牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修三高中英语 Unit 4 Protecting our heritage sites 单元知识滚动练

试卷更新日期:2022-04-13 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. They had got rid of all the old (家具) before they made their way to the new accommodation.
  • 2. A grocery store is a place where you tell the clerk behind the counter what you want and he  it for you.
  • 3. It is widely acknowledged that students should be (评价) in terms of overall quality.
  • 4. It has been (计算) that at least 47, 000 jobs were lost last year.
  • 5. They have to abandon the plan to buy a house for a  of funds.
  • 6. Under no  can we look down on others because of their humble background.
  • 7. It's a challenge for me to  him of my ability to do the job.
  • 8. After a heated argument, the couple went out, leaving the house in (混乱).


  • 9. (sustain) development is all about creating better health care, welfare, education, housing and improved standard of life for everyone.
  • 10. When the architect went abroad, he found the new (surround) hard to put up with.
  • 11. Determined to perform well in the final exam, my niece is (occupy) in preparing for it.
  • 12. As my brother was (absence), I would like to thank all concerned on behalf of him.
  • 13. In these tough times, it is vital that the crew (work) together to meet the troubles that lie ahead.
  • 14. Since he first started volunteering his car to the young people, the car has covered an (astonish) 64, 000 miles.
  • 15. Contrary  her sister, the young lady didn't attend a key university.


  • 16. The most crucial reason why dialects should be  is that language helps to retain a culture.
  • 17. It's reported that Siberia's forests are being logged at an (难以置信的) rate.
  • 18. The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world's largest collection of (雕塑品) by Henry Moore.
  • 19. The young man is so aggressive that he often (冲突) with others.
  • 20. Owing to leaking water, the miners were buried alive when the tunnel .
  • 21. It is high time that tour (操作人员) respected the law and their code of conduct.
  • 22. Neal kept , breaking my concentration while I was occupied in calculating the area of a circle.


  • 23. Last spring, the European Parliament voted  (ban) many single-use plastic items—including plates, straws and cups.
  • 24. Besides, we should draw more people's attention to heritage, for the more they know about the importance of culture protection, the  (strong) support we can get from the public.
  • 25. The committee (assess) whether a building was preserving or not.
  • 26. The specialist made an incredible mistake,  (ruin) his chance of going abroad.
  • 27. The Buddhist seemed (awe) by the presence of so many famous people in the cave.
  • 28. The students urge that the manager of the library (keep) it open during the vacation.
  • 29. Furthermore, social activities usually preserve old people  suffering from the loneliness of old age.


  • 30. I believe that smiling is the best way to  in our daily life.


  • 31. To work out the difficult maths problem, I .


  • 32. I can't go out with you tonight because .


  • 33. Not only  but it also refreshes your mind.


  • 34. The more he thought about it, .



  • 35. More and more people have come to see the fact  China is no longer what she used to be.
  • 36. Evidence has been found through years of study children's early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.
  • 37. The manager put forward a suggestion that we (have) an assistant with too much work to do.
  • 38. Scientists have obtained more evidence  plastic is finding its way into the human body.
  • 39. There is some doubt  he is willing to attend the meeting on behalf of our community.
  • 40. The boss has no idea  the assistant has got in mind, but he is eager to find out.
  • 41. The question  we can preserve the heritage site from being ruined has been bothering me recently.
  • 42. The specialist expressed his hope  he would visit China again the next year, and that was the very hope  he expressed as soon as he arrived in the country.


  • 43. 完形填空

    NASA physicist and mathematician Katherine Johnson passed away on February 24, 2020. The 101-year-old African American woman was a1figure, who played a significant part in the early successes of the U. S.2program.

    Her story was barely3to the public until 2016, when a movie called Hidden Figures was   4. It follows the lives of Johnson and two other great African American women.

    With5but a pencil and a slide rule, Johnson6the exact flight paths for the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon in 1969.

    “We're7by the passing of celebrated mathematician Katherine Johnson. Today, we8her 101 years of life and9her legacy of excellence that10racial and social barriers, ” NASA posted on social media.

    Johnson11 high school at the age of 10 and graduated at 14. The following year she entered West Virginia State College. By her junior year, she had taken every math course the school had to offer. She finished college in 1937 with a double12in French and mathematics. In 1939, Johnson and two other13students became the first three African American students selected for a graduate program at West Virginia University, an14school in Morgantown. Then she had her15at NASA, from 1953 to 1986.

    A、popular B、legendary C、mysterious D、controversial
    A、pilot B、land C、space D、ocean
    A、connected B、submitted C、applied D、known
    A、shot B、scheduled C、released D、advertised
    A、nothing B、anything C、something D、everything
    A、entered B、adjusted C、discovered D、calculated
    A、annoyed B、relieved C、depressed D、saddened
    A、celebrate B、trace C、appreciate D、record
    A、miss B、reward C、mourn D、honor
    A、set up B、acted as C、broke down D、passed through
    A、finished B、attended C、missed D、taught
    A、role B、degree C、course D、certification
    A、selfless B、intelligent C、enthusiastic D、courageous
    A、all-male B、all-female C、all-white D、all-black
    A、career B、title C、position D、duty


  • 44. 语法填空

    Built over 2, 200 years ago, Dujiangyan, is the world's oldest man-made water system, lies in Sichuan Province in Southwest China.This amazing engineering (achieve) is seen as a wonder in the development of Chinese science.

    In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands(suffer) from regular floods (cause) by overflow from the Minjiang River.(help) the victims of the flooding, Li Bing, the region governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution.Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally. (good) than ever, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making suitable for farming.

    Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live (peace). Today, Dujiangyan  (admire) by scientists from around the world because of one feature.Unlike modern dams where the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally, enabling ecosystem and fish populations to exist harmony.