牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级下册Unit 6 Pets词汇专练

试卷更新日期:2022-04-19 类型:同步测试



  • 16. 根据要求写出相应的单词。
    (1)、sofa (复数)
    (2)、noise (形容词)
    (3)、cause (第三人称单数)
    (4)、feed (过去式)
    (5)、lie (动名词)
    (6)、complaint (动词)
    (7)、responsibility (形容词)
    (8)、reason  (形容词)
    (9)、faithful (副词)
    (10)、choice  (动词)



  • 32. The owners should feed their pets on time.
    A、look after B、cook food C、give food to
  • 33. You should learn to make choices by yourself.   

    A、decisions B、suggestions C、problems
  • 34. All the animals felt scared and ran away when they saw the huge monster.
    A、angry B、lonely C、frightened
  • 35. What's more, it's too strange that so many people were standing there in line at midnight.
    A、However B、Besides C、Except
  • 36. You've been doing your homework for nearly three whole hours, you'd better stop to have a rest.
    A、hardly B、almost C、over
  • 37. The dog didn't know what had happened and kept on waiting for his owner every day for many years.
    A、went on B、gave up C、stopped
  • 38. Henry said the reason for his being late was the traffic jam.     
    A、the result of B、the cause of C、the value of
  • 39. — It's our responsibility to protect the environment. What can we do to protect it?

    — We can do it by planting more trees.

    A、duty B、aim C、time
  • 40. When you feel tired, you can ______ on the bed and have a rest.
    A、lie B、stand C、sit up
  • 41. In the wild, animals can ______ while those in the zoo have to live in tiny spaces.
    A、lie around B、sit up C、run free
  • 42. Helen has dance class three times a week. Now she dances ________ Anita does.
    A、so good as B、as well as C、as good as         
  • 43. When an earthquake happens, if you are outdoors, you should calm down and go to an open area as ________ as possible.
    A、slowly B、quietly C、quickly
  • 44. — How are you today, Bob?

    — I'm feeling even _______ now. I don't think the medicine works for me.

    A、better B、worse C、happier   
  • 45. — Watch out! You can't cross the street ______ the traffic lights turn green.
    — Oh, thank you.
    A、until B、because C、if
  • 46. — Tom, why do you keep a dog as your pet?

    — Because it will ______ me forever.

    A、be interested in B、be faithful to C、be full of


  • 47. 明天我要外出,你能帮我照顾一下我那只宠物狗吗?

    I will be out tomorrow. Could you help me my pet dog?

  • 48. 我们应该阻止他们乱砍伐树木。

    We should the trees.

  • 49. 他已经是班里的第一名了,更重要的是,他还依然很努力。

    He has got the first prize in the class. , he is still studying hard.

  • 50. 放学后,同学们就会在操场上自由自在地奔跑。

    After school, students will on the playground.

  • 51. 我现在天天无所事事,你能给我提供一份工作吗?

    I every day. Could you offer me a job?

  • 52. 我除了再邀请他一次外别无选择。

    I him again.

  • 53. 如果我们再找不到食物,我们将会死于饥饿。

    If we can't find food any more, we will hunger.

  • 54. 从现在开始,我会继续做一些志愿者工作。

    From now on, I will some voluntary work.

  • 55. 据说,狗是世界上对主人最忠诚的动物。

    It's said that dogs are their owners.

  • 56. 我认为每天读点英文书是一个好主意。

    I think it is to read English books every day.

  • 57. 我们在这个充满爱的世界中成长。

    We in the world full of love.

  • 58. 我不喜欢养宠物狗,因为它们会对陌生人吠叫。

    I don't like to keep dogs as pets, because they .

  • 59. 这次会议让我学习到了责任的重要性。

    I the importance of this meeting.

  • 60. 根据这个报告,我们可以发现恐龙早在几千年前就灭绝了。

    the research, we can find out the dinosaurs died out thousands of years ago.

  • 61. Lily有心脏病,所以她不能参加这次体育考试。

    Lily can't take part in this PE test because of her .