外研版初中英语八年级下册Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles 重难点提优

试卷更新日期:2022-04-01 类型:同步测试


  • 1. The newly-opened company ____________the local people with more chances to work.
    A、gives B、provides C、offers D、shows
  • 2. If we travel abroad, we prefer to stay in five-star hotels. That's because they _________guests with the best service to make them feel at home.
    A、preview B、provide C、prevent
  • 3. 我们为我们的旅客提供免费服务。
  • 4. Simon provided a room for me.(同义句转换)

二、take, cost, pay和spend

  • 5. That one mistake almost ________ him his life.
    A、took B、paid C、cost D、spent
  • 6. You'd better ________ more time talking with your parents so that they can understand you better.
    A、spend B、take C、cost D、pay
  • 7. —Wow, your sweater is very beautiful!

    —Thank you. I bought it two days ago. _________ It me $50.

    A、took B、cost C、paid D、spent
  • 8. —What a beautiful model car!

    —Thanks. It _________my father two days to make it.

    A、cost B、spent C、paid D、took
  • 9. 我不想为这个箱子付款。
  • 10. 琳达昨天花了一个小时做作业。(spend)

三、情态动词mustn't, must分别表禁止、必须

  • 11. In some countries,people               download (下载) music from the Internet without paying,because it's against the law.(  )

    A、wouldn't B、needn't C、mustn't D、couldn't
  • 12. We should keep quiet in the cinema.We        speak loudly.(  )

    A、can B、must C、needn't D、mustn't
  • 13. You _________set out alone, or you _________get lost in the jungle.
    A、needn't; may B、mustn't; might C、can't; need D、mustn't; must
  • 14. — Mum, may I go swimming now?

    —Yes, dear, but remember that you___________go with your dad.

    A、may B、can C、must
  • 15. All the drivers _____________________ reduce speed when driving near the zebra crossing.
    A、can B、can't C、must D、mustn't

四、in the end, by the end of 和at the end of

  • 16. We walked and walked. _________we found that little village in the mountains.
    A、At the end B、At the end of C、In the end D、By the end of
  • 17. —When will you take the summer camp?


    A、At the end of B、By the end of C、In the end D、In the end of
  • 18. _________this month, we have learned ten English poems.
    A、In the end of B、By the end of C、At the end of D、In the end