
试卷更新日期:2022-04-13 类型:期中考试





  • 13. 听录音,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、I learned reading an English story book. B、I'm reading a book.
  • 14. 听录音,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、There will be a light snow. B、It is sunny.
  • 15. 听录音,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、I'd like a sandwich. B、I like hamburgers.
  • 16. 听录音,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、She always returns home at 6:40 p.m. B、She is making the bed.
  • 17. 听录音,选择正确的答语(   )
    A、You are welcome. B、That's OK.




  • 24. 书写字母,根据字母表顺序,用手写体写出相邻两个字母的大小写

     Cc       Ee  Gg          Ll    

     Hh       Nn Pp          Vv 



  • 27. 单词分类。请将方框中意思同类的单词放在一起,每类第一个单词已写出

    piano      strong        jog        father       star     took

      swim    dropped   grandparent    clean    run       lost

      Earth        guitar      cousin     moon   violin       serious



  • 28. 选词填空

    listen        look at        watched     take   sleep

    (1)、We can ride bicycles and the flowers.
    (2)、They usually read newspapers and to music.
    (3)、They a film about the Earth.
    (4)、You shouldn't in the library.
    (5)、Mr. Liu likes to his family to the beach for a swim.


  • 29. The teacher teaches_______ English.
    A、we B、our C、us
  • 30. Mrs. Li and _________son, Binbin, go shopping at the shopping center.
    A、his B、her C、she
  • 31. The Earth __________ a ball in space.
    A、looks for B、looks after C、looks like
  • 32. I like _______ more than_________.
    A、swim, run B、swim, running C、swimming, running
  • 33. We should learn to _______ ourselves.
    A、take care of B、look at C、take care


  • 34. 图文匹配

    A  B  C   D  E

    (1)、Tony always eats healthy food every day.
    (2)、I will go to the Space Museum with my mother.
    (3)、Linda does exercise with her friends after class.
    (4)、Tim often reads a story aloud in the morning.
    (5)、My family often does things together.


  • 35. 情景交际

    ⑴What can we do for the old?   

    ⑵What is the weather like today?   

    ⑶What are you interested in?   

    ⑷What color is your coat ?   

    ⑸Let's meet at 6 o'clock.   

    A. There is a heavy rain today.

    B. I am interested in music.

    C. We can clean the houses for them.

    D. OK!

    E. It's brown.


  • 36. 阅读图表,选择填空。


    Weather tomorrow

    What will people do?



    bring their raincoats or umbrellas



    go to the park for a picnic



    enjoy the maple leaves(枫叶)



    wear sunglasses


    heavy snow

    wear down jacket(羽绒服)

    (1)、People will bring their ___________ in Yueyang.
    A、umbrellas B、down jacket. C、sunglasses
    (2)、Tomorrow people will feel __________ in Changsha .
    A、Hot B、cool C、warm
    (3)、There will be a heavy snow in _________.
    A、Xiamen. B、Dalian. C、Zhangjiajie.
  • 37. 阅读短文,完成题目。

    Every year many children and old people have accidents (事故)when they cross the road. Some of them even die in accidents(死于事故).Children have accidents because they are not very careful(细心). They sometimes play on the road and do not look out for cars. Many old people cannot see or hear very well. They should not cross the road alone(单独的). To cross the road safely(安全地),you should look for a zebra(斑马) crossing. You can cross the road, when you see the green man. When there is no zebra crossing, you must look left, then right, and then left again. You should walk quickly, but you should not run on the road.

    (1)、Why did children and old people have accidents? (根据短文回答问题。)

               A. crossing

               B. left

               C. right

               D. green man


    litter, school, pick flowers, park, play football, road, talk, class...