牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级下册Unit 5 Save the endangered animals语法专练:形容词

试卷更新日期:2022-04-19 类型:同步测试


  • 1. It is harmful children to play with mobile phones for a long time. (for/of)
  • 2. It's impossible us to live without water. (for/of)
  • 3. It's very kind him to take care of the old people. (for/of)
  • 4. It is right people to protect the home of endangered animals. (for/of)
  • 5. It is important people to do something to save energy. (for/of)
  • 6. It is silly you to answer such a stupid question. (for/of)
  • 7. There wasn't enough room the woman to sit down on the boat. (for/of)
  • 8. Some people were kind enough to raise money the library. (for/of)
  • 9. It's selfish (自私的) the parents to give up the sick baby. (for/of)
  • 10. It was silly the king to trust, the bad man. (for/of)


  • 11. 这个小孩够年龄去上学了。

    The child is to go school.

  • 12. 对我们来说,保护地球是很重要。

    very important for us the Earth.

  • 13. 这个地方足够容易找到。

    This place is find.

  • 14. 坐公交车去学校对我来说很方便。

    It's convenient me to school by bus.

  • 15. 他太粗心了,没有检查答案。

    It's careless him check the answers.

  • 16. 在马路上玩对小孩来说太危险了。

    on the road is dangerous the children.

  • 17. 这个老人没有足够的钱,买不起食物。

    The old man is buy food.

  • 18. 他很有礼貌,见到每个人都问好。

    He “hello" to everyone.

  • 19. 这个小朋友很聪明,很快就学会这首诗了。

    clever the kid this poem soon.

  • 20. 已经有足够的食物给我们吃了。

    There is for us .


  • 21. ________ quite easy for her to answer the question.
    A、It B、It's C、That D、That's
  • 22. ________is important ________ us not to give up when we fail each time.
    A、That; for B、It; for C、It; of D、This; of
  • 23. ________funny ________ the children to play this game.
    A、It; of B、It's; of C、It; for D、It's; for
  • 24. ________ kind ________Linda to lend her MP3 player.
    A、It; of B、It's; of C、It; for D、It's; for
  • 25. The train is fast enough ________ to Guangzhou from Wuhan in 3 hours.
    A、get B、to get C、getting D、to getting
  • 26. It is stupid of the boy ________ his homework.
    A、not to finish B、to not finish C、not finish D、to finish
  • 27. To eat fruit is good ________ our health.
    A、of B、to C、for D、about
  • 28. The room is ________ to hold 20 people.
    A、big enough not B、big not enough C、not enough big D、not big enough
  • 29. The weather is ________ to wear a coat.
    A、enough cold B、enough hot C、cold enough D、hot enough
  • 30. Does your father walk ________ up with you?
    A、enough fast catching B、fast enough catching C、fast enough to catch D、enough fast to catch
  • 31. It's very friendly _________ him to help me when I'm in trouble.
    A、of B、for C、at D、with
  • 32. It's necessary _________ us to get to school on time.
    A、of B、for C、at D、with
  • 33. It's not easy _________ them to learn a foreign language.
    A、of B、for C、at D、with
  • 34. It's foolish _________ him to go alone.
    A、of B、for C、at D、with
  • 35. It's very rude __________ her to say such words.
    A、of B、for C、at D、with
  • 36. My brother is ___________ to go to school.
    A、old enough B、enough old C、young enough D、enough young
  • 37. Don't worry! She can look after your pet ___________.
    A、careful enough B、enough careful C、carefully enough D、enough carefully
  • 38. I was __________ surprised __________ say anything.
    A、so; to B、too; to C、so; at D、too; at
  • 39. They are __________ young __________ they are not getting married.
    A、so; that B、so; for C、too; that D、so; enough
  • 40. The child is tall __________ ___________ reach the top of the table.
    A、so; that B、so; for C、enough; to D、enough; for


  • 41. 根据对话内容,用所给词的适当形式填空或在空格处填入一个适当的词。

    Tim: It's amazing people to watch different things in the museum.

    Jessica: Yes!

    Tim: You can not only see different kinds of things, but also hear the docent's (讲解员的) introduction.

    Jessica: It's helpful for people (learn) about history, culture and science in museums. Tim: Yeah. The most wonderful museum near here is the Guangdong Museum. is big enough for you (enjoy) the crafts (手工艺品) for a few days.

    Jessica: Amazing! What can we see in it?

    Tim: Many different traditional crafts such as china, statues, fans and so on.

    Jessica: Wonderful! It's kind you to tell me about it.


  • 42. It's clever ________ you ________ so many toy ships.
    A、of; making B、of; to make C、for; to make
  • 43. _______ careless of you to make lots of mistakes.
    A、That's B、It's C、It
  • 44. It's very nice _______ you to get me two tickets _______ the World Cup.
    A、for; of B、of; on C、of; to
  • 45. It's important _______ the piano well.
    A、of him to play B、for him to play C、of him playing
  • 46. It is not _______ you to learn three languages at the same time.
    A、difficult of B、difficult to C、easy for
  • 47. He isn't _______ to go to school.
    A、old enough B、enough old C、big enough
  • 48. He wasn't _______ with his knife.
    A、careful enough B、enough careful C、carefully enough
  • 49. The young man is not _______ the box.
    A、enough strong to carry B、strong enough carrying C、strong enough to carry 
  • 50. The water isn't warm enough for the children _______.  
    A、to swim B、to swimming C、to swim in
  • 51. I find _______hard to learn English well.
    A、this B、it C、that