
试卷更新日期:2022-04-18 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 抄写句子,请将句子工整规范地抄写在下面的四线三格内。

    Nice to meet you. Where are you from? I'm from China.

二、 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(5分)

  • 2. 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。
    A、boy B、girl C、kite
    A、man B、short C、woman
    A、Canada B、father C、mother
    A、twelve B、fifteen C、friend
    A、family B、big C、small

三、 单项选择。(10分)

  • 3. —________ are you from?

    —I'm from China.

    A、Where B、What C、How
  • 4. —Let's _________ home.


    A、go B、to go C、goes
  • 5. This is _________ friend, Wu Binbin.
    A、I B、me C、my
  • 6. _________ animals do you know?
    A、How much B、How C、How many
  • 7. —Is she your mother?

    — _________

    A、Yes, he is. B、No, it isn't. C、No, she isn't.
  • 8. —Can I use _________ crayon?


    A、your B、you C、my
  • 9. My father's mother is my _________.
    A、mother B、grandfather C、grandmother
  • 10. —What _________?

    —It's a pear.

    A、it's B、it is C、is it
  • 11. —The panda _________ two big eyes.

    —And a short tail.

    A、has B、is C、are
  • 12. —_________ you are.

    —Thank you.

    A、This B、How C、Here


  • 13. 根据图片和句子,选择正确的选项。

    (1)、The _________ are on the desk.
    A、oranges B、apples
    (2)、I see _________ apples.
    A、nineteen B、thirteen
    (3)、The _________ is in the box.
    A、bear B、dog
    (4)、The ball is _________ the chair.
    A、in B、under
    (5)、The dog has a _________ body.
    A、short B、long

五、 看图读句子,写出最佳单词。(5分)

六、 看图片,选择与图片内容相符的句子。(10分)

  • 19. 看图片,选择与图片内容相符的句子。

    A. The watermelon is big. The car is small.

    B. Look. The book is on the desk.

    C. Sorry, I don't like grapes.

    D. The girl's ruler is long. The boy's ruler is short.

    E. —Who is that man?

    —He is my grandfather.


七、 从B栏中选出A栏句子相对应的答语。(10分)

  • 20. 从B栏中选出A栏句子相对应的答语。

    A                                      B

    ⑴Do you like oranges?        A. She's my sister.

    ⑵Look at the kites(风筝)!     B. Yes, I do.

    ⑶Where is my toy car?         C. Wow, so beautiful!

    ⑷Let's have some apples.     D. It's under the chair. E. Good idea!

    ⑸Who's that girl?                  E.Good idea!

八、 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(20分)

  • 21. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    I am Billy. I have a big bag. It is black and orange. It looks like a bear. So many things(东西) are in my bag! There are eight books, a pencil case and sixteen crayons. The pencil case is green. In the pencil case there are three orange pencils, a blue sharpener(卷笔刀), a long ruler and two green erasers. My bag is so heavy(重的).

    (1)、Billy has a _________ bag.
    A、small B、big C、new
    (2)、The bag is _________.
    A、red and orange B、red and yellow C、black and orange
    (3)、—_________ are in the pencil case.
    A、Three pencils, a sharpener, a ruler and two erasers B、Three crayons, a sharpener, a pen and three pencils C、Three pencils, an erasers, a ruler and a crayon
    (4)、Billy's erasers are _________.
    A、red B、blue C、green
    (5)、Billy has _________ books and _________ crayons.
    A、8; 6 B、8; 16 C、18; 16
  • 22. 阅读理解

    Kate: Let's go to the zoo.

    Mike: OK.

    Kate: Look at the giraffe.

    Mike: Wow! It's so tall. It's from the USA.

    Kate: Look at the panda. It's so cute.

    Mike: Yeah! It has a big body. It's black and white.

    Kate: Where is the panda from?

    Mike: It's from Sichuan, China.

    Kate: Look at the monkeys. How many monkeys do you see?

    Mike: I see thirteen.

    Kate: No, fourteen. Look, a little monkey is on the elephant.

    Mike: Haha! It's so funny.

    (1)、Where is the giraffe from?
    A、It's from the USA. B、It's from the UK.
    (2)、Is the panda from Sichuan?
    A、No, it isn't. B、Yes, it is.
    (3)、How many monkeys do you see?
    A、I see thirteen. B、I see fourteen.
    (4)、What color is the panda?
    A、It's black. B、It's black and white.
    (5)、Where is the little monkey?
    A、It's on the elephant. B、It's on the giraffe.