人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级下学期Unit3 Part A基础测评卷

试卷更新日期:2022-04-01 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 根据汉语提示,将下列字母组成单词。
    (1)、e r a b(熊)
    (2)、m s l a l (小的)
    (3)、o h s r t(短的)


  • 2. 选出每组中画线字母读音不同的一项。
    A、six B、pig C、giraffe
    A、gift B、it C、rice
    A、sister B、China C、thin
    A、tall B、family C、fat


  • 3. 根据汉语提示,词与词连线组成短语。

    look          long nose         

    a            the zoo            一只长鼻子

    so            at               如此可爱

    thin          and tall            又瘦又高

    at            cute            在动物园





  • 19. 看图片,选择对应的句子。

    A. The fat woman is Lily's mother.

    B. I see some pandas. They are so cute!

    C. The beautiful girl is Sarah's sister.

    D. The tall boy is my brother.

    E. That dog is black and white.



  • 20. 你在动物园看见大熊猫时,你会说:_________
    A、It's brown and white. B、So cute!
  • 21. 你看见大象时,你可能会说:_________
    A、It has a short nose. B、It has big ears.
  • 22. 你让对方看这只胖猴子,你会说:_________
    A、This is a monkey. B、Look at this fat monkey.
  • 23. 你指着远处的鸭子说:_________
    A、This is a duck. B、Look at that duck.
  • 24. 当你看到一条又小又瘦的金鱼时,你可以说:_________
    A、It's small and thin. B、It's short and thin.


  • 25. 将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话。

    A. Oh, the zoo is so big.

    B. Come here, boys and girls! This is a zoo.

    C. They're so cute. What's that?

    D. Yes. Look at the monkeys.

    E. It is a wolf.

    F. I know. It looks like a dog.



  • 26. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    Hello, boys and girls. Today is Saturday(星期六). Let's go to the zoo. We can(能)see two pandas, a giraffe, and many monkeys. The pandas are fat and lovely(可爱的). They are white and black. I like them very much. Look at the giraffe! It's so tall. It has a long neck(颈). Come here, children! Look at the monkeys. They are thin. The elephant is big and fat. It likes bananas. Today we are happy.

    (1)、Today is__________
    A、Sunday B、Saturday C、Monday
    (2)、How many pandas can you see?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three.
    (3)、The giraffe is so__________.
    A、tall B、small C、fat
    (4)、The monkeys are__________.
    A、short B、small C、thin
    (5)、Look at the elephant. It is__________.
    A、tall and thin B、big and fat C、fat and lovely