
试卷更新日期:2022-04-08 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 找出每组单词画线部分发音不同的一项。
    A、sea B、tea C、head
    A、take B、factory C、race
    A、washed B、cleaned C、stayed
    A、mother B、thin C、these
    A、mud B、music C、subway


  • 2. 根据要求写单词。


  • 3.
    A、Mike likes eating meat, so he is heavier than Jim. B、Mike does sports every day. He is thinner than Jim.
  • 4.
    A、Li Ming watched a funny show on TV last weekend. B、Li Ming is going to see a film tomorrow.
  • 5.  
    A、Sarah stayed at home last Saturday. B、Sarah went to the park last Sunday.
  • 6.
    A、I played badminton with my friends in the gym yesterday. B、I stayed at home and read a book yesterday.
  • 7.
    A、The cat was on the chair before. Now it is under the chair. B、The cat was under the chair before. Now it is on the chair.

四、选择合适的选项, 补全对话。(有两项多余)(10分)

  • 8. 选择合适的选项, 补全对话。

    A. Playing basketball is good exercise.

    B. You should do more sports and make yourself stronger.

    C. How are you?

    D. Are you all right now?

    E. Where did you go yesterday?

    F. I don't like playing basketball.

    G. What happened?

    Tony: Hi, Mary.

    Mary: I went to the hospital yesterday.


    Mary: I didn't feel well. I had a cold.


    Mary: Yes. Thank you.


    Mary: You are right.

    Tony: I'm going to play basketball this afternoon. Do you want to play with me?

    Mary: Yes, I do.

    Tory: Yes. It is my favourite sport. When are we going to meet?

    Mary: What about 3 o' clock?

    Tony: OK. See you then.

    Mary: See you.


  • 9. 从Ⅱ栏中选出I栏句子的恰当答语。

    ⑴What did you do yesterday?

    ⑵How are you?

    ⑶How was your weekend?

    ⑷Did he have a cold?

    ⑸Who did you go with?

    A. Yes, he did.

    B. My parents and my uncle.

    C. I'm fine, thank you.

    D. I cleaned my room.

    E. It was OK.


  • 10. 你看到对方受伤了,想知道发生了什么事,问:____________
    A、What is happening? B、What happened? C、What are you?
  • 11. 别人问你上周做什么了,你回答:____________
    A、I rode a bike. B、He rode a bike. C、I ride a bike.
  • 12. 想知道对方怎样去的动物园,问:____________
    A、Where did you go? B、How do you go to the zoo? C、How did you go to the zoo?
  • 13. 和好朋友分别时,说:____________
    A、Of course. B、Thank you. C、Keep in touch.
  • 14. 别人问你的学校以前是什么样子的,你说:____________
    A、There was no library. B、There is a library. C、There are some trees.



  • 20. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。

    I am a student in Grade 6. It is time to leave our school. We are all going to middle school soon. Now I have to make a plan for my summer vacation. I am not good at maths, so I am going to ask my sister to teach me maths for 20 days. I like English. I am going to read and listen to English for 30 minutes every morning. I am not strong, so I am going to play basketball for two hours in the afternoon. I played computer games too much before. It was not good for my eyes. I am not going to play them from now on(从现在起).

    (1)、I am in the primary school for about_________ years.
    A、five B、six C、seven
    (2)、I am not good at_________.
    A、Chinese B、English C、maths
    (3)、_________ will teach me maths.
    A、My teacher B、My sister C、My friend
    (4)、Playing basketball can make me_________.
    A、strong B、worried C、fat
    (5)、Playing computer games too much_________ .
    A、can make me healthy B、is good for our eyes C、is not good for our eyes