牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修二高中英语Unit 2 Sports culture 基础知识练习题

试卷更新日期:2022-03-31 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Everything he writes (demonstrate) the depth of his sensibility.
  • 2. The teacher encouraged students to participate fully the running of the college.
  • 3. The plan is designed to motivate employee (work) more efficiently.
  • 4. She was studying hard the hope of being admitted to an engineering college.
  • 5. Television companies are racing to be the first (screen) his life story.
  • 6. Last Friday, my classmates and I came to the nearby library to read books, but only to be told that it (decorate).
  • 7. There is a need for greater (diverse) and choice in sport activities.
  • 8. There is now intense (compete) between schools to attract students.
  • 9. We greeted the professor with thunderous (applaud).
  • 10. How many candidates are standing for (elect)?


  • 11. 他注意到自己在街上散步时被一个陌生人跟踪着。(过去进行时)

    He noticed that he when he was walking in the street.

  • 12. 那是她第一次被邀请去参观长城(invite)。
  • 13. 直到儿子回来,她才上床睡觉。(强调句)

    It was

  • 14. 政府呼吁人们采取措施来对抗病毒。(call)
  • 15. 他决定将自己的余生献给科学研究事业。(devote)

    the science investigation.

  • 16. 在发展科学技术方面,我们要共同努力。(effort)

    We should science and technology.

  • 17. 读书不仅能让人学到知识,而且能让人快乐。(acquire)

    Reading, , contributes to happiness.

  • 18. 当被问到为什么上课又迟到时, 他羞愧的垂下来头。(分词作状语)
  • 19. 鲜花可以使沉闷的房间恢复生气。(bring)




  • 40. 一部分评论性文章是恶意重伤。(hit)

    Some of the criticism .

  • 41. 他说以前没见过她, 这不是真的。(定语从句)
  • 42. 据说多媒体将很快进入家用市场。(way)
  • 43. 当被问及实验为何失败时,他客观地回答了这个问题。(perspective)
  • 44. 马克在英语考试中得了满分, 他高兴极了。 (air)
  • 45. 因为害怕被抓,这个小偷藏在了 床底下。(形容词短语做状语)
  • 46. 他们学校当时正在建一所新的图书馆吗?(过去进行时;put up)
  • 47. 一位救援人员冒着生命危险营救了两名已经在山中被困两天的游客。(trap)

    A rescue worker risked his life to save two tourists


  • 48. Experiments of this kind_________ in both the U. S. and Europe well before the Second World War.
    A、have conducted B、have been conducted C、had conducted D、had been conducted
  • 49. No permission has ___ for anybody to enter the building.
    A、been given B、given C、to give D、be giving
  • 50. I ___ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.
    A、gave B、was given C、was giving D、had given
  • 51. It was reported that the murderer _______ arrested.
    A、has been B、had been C、has D、had
  • 52. —Have you moved into the new house?

    —Not yet, the rooms ___.

    A、are being painted B、are painting C、are painted D、are been painted
  • 53. It _______ whether she will get her work in the hospital.
    A、hasn't been decided B、isn't deciding C、doesn't decide D、hasn't decided
  • 54. The church tower which      will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.
    A、has restored B、has been restored C、is restoring D、is being restored
  • 55. Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs they__________________ before leaving their hometowns.
    A、promise B、were promised C、have promised D、have been promised
  • 56. You've failed to do what you_________ to and I'm afraid the teacher will blame you.
    A、will expect B、will be expected C、expected D、were expected