corn Street at 10 p.m. The man was breathing heavily and had blood on his shirt. However, the man could not be found till now.

    John's parents have offered 50,000 yuan for information about the murder. Anyone who can provide useful information should call the police.

    (1)、What did John Miller do?
    A、A teacher. B、A doctor. C、A computer engineer. D、A cook.
    (2)、What caused John's death?
    A、A car accident. B、Losing too much blood. C、Serious heart problems. D、Overwork till night.
    (3)、What's the meaning of the underlined words "was charged'"?
    A、Someone was rushed towards. B、Someone was asked for much money. C、Someone was given a task. D、Someone was said to do something wrong.
    (4)、When did the old woman see the short thin man?
    A、At about 7 p.m. yesterday. B、At 9 p.m. last night. C、At 10 p.m. last night. D、At 1 a.m. this morning.
    (5)、What's the right order of the following things?

    ①John was seen leaving his office in East Town.

    ②John broke into several computer systems.

    ③John's parents offered 50,000 yuan for information about the murder.

    ④John was wounded with a knife.

    A、①-②-④-③ B、②-①-④-③ C、①-④-②-③ D、②-④-①-③
  • 30. 根据短文内容,判断句子正、误。

    Kitts is one of "Tomorrow's people"—people who have electronic body parts. She has an electronic arm. One year, Kitts lost her arm in a truck accident. She felt angry and sad. She couldn't accept it. But then she heard a piece of good news that a doctor could use her remaining nerves (神经) in her shoulder to fix an electronic arm.

    Before long, the doctor decided to move Kitts's nerves to different areas of her top arm. For months, the nerves grew and moved deeper into their new homes gradually. After three months she started feeling a little painful. The doctor helped her a lot to reduce (减少) pains. A month later, her pains disappeared and she got her new electronic arm. An engineer worked with Kitts to connect the computer programs with her real movements more and more closely.

    Today, Kitts's arm is great, but it's not yet perfect as normal people. She wants feelings in her hands. For example, she needs to feel whether something is smooth or not. She also needs feelings to do one of her favorite things—drinking coffee. One time at a coffee shop, she, together with her friends, wanted to drink coffee as they talked happily. However, her hand kept closing until it broke the coffee paper cup. "One day I'll be able to feel things with it, and clap my hands to the songs my kids are singing…" she said with hope and pride.

    (1)、Kitts lost her leg in a truck accident and she felt sad.
    (2)、The doctor moved Kitts's nerves to different areas of her top arm.
    (3)、The engineer connected the computer programs with Kitts's real movements to reduce pains.
    (4)、One of favorite things for Kitts is drinking coffee.
    (5)、Kitts's words mean she will probably be able to hold a paper coffee cup in the future.
  • 31. 阅读短文,把A~E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。

    Will this year's gift money from your parents and grandparents be the most that you've ever had? Yes?

    "Once, I wanted to swim. I spent 2,000 yuan and decided to take a swimming class," said 12-year-old Wang Yue from Wuxi in Jiangsu Province. I regretted the decision that I made.

    It can be difficult to keep your money when shopping. Everything is packed to catch your eyes. And there are advertisements designed to push you into buying. But if you ask yourself a few questions, you may save your money: Do I need it? If I don't need it, do I want it? Could I find it cheaper somewhere else? After answering these questions, will you still buy? Probably not. They will also help you to get a proper choice. If you truly like it but can't decide now, ask your parents for help and tell them what you will do with it.

    Follow these ideas. Once it starts, there will be a second and third time. Your money will run out before you want to use it. If there's something that you think you like a lot, stop, look again and think twice.

    A. Good questions will help you keep a cool head.

    B. Later I lost interest in swimming and only went to a few classes.

    C. Don't ever spend savings without thinking twice.

    D. If I buy now, do I have enough money for other things?

    E. To begin with, you should think carefully about how to spend it wisely.

  • 32. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    It was two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bike. Her Snow White bike was just too old to ride, and it needed repairing as well.

    As Christmas came closer, her dream for a bike seemed to disappear, for she didn't mention it again. We were busy buying some beautiful storybooks, a doll house, a holiday dress and toys.

    Then much to our surprise, on the evening of December 24, she said she terribly wanted a bike more than anything else.

    Then we didn't know what to do. It was just too late for us to make her dream come true. So there was no time to buy the "right bike" for our little girl. Thinking that we were parents who would make their child unhappy, we tried to deal with the problem.

    Suddenly my husband came up with an idea. "What if I make a little bike out of clay and write a note that she could trade in the model bike for a real one?" "Perfect!" I shouted. So he spent the next five hours carefully working with clay to make a small bike.

    On Christmas morning, we were so excited to wait for our daughter to open the little box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. She opened it and read the note loudly. She looked at me and her father, and said, "So, does it mean I can trade in this bike for a real one?" Smiling, I said, "Yes." Rose had tears in her eyes when she replied, "What a wonderful surprise I have! I will never trade in this beautiful bike that Daddy made me. I prefer to keep it rather than get a real bike." At that moment, we would have bought her every bike on the earth.

    (1)、Why didn't the parents buy their daughter the present she wanted?
    (2)、How did the parents feel when hearing Rose wanted a bike on December 24?
    (3)、Where did Rose find the clay bike?
    (4)、How long did the father spend making a small clay bike?
    (5)、Why did Rose say "I prefer to keep it rather than get a real bike."?


  • 33. 在红星中学进行的一场关于"生命在于运动"的英语主题班会中,李华分享了邻居Lisa热爱游泳的故事。请根据中文和英文提示,完成下面的班会记录,每空一词。


    We should remember  is movement.

    Place & Time

    Class 6 Grade 8, at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday

    From one of the students, Li Hua:

    I will a story about my neighbor, Lisa, with you. Swimming is Lisa's favorite sport. She began swimming when she was 12, and she was the youngest swimmer got a lot of attention. Many years later, she gradually realized she became old. Last year, Lisa went swimming with some young people. She found hard it was to keep the speed. Although made Lisa a little sad, she didn't give up swimming.

    From the teacher:

    The true meaning of sports was not about age but a willing heart. Take action now and let's do sports every day!

  • 34. 世界是一本书,不旅行的人只会看到其中的一页。现校园英语报正在征文,请结合你的生活实际,写一篇不少于80词的短文投稿,谈一谈旅行的意义。(文中不得出现真实的人名和校名)