
试卷更新日期:2022-04-19 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. —Would you please give me      clean spoon?

    —Wait a minute. I'll go and get one for you.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 2. —Allen and Meg are having a house warming party this weekend. What shall we get for them?

    —How about some      ? They may need some to decorate the wall.

    A、candles B、notebooks C、paintings D、chocolates
  • 3. Jason tried many ways to repair the camera, but      of them worked.
    A、all B、both C、none D、neither
  • 4. —Henry, did you drive back to your hometown during Spring Festival?

    —No. I was      to take the train because the traffic is often the busiest at that time.

    A、warned B、advised C、chosen D、ordered
  • 5. —How was your trip to Italy?

    —It was      . Staying at home and watching TV would be more fun.

    A、magic B、boring C、relaxing D、dangerous
  • 6. The movie star thanked her fans for always being      her through thick and thin.
    A、past B、behind C、without D、against
  • 7. Kristine wants to lose weight, but she can't make it      she stops eating snacks after every meal.
    A、if B、after C、unless D、because
  • 8. —Amenda, I didn't see you when I arrived home. Where were you?

    —Sorry, Mum. I      homework in Anna's home. I won't forget to tell you next time.

    A、did B、does C、will do D、was doing
  • 9. —Listen!      !

    —Yes. It's one of my favourite songs.

    A、What loud noise it is B、What a silent summer night C、How beautiful the music is D、How hard the rain is beating down
  • 10. —Does Ben do well in maths?

                     ! He always gets the best score in the class.

    A、You bet B、Nice work   C、That's too bad D、Wait a moment

二、完形填空 (本题有15小题,每小题15分,共15分)

  • 11. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C. D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    I never thought I would be a "runner". I was the girl who ran slowest in the PE class. A few years ago, I was walking with a group of friends in the Race for the Cure, a 5km race designed to raise money for the fight against breast cancer until one lady caught 1attention.

    Wearing a T-shirt with the word "Survivor", she was one of the2women I've ever seen. She must have been close to 70 years old. She was so small that it seemed as if she could even be turned over by a strong wind, 3she was running. When passing me and my group of friends, she waved and didn't4. She just took a deep breath and ran slowly, but5 as if each step had pushed her cancer out of her body. Right at that moment, I6that in the next Race for the Cure, I'd be running along with her.

    A week later, I found myself in the gym, running on the treadmill. Three7after I started, my face was bright red. I felt like my lungs were going to burst. I preferred to8to walk. At that time, I thought of the9at the race. I kept it up. I continued to practice. At last, I was able to hold on a little10each time. Three and a half minutes. Four minutes. Five minutes.

    A year later, I was at the Race for the Cure11, but this time, I ran with the other runners. When the race started, they passed me by. I ran forward. I worried about12I'd be able to finish it, but then I remembered the13woman again. I ran as fast as I could until I finally crossed that finishing line. I had just14my first race! I looked down at my legs, amazed. They had done something I'd never thought possible. I had never felt so strong before and I knew it was a15that I wanted to create again.

    A、my B、her C、your D、their
    A、tallest B、weakest C、prettiest D、heaviest
    A、or B、so C、but D、and
    A、stop B、reply C、greet D、leave
    A、calmly B、strangely C、anxiously D、determinedly
    A、agreed B、learnt C、decided D、explained
    A、days B、years C、months D、minutes
    A、set off B、warm up C、stand up D、slow down
    A、girl B、group C、woman D、friends
    A、longer B、faster C、higher D、farther
    A、by chance B、once again C、in a hurry D、for the first time
    A、how B、why C、when D、whether
    A、kind B、brave C、serious D、generous
    A、lost B、missed C、finished D、recorded
    A、secret B、chance C、wonder D、tradition


  • 12. 阅读理解

    When winter comes, it seems that everyone looks forward to seeing snow. How much do you know about snow? Let's learn some fun facts about it!

    What is the  ▲  of a snowflake?  

    A diameter of a snowflake is≥2mm.

    One cubic meter of snow includes 6 to 8 billion snowflakes.

    As for the snow in the northern and southern part of China, which is heavier?

    The same amount of snowfall may cover an area differently in northern and southern China because the snow in the northern part of China is loosewhile the snow in the southern part is tight.

    Is snow always white?

    Snow is not actually white but clear. It looks white because of the way the light reflects off of the ice crystals. However, it is made of water. Large amounts of frozen water really are pale blue, so a lot of snow, will show this blue color. But white and blue are not the only colors of snow or ice. Algaecan grow on snow, making it appear more red

    (1)、Which word can be put in    ▲    in the passage?
    A、size B、taste C、color D、shape
    (2)、According to the passage, the snow        .
    A、will show white color in dark places B、sometimes looks red with algae on it C、is heavier in the north than in the south D、it is looser in the south than in the north
    (3)、We may find this passage in the     part of a magazine.
    A、art B、health C、culture D、science
  • 13. 阅读理解

    It happened long time ago, but I clearly remember the painful feelings as if it happened yesterday. I had prepared for a project for days, but my manager told me he decided to change another person to do it. I stood there and tried to hold back my tears.

    I am sure many of us can think of a sad thing like this in our lives, but we can be cheered by it. The key to our success depends not on the incident, but on how we react to it and the actions we take afterwards. Our success depends on our "growth mindset"

    A growth mindset comes from the belief that one's basic qualities can be developed through efforts. People greatly differ from each other in talents, interests, or personalities

    Needless to say, a growth mindset can act as a pathway to one's success. Here are actions that helped me:

    Be open to bad feedback. It's never easy. Let's accept it, although it hurts!

    Have an honest self﹣reflection. Reflect on what went wrong, why it went wrong, and what could have been done differently. It's important not to blame others at this stage.

    Find a confidant, with whom you can have a heart﹣to﹣heart conversation. He will truly guide you to keep your plan.

    Believe in yourself and just go for it. Whenever you fail at something, try to tell yourself, "No one has been born doing this, I can too."

    (1)、The writer mentioned a painful thing in her life to     .
    A、lead in the topic B、explain the theory C、share her feeling D、introduce her last job
    (2)、Paragraph Three mainly tells us     .
    A、how one's qualities are developed B、why people can grow through experiences C、what differences people have in their qualities D、how Growth Mindset differs from Fixed Mindset
    (3)、According to the writer, what can we do to develop a growth mindset?
    A、Point out other people's mistakes. B、Ignore other people's bad feedback. C、Ask someone to make a plan for us. D、Keep trying bravely with confidence.
    (4)、Which of the following statements about mindsets is TRUE?
    A、The two mindsets are unable to turn to each other. B、A growth mindset can help people achieve success. C、A fixed mindset believes one's qualities can be changed. D、The ideas of the two mindsets were developed by the writer.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    It's a pity that deaf people or those who have hearing problems can't enjoy music. Now a vibrating suit brings them hope—it can allow them to "feel" music through their skin, rather than hear it.

    Designed by the US technology company Not Impossible Labs, the suit consists of a body harness, ankle and wrist straps.

    Music is sent to the suit wirelessly. Then the suit is able to translate it into a range of vibrating pulses, which can be felt at a total of 24 contact points all over the body. The users can adjust the intensity of the vibrations.

    Chase Burton, 33, a deaf filmmaker from Texas, has been testing out the suit for four years. He understands that a deaf person's experience with music is very different. "When I was a kid, I'd sit on the floor above our garage so I could feel the vibrations from my brother's band rocking out below my body

    Now when he wears the vibrating suit, he says the sound hits different parts of his body. "Maybe it will strike me down in my ankles first. And then I'll start to feel the vibrations in my back. And then I'll feel some pulsations in my wrist," Burton said.

    The designers have been working on extending the tactile musical experience to a larger deaf community. In 2016, a dozen prototype suits were tested at Lady Gaga's concert in the US. The suit was also tested at a special concert in Las Vegas in 2018. It was given to 150 audience members at the concert, where half the audience members were deaf and half could hear.

    At the same time, the company has been improving the technology, saying it's ready to go to market soon. The suit may be used in live sports broadcasts

    "We truly think that anything that has an audio element can also have a vibrational experience associated with it as well," the company's talent and business development director, Jordan Richardson said.

    (1)、           on a vibrating suit can help deaf people "feel" the music.
    A、Wrist straps B、A body harness C、Ankle straps D、24 contact points
    (2)、From Burton's experience, we can know that     .
    A、the lab got the idea of making the suit from him B、Burton thinks the suit makes him uncomfortable C、the working method of the suit is suitable for the deaf D、the suit needs improvement for better musical experience
    (3)、How does the writer prove that the suit is useful!?
    A、By listing numbers. B、By making comparisons. C、By giving examples. D、By making explanations.
    (4)、According to the passage, how will the vibrating suit be improved?(请用 40词左右回答)
  • 15. 阅读理解

    On 8th August, 1914, 27 men who had replied to an advertisement in The Times got on a ship leaving for the Antarctic. The name of the ship was the Endurance and the captain was an Irishman called Ernest Shackleton.

    The goal of the journey was to cross the frozen continent through the South Pole﹣ a journey of 1, 800 miles. Shackleton thought the journey would last six months.

    But when land came into sight, the Endurance became trapped in the ice. At that time, there was nothing they could do. And soon, pulling three lifeboats behind them.

    After six days, bad weather forced them to give up and the men set up camps on a huge piece of ice which began slowly moving across the Antarctic Circle.

    They survived on the ice for five months. Then, on 16th April, 1915, but much better than a floating piece of ice. When they reached the island, Shackleton came up with an idea﹣ it was a risk but he would have to take it. He and five men would take one of the lifeboats and sail 800 miles to South Georgia

    It took Shackleton 17 days to reach South Georgia. Unluckily, he landed on the wrong side of the island and had to walk 36 hours over mountains to reach the camp. The whale hunters at the camp couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the six men walking down from the mountains.

    Shackleton kept his promise. More than three months later, he returned to Elephant Island to rescue the crew he had been forced to leave on the island. He had failed to reach the pole but he had saved the lives of all his men successfully.

    (1)、The first two paragraphs tell us     .
    A、the goal of the journey B、the bad result of the journey C、the possible difficulties in the journey D、the background information of the journey
    (2)、Which is the right order of the following events according to the story?

    a. The Endurance was trapped and broke up.

    b. Shackleton reached Elephant Island with his men.

    c. Camps were set up on the ice which moved slowly.

    d. The six men took a lifeboat and sailed to South Georgia.

    e. Shackleton and his men pulled three lifeboats towards north

    A、a﹣d﹣c﹣e﹣b B、c﹣d﹣a﹣b﹣e C、a﹣e﹣c﹣b﹣d D、c﹣e﹣b﹣d﹣a
    (3)、What does the underlined word "promise" in the last paragraph refer to?
    A、Shackleton would take all of the crew to South Georgia. B、Shackleton would return to Elephant Island to save the rest crew. C、Shackleton would manage to reach the pole with the crew next time. D、Shackleton would return to South Georgia to thank the whale hunters.
    (4)、What do you think of the captain Shackleton? Why do you think so?(请用约 40词回答)


  • 16. 用下面所给的单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。

    lie  habit  when  free  activity

    (1)、The giraffes are allowed to move  in the reserve.
    (2)、I've got into the  of turning on the radio as soon as I get up.
    (3)、Our school organizes various  for students to show their talents.
    (4)、you need help, Baidu Maps can provide you with the best route.
    (5)、The clothes  all over the floor! You should put them away right now.


  • 17. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 写出空白处各单词的正确形式。

    If a box of strawberries go bad in your (冰箱), you may throw it away without thinking.  (然而), it's more than just strawberries that you are wasting.

    The life of a strawberry starts from a seed. A farmer  (种植) it and waters it. Later people pick it and put it in a box. A truck takes it away to a supermarket. Time and money must  (花费) in order for a strawberry to come to you. If you waste the berry, you waste all of these things.

    It's hard for people  (意识到) how much work goes into the food we eat every day. That makes food waste a big problem  (围绕) the world. Every year, 1. 3  (十亿) tons of food is wasted in the world.

    In fact, many children in the world are in desperate need of food, and 3. 1 million of them die from  (饥饿) each year, according to the UN. The COVID﹣19 pandemic has made the situation even  (差的).

    "Wasting food means wasting  (自然) resources and missing the opportunity to feed a growing population in the future, " said UN Food and Agriculture Organization Director﹣General Qu Dongyu. It's time to take action now.


  • 18. 请根据下图中Li Hua的周末安排,以The Weekend Plan为题,写一篇约110词的短文谈谈你的看法,希望同学们通过阅读你的文章有所启发。


    The Weekend Plan