
试卷更新日期:2022-04-08 类型:期末考试


  • 1. — I'm going to go on a vacation in Guilin next month.

    — ____________!

    A、Don't worry B、Not at all C、What a pity D、Have fun
  • 2. — Our English teacher always keeps his lessons very ____________。

    — That's why he's so popular among the students.

    A、boring B、lovely C、serious D、lively
  • 3. — There's a terrible ____________ coming from the children's bedroom. What's happening?

    — It's OK. They're just playing games and having fun.

    A、noise B、pain C、voice D、call.
  • 4. Mark finished the hard work all by himself. He didn't ask ____________ for help.
    A、somebody B、nobody C、anybody D、everybody
  • 5. — Sally, your mother went on a trip to Yunnan last week.

    — Yes. She says that she ____________ for home in two days.

    A、leaves B、will leave C、has left D、left
  • 6. — What a heavy rainstorm it was yesterday !

    — Yes. Several high-speed trains were ____________ because of it.

    A、allowed B、controlled C、prevented D、cancelled
  • 7. Drive slowly and carefully on the snowy road, ____________ a small accident will happen.
    A、but B、and C、or D、so
  • 8. — I wonder ____________ people stayed in touch with each other before the phone was invented

    — By writing letters.

    A、where B、why C、when D、how
  • 9. — Do you like watching movies on your mobile phone? ..

    — No. I ____________ do that because the screen is too small.

    A、always B、often C、usually D、seldom
  • 10. — Many students don't know how to ____________ stress and become worried.

    — I think they'd better ask their teachers for help.

    A、argue with B、help with C、deal with D、share with


  • 11. 阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    Ramchand and Premchand were neighbors. Ramchand was a1farmer. Premchand wasa rich trader.

    Ramchand was always very relaxed and happy. He2thought about closing the doors and windows of his house at night. He slept well every night. He had no money, buthe lived a3 Premchand was always worried about his money. He always closed the doors and windows of his house every night. He could never4well. He was afraid that someone might break into his house and5his money. He envied(嫉妒)the peaceful Ramchand.

    One day, Premchand called Ramchand and6him a box of money saying, "My dear, take this money and live a better life."

    "What luck!" Ramchand thought. He was very7all day. Night came. Ramchand went to bed as usual. But today, he couldn't sleep. He closed the doors and windows. He still couldn't sleep. He8 looking at the box of money. All night he couldn't sleep well.

    As soon as the day broke, Ramchand9the box of money to Premchand. "Dear friend, I'm poor but peaceful. Your money took my10away from me. Please take your money back. I'm sorry," he said.

    A、silly B、lazy C、poor D、clever
    A、always B、often C、usually D、never
    A、busy life B、simple job C、peaceful life D、hard job
    A、eat B、work C、feel D、sleep
    A、country B、use C、steal D、save
    A、gave B、got C、made D、paid
    A、quiet B、kind C、tired D、happy
    A、enjoyed B、kept C、avoided D、finished
    A、threw B、took C、left D、lifted
    A、hope B、luck C、love D、peace
  • 12. 完形填空

    Robots often appear in science fiction. The robots .in these stories can often think, listen, talk and1easily on two legs.

    Although real robots are becoming more and more complex(复杂的)they're 2not like fictional robots. In real life, robots come in different shapes and3.They can on wheels. They can be very4or they can be very complex.

    Many robots look like humans and some of them can speak. but they're very different from us in lots of5·They cannot see,hear or think by themselves. They cannot laugh or6because they have no feelings. Someone has to7them and decide what things they'll be able to do.

    Robots make our lives easier. They don't8doing dirty or difficult jobs, and can work for long hours without getting tired or bored. Some robots word in very9places—under the sea or in space.

    Scientists are making better robots all the time. One day probably every10will have its own robot to tidy bedrooms, do the dishes or do anything you tell it to do! Do you believe so?

    A、walk B、paint C、sleep D、fight
    A、yet B、even C、still D、just
    A、ages B、shows C、sizes D、grades
    A、simple B、famous C、heavy D、expensive
    A、ideas B、results C、places D、ways
    A、cry B、play C、talk D、write
    A、reach B、share C、build D、believe
    A、practice B、forget C、start D、
    A、clean B、proper C、dangerous D、important
    A、school B、family C、library D、hospital


  • 13. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    A: Hi, Mark. You look so sad.

    B: l didn't pass the English test, Bert. I can't learn English well and I'm always worried about it.

    A: I'm sorry to hear that.

    B: I know you're good at English.

    A: l study with a group. It's better than to study alone.

    B: I agree.

    A: Certainly. We can learn from each other.

    B: Great! When can I join you?


    B: That's very kind of you.

    A. What's wrong?

    B. What should I do?

    C. Tomorrow if you like.

    D. How do you study it?

    E. But don't worry about it.

    F. Could I join your study group?

    G. I listen to thy teacher in class.


  • 14. 阅读理解

    Tana Cine

    Tana Cine is the best place to see a movie on 80 Salmon Street. You can enjoy any of our great 2D or 3D movies here.




    Teen13~17 years old

    Child2 years old and under



    $ 10

    $ 8


    $ 14



    Opening times

    Monday~ Friday

    Between 9:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.

    Saturday~ Sunday

    Between 8:00 a. m. and 10:00 p. m.

    For a better experience, go to our cinema shop. Cakes, candies, different drinks and many other tasty things can be found there. And when you're waiting for the movie, you can play exciting games on our computers for free.

    (1)、How much should 15-year-old Jim and his parents pay for a 3D movie?
    A、$30. B、$32. C、$39. D、$41.
    (2)、How long is Tana Ciné open on Wednesday?
    A、For 11 hours. B、For 12 hours. C、For 13 hours. D、For 14 hours.
    (3)、What do we know about the cinema shop?
    A、It sells only one drink. B、Food is expensive there. C、It's popular with movie lovers. D、One can play computer games for free.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    What do you think you'll do when you're 90 years old? Few people want to take up new challenges at that age.

    At the age of 93, he acted in The Old Barber(《剃头匠》), a movie about the life of an old barber. He needed to remember all his lines(台词), and live with the other actors for weeks.

    His name is Jing Kui. He took up the challenge. He finished the film, and even won a special acting prize. Mr. Jing was a barber all his life. Born in 1913, he started to learn how to cut hair at age 15. Five years later, he had his own barbershop. When he was 88, he was still working. The only difference was that he began to travel from home to home to serve the people. Most of them were very old. His story moved people around him, as well as the film director. He decided to make a film about him.

    At age 93.the old barber got up early to remember his lines each day. He worked hard at it for he didn't want to disappoint the director. The movie director was worried because he didn't know if Mr. Jing could keep it going until the filming was done. But Mr. Jing did better than the director had thought.

    (1)、When did Mr. Jing act in The Old Barber?
    A、At age 83. B、At age 88. C、At age 90. D、At age 93.
    (2)、The success of The Old Barber _________________.
    A、brought Mr. Jing a better job B、got Mr. Jing interested in acting C、brought Mr. Jing an' acting prize D、let Mr. Jing know more directors
    (3)、What do we know about the director of The Old Barber?
    A、It was his first movie. B、He also acted in the movie. C、It took him a year to make it. D、He was happy with Mr. Jing's work.
    (4)、What can we learn from Mr. Jing's story?
    A、Health comes first. B、Age is just a number. C、Good jobs are hard to find D、Work makes people happy.
  • 16. 阅读理解

    There lived a monkey near a river. The monkey climbed up a tree and looked at the river every day.

    One day, the monkey saw fishermen throw a net(网)over the river. He watched how. the fishermen caught fish. After about three hours, the fishermen put the net by the river and went to have lunch. Then, the monkey climbed down from the tree and went to the river. He wanted to throw the net like the fishermen did. The monkey believed he could do it well because he was good at imitating, but the net twined(缠绕) around the monkey when he moved it.

    The monkey shouted for help at once. Suddenly, he fell into the river. The monkey knew he did, a wrong thing. "I should learn how to use the net before moving it." In the end, the fishermen saved the monkey.

    (1)、Where did the monkey look at the river?
    A、On a hill. B、In a tree. C、On a boat. D、At home.
    (2)、How long did the fishermen catch fish in the morning?
    A、For about one hour. B、For about two hours. C、For about three hours. D、For about four hours.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "imitating" mean in Chinese?
    A、模仿 B、跳跃 C、偷窃 D、戏耍
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Tina and her brother had a new babysitter(临时保姆)—Mrs. Green. "I heard Mrs. Green didn't like singing or playing games and never made cakes. I don't like her." Tina told her mother. "But Mrs. Green is kind," said her mother.

    Tina decided to do something bad to make' Mrs. Green leave. On the first day, she broke three cups. The juice dropped on the sofa. The next day, she fought with her brother. On the third day, she hid Mrs. Green's glasses. But Mrs. Green didn't tell Tina's mother.

    Tina soon got tired of doing bad things to Mrs. Green. "Well, I see someone has decided to accept me,"Mrs. Green said to Tina. "You knew?" Tina asked. "I've been around children all my life."Mrs. Green said." And do you know what l see when I look at you?" "You must think I'm a bad girl," Tina said. But what Mrs. Green said surprised her. "I see a girl who is old enough to play games with her brother. I see a girl who is old enough to learn to make cakes. I could teach you,"Mrs. Green said. "lf you'd like me to."

    "Yes, please!" Tina said. Then she added, "Sorry that I did so many bad things."

    "That's OK,"Mrs. Green said. "Now, what's your favorite kind of cake?"

    (1)、What did Tina do on the second day?
    A、She broke three cups. B、She fought with her brother. C、She made juice drop on the sofa. D、She hid Mrs. Green's glasses.
    (2)、From Mrs. Green's words, we can know that Tina ________________.
    A、become even worse B、is bad at learning C、grow up and have her own ideas D、doesn't like cakes
    (3)、What may Tina and Mrs. Green do next?
    A、Play games. B、Make cakes. C、Learn a song. D、Clean the sofa.
  • 18. 阅读理解

    The women in the Watson family all- like ballet. These days, Alice Watson gives ballet lessons, but for many years, she was a dancer at the National Ballet Company. Her mother, Hannah, also had a full-time-job there, making clothes for the dancers.

     Alice's daughter Demi started learning ballet shortly after she could walk. "I never taught her," says Alice," because she never let me. "Now at the age of 16, Demi dances at the National Ballet Company.

    "When Demi started dancing, the house was too small for her and Alice to practice in so I made the garage(车库)into a dancing room. Now the living room is nice and quiet when I'm watching TV!" says Jack, Alice's husband.

    Last month, Demi was invited to dance in the ballet Swan Lake. Of course, Alice, Jack and Hannah all went to watch her. That was special for Demi. Jack. says, "I'm not that interested in ballet myself but it's fantastic seeing Demi taking her first steps with Alice's old company!" Demi was wearing a dress that Hannah made for Alice many years before.

    "It was very exciting for all of us," says Hannah. "Demi's way of dancing is very like Alice's. I know I'm her grandmother, "but I think she has a great future!"

    (1)、What does Alice do these days?
    A、She teaches ballet. B、She takes ballet classes. C、She dances .in a company. D、She makes clothes for dancers.
    (2)、How did Jack help Alice and Demi?
    A、He bought them a big house. B、He kept quiet when they danced. C、He turned the garage into a dancing room. D、He let them use the living room for dancing.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "That" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
    A、Demi wore her mother's dress. B、Swan Lake was Demi's first dance show.  C、Demi's grandmother made a dress for her. D、Demi's family went to watch her dance show.
    (4)、What's the best title for the passage?
    A、A young ballet star B、A special ballet show C、A famous dance company D、A family of ballet dancers
  • 19. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。

    Once there was a young man in a town. He liked puppets(木偶)very much and he became an apprentice(学徒) to a great puppet maker. However, the young man wasn't smart, and many people around him said he had no talent for making puppets.

    However, he enjoyed it so much that he worked hard to improve his skills. Though he was hard-working, people would always find something wrong with his puppets. The young man didn't give up. After thinking for a few days.' he decided to spend all his time making just one kind of puppet. As long as he found a fault in his puppet, he'd throw it away and start again. As years passed, he was much better at making puppets than any other apprentice.

    Finally, after so many years of work, he finished his puppet. And for the first time in all those years, he didn't throw away his puppet and he felt so happy. He became successful.

    The man's experience tells us how important it is to keep on following your dreams. So never give up the things you really enjoy.

    (1)、What did people around the young man think of him?(不超过10个词)
    (2)、How did the young man get his skills of making puppets better?(不超过15个词)
    (3)、What can we learn from the passage?(不超过10个词)



  • 25. 俗话说:“众人拾柴火焰高”,团队协作的重要性不言而喻。假如你是李华,你将参加学校举办的英语演讲比赛,请你根据以下提示和要求,并以"Teamwork"为题写一篇英语演讲稿,谈谈你对团队协作的看法。

    提示:1)What do you think of teamwork?

    2)Why is teamwork important?




    Hello, everyone! I'd like to share my ideas about teamwork with you.