
试卷更新日期:2022-04-08 类型:期末考试


  • 1. / ju: kænt du enθɪŋ hɪə /
    A、You can do anything here. B、You can do everything here. C、You can't do anything here.
  • 2. / hæv ə breɪk ænd ðen kən 'tɪnju: ðo'præktɪs /
    A、Have a break and then continue the exercise. B、Have a break and then continue the practice. C、Have breakfast and then continue the practice.
  • 3. / meɪkɪŋ mju:zɪk ɪn ða klʌb ɪz ə 'hɔbɪ əv maɪn /
    A、Making music in the club is a hobby of mine. B、Making music in the club is a habit of mine. C、Making music in the club is a happy thing.
  • 4. / 'evrɪ 'stju:dnt ʃʊd 'stʌdɪ ha:d tʊ get gʊd greɪdz/
    A、Every student could study hard to get good grades. B、Every student would study hard to get high grades. C、Every student should study hard to get good grades.
  • 5. / wi sæŋ ænd dɑːnst ɔ:l ðs weɪ tu: ðə 'vɪlɪdʒ /
    A、We sang and danced on the way to the village. B、We sang and danced all the way to the village. C、They sang and danced all the way to the village.


  • 6. — When will your uncle return to New York?

    —In two days. And he will take a plane.

    A、go back B、give back C、bring back
  • 7. — Why didn't you answer my call?

    — Oh, sorry, let me see. The phone didn't ring at all. There must be something wrong.

    A、keep quiet B、turn on C、make a sound
  • 8. — Why do you like photography?

    — I think it's the best way to record (记录) beautiful moments in life.

    A、taking photos B、making cards C、keeping a diary
  • 9. — Hello, Judy. I got off the bus. But I can't see your house.

    — Oh, turn back. My house is just across the street.

    A、at the beginning of B、on the other side of C、at the end of
  • 10. —What's your plan for the coming winter holiday?

    — I will go on a trip to Paris with my family.

    A、enjoy nice food B、do some shopping C、take a trip


  • 11. — I hope to climb Mount Qomolangma one day.

    — That's a big dream. The bad weather and thick snow make it really difficult. Also strong ________________ winds all the time.

    A、blow B、drop C、burn
  • 12. — Your room is on the third floor. _______________ me, please.

    — OK, thank you.

    A、Guide B、Follow C、Catch
  • 13. — What does the teacher in the club ________________ you?

    — Everything about insects. He also takes us to the forest to watch insects like________________ and ants.

    A、teach; bees B、provide; flowers C、ask; butterflies
  • 14. — Grandpa, wear the glasses ________________ you can read the newspaper clearly.

    — OK, pass them to me, please.

    A、such as B、because of C、so that
  • 15. — At night, many people come to the square to see the fountain.

    — Yes, the lights around the fountain ________________ the whole square.

    A、build up B、turn up C、light up


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Long ago, Earth mother lived by herself. One day, she went to visit King of Sky. When she arrived, she1some noises. And the king said, "They are the season siblings (兄弟姐妹)—two girls and two boys."

    Earth mother said, "Send them to2.And they can live with me for a while." The king agreed.

    Earth mother returned home and started to3. The youngest — a beautiful boy — came4. He said, "My name is spring. Here is my gift. "He opened his bag and5some colourful flowers and birds. Soon the second came and gave some strawberries, peaches and apples to Earth mother. Then the third child6. He said, "I am autumn. I like being alone." He painted everywhere yellow. Just at that moment the fourth came. She used a glass of7water to paint everywhere white. At the same time, she shouted, "I am winter."

    All the four wanted to stay.8they began to fight. Earth mother was9and said, "Listen to me. You can come to my house in turn and stay in my house for10months. I don't want all of you here at the same time." Then came the four seasons in a year.

    A、made B、heard C、found
    A、me B、you C、them
    A、fight B、move C、wait
    A、again B、first C、late
    A、threw away B、put in C、took out
    A、answered B、arrived C、left
    A、white B、yellow C、green
    A、But B、Or C、So
    A、funny B、angry C、happy
    A、three B、four C、six


  • 17. 阅读理解

    It's a Friday afternoon. Madeline and her family are at the library. Madeline is carrying five books. The librarian (图书管理员) sees her and says," You are really a bookworm (书虫).""Madeline wants to know what a bookworm is. She asks her brother Sam.

    "A bookworm is a worm that eats books," says Sam.

    "Does the librarian want me to eat my books?" 'Madeline asks.

    "I don't think so," says Sam. "Ask Scott."

    Their brother Scott is in the reading room. Madeline comes to him and asks, "What's a bookworm?"

    "You know those worms on our tomatoes? It's like that, only for books," says Scott. "You can check with Mum."

    Then Madeline finds her mum in the computer room. "Mum, what's a bookworm?" "A bookworm is someone who loves to read, like you," says Mum.

    Madeline is happy now." Good! I love to read books, but I don't want to eat them!"

    (1)、The story happens ____________.
    A、in the morning B、in the afternoon C、in the evening D、at night
    (2)、Madeline asks Sam,"____________?"
    A、Where is Mum B、Who is the librarian C、What is a bookworm D、How can I find storybooks
    (3)、Madeline finds Scott in the ____________.
    A、hall B、office C、reading room D、computer room
    (4)、Madeline's ____________ tells her the right answer.
    A、mum B、friend C、teacher D、brother
    (5)、At last, Madeline knows that a bookworm is ____________.
    A、a worm only for books B、like worms on the vegetables C、a worm that eats books D、someone who loves reading
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Thailand is one of the most visited countries in the world. Last year, more than 20 million people visited Thailand's national parks. With an area of 2,000 square kilometers, Khao Yai National Park has a history of 59 years. Every year, it welcomes a lot of visitors. Over the past few years, visitors have left behind nearly 50,000 kg of rubbish. Now the park has a plan to solve the problem.

    If visitors don 't take their rubbish away, the park will send a souvenir (纪念品) to them. What is it? It's not the type of souvenir you want as a gift. It's a package(包裹) full of rubbish they have left in the park. Something is on the package: "You forgot something in Khao Yai National Park, so we return it to you."Varawut Silpa-archa, Thailand's Minister of Natural Resources and Environment wrote on the Internet, "I will pick up every single piece of your rubbish, pack them well in a box, and send it to your home."

    In order to make it easier for the park officers to return the rubbish, visitors coming to Khao Yai National Park must write down their address.

    So think twice next time you want to throw rubbish away.

    (1)、When was Khao Yai National Park built?
    A、In 1958. B、In 1962. C、In 2000. D、In 2019.
    (2)、What problem does the park have?
    A、Its gift stores are too old. B、There is too much rubbish. C、There are too many visitors. D、It doesn't have enough space.
    (3)、What do we know about the package?
    A、It's full of rubbish. B、The visitors take it home. C、The park sells it to visitors. D、It gets to the visitors by plane.
    (4)、What should visitors leave in the park?
    A、Their phones. B、Their address. C、Some rubbish. D、Some souvenirs.
    (5)、Where can we see the passage?
    A、In a diary. B、In a history book. C、In a newspaper. D、In a notice board.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    Do you know pickleball (匹克球)?Much like tennis and ping-pong, it's a popular new sport in the United States.

    Pickleball is easy and fun to play. It is played on a court(球场) in the size of a badminton court, with a lower net similar to that of tennis. There are two or four players in a game. Players hit a whiffle ball (塑料空心球) over the net with bats. The bats are made of wood, and they are larger than ping-pong bats. The rule of the game is that if a player (or a team) first gets 11 points and also leads (领先) the other side by at least 2 points, then he wins the game. For example, if it's 10 to 10, one player has to make it 12 to 10 to win the game.

    The game was invented in the 1960s.Several parents were on vacation in Bainbridge Island, Washington, the US. They wanted to find an activity that their families could enjoy together. So the ycame up with the sport.

    No one is sure how the sport got its name. Most people believe it was called pickleball because of a dog named Pickles. He kept running after the ball when the inventors first played the sport, so everyone called it Pickles' ball.

    Kara Foster, a 60-year-old lady from New York, tried the game this year. Like many others, she fell in love with the sport and now plays it every day.

    "It helps me keep healthy," she says. "Best of all, it's much easier for me to chat(聊天) with my friends while playing the sport."

    (1)、To play pickleball, you need _______________.
    A、tennis balls B、a tennis net C、wooden bats D、at least four players
    (2)、How many points do you need to lead by to win a game?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Ten. D、Eleven.
    (3)、What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
    A、The rule of pickleball. B、The history of pickleball. C、How pickleball got popular. D、How pickleball got its name.
    (4)、Kara Foster enjoys playing pickleball mainly because _______________.
    A、it is like her favourite tennis B、she can play it with her family C、it's an easy sport to learn and play D、she can chat with friends while exercising
    (5)、What's the best title of the passage?
    A、A popular new sport B、The rules of playing pickleball C、The history of playing pickleball D、Tennis and ping-pong are out of date


  • 20. 请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    Five days a week, Barney and Company get ready for work at Children's National Hospital in Washington, D.C, the Us. Their main job is to help comfort(安慰) the sick children at the hospital. The kids love them very much.

    Every day, Barney and Company visit the kids' rooms. "Our work is to make things more comfortable and less scary (恐怖的) for the kids," says Allison Proctor.

    Company is a year younger than Barney. Barney started working at the hospital in July, 2020, but Company has been coming to the hospital since he was 16 weeks old.

    They have a busy job. Every morning, Barney walks into the room of 9-year-old Brianna Frampton. . Brianna rubs (抚摸) his head, and soon his eyelids (眼皮) start to grow heavy like a sleepy baby's. But he can't sleep. .Then he leaves Brianna's room.

    Thanks to Company and Barney, the sick kids are happy in the hospital.

    A. He has lots of things to do.
    B. They are two golden dogs.
    C. She is Company's human mum.
    D. But the 11-month-old dog has been working at the hospital longer.
    E. He jumps on the bed and lies down at her feet.
    F. The hospital will have more dogs like Company and Barney.
  • 21. 下面的材料A—F分别介绍了六个交友网站,请根据五位同学的需求,帮助他们选出最合适的网站。

    A. My Language Exchange

    lf you're learning a second language, My Language Exchange is the perfect place for you. Not only will you be connected with people who speak the language you're looking for, but also you'll be able to learn all about their culture, too.

    B. Interpals

    lt is a free pen pal website that allows users to meet new people, make friends on the website and discover pen pals from all over the world.

    C. Tumblr

    Tumblr is a big network of personal blogs. It can help you connect with people who like the same kinds of things as you. It's also great for people who are big fans of different TV shows.

    D. Student Letter Exchange

    This website is widely used in schools for those aged 9-20.You'll learn about life in a different country and make a new friend at the same time. If you are a student, why not give the website a try?

    E. Letternet

    Letternet is the world's biggest free pen pal club. It lets writers discover new friends from 140countries and provides helpful articles that guide you in developing your friendship.

    F. Post Crossing

    Do you want to get fun postcards? If so, Post Crossing is a good choice for you. Pen pals will send you postcards and you'll have a collection of different ones from all over the world without having to visit these places yourself.

    (1)、Sam is interested in collecting postcards. He is looking for pen pals who can exchange(交换) postcards with him.
    (2)、Lily is a big fan of popular TV series. She wants to chat with people who also like TV series.
    (3)、Jeremy is looking for a pen pal who can give him some advice on friendship building.
    (4)、Alison is 16 years old. She is interested in Britain. She wants to find a pen pal who can tell her what life is like in Britain.
    (5)、Aria is interested in Chinese culture. She is learning Chinese and she is looking for a pen pal who can speak Chinese well.

七、语法填空( 10分)

  • 22. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1分)

    Blankets(毯子) can keep you warm on cold nights. Lucy Blaylock makes blankets for different reason: to make people happy during the difficult times. She wants (she) blankets to feel like a big, warm hug (拥抱).

    Lucy learned to sew(缝制) three years , when she was 8. After she made a blanket as a birthday present for a friend, she (start) to think about other kids. "It makes me (excite) when I think of other kids getting the blanket in the mail and opening it," said the 11-year-old girl. "I hope they know that someone cares about them. It feels good to know that I'm helping all these kids feel loved."

    Since 2017, Lucy has sent about 500 Lucy's Love Blankets to kids living in 14 (country). She spends about two hours (make) a blanket by machine and then sewing her name inside a heart by hand. During COVID-19, she has also made face masks health care workers.

    For kids who are interested in helping people, she (hope) they can just go ahead. "Don't wait until you have everything ready. Just do it keep going," she says. "Even when you feel like it might not make a big difference, helping others is always important."


  • 23. 假如你是Kelly,你和哥哥Henry有不同的收藏爱好和梦想,请你根据表格提示,写一篇英语短文,介绍你和 Henry。




    Postcards about space

    Model rockets


    Three years ago,

    from her best friend,

    Six years old,

    from his uncle,


    The Postcard Club

    The Rocket Club


    To be an astronaut(宇航员)

    To be a scientist




    I'm Kelly and Henry is my brother. We both like collecting. Now let me tell you something about us.