牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修二高中英语Unit 1 The mass media 基础知识练习题

试卷更新日期:2022-03-30 类型:同步测试


  • 1. A woman was killed and another was  (critical) injured.
  • 2. You will(automatic) get free dental treatment if you are under 18.
  • 3. His public speeches are in direct  (contradict) to his personal lifestyle.
  • 4. The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of (curious).
  • 5. Only a (minor)of children are fond of natural scenery while most of them like amusement parks.
  • 6. How did this unhappy state of affairs come  ?
  • 7. There are jobs much more dangerous than truck driving; instance, being a rescuer.
  • 8. There was one respect, however, in which they (differ). 
  • 9. They ( trap) in the burning building and luckily , the firefighters came to their rescue.
  • 10. Annie Salmon , disabled, is attended throughout her schooldays by a nurse (appoint) to guard her.

二、单句表达 根据提示补全句子

  • 11. 他刚要开始讲话,听众的掌声就打断了他。

       to speak the audience's applause interrupted him.

  • 12. 人们认为小汽车是亨利偷的。(think)

    Henry  the car.

  • 13. 她还没决定是否应当放弃。

    She hasn't made the decision.

  • 14. 最新发现的文件将揭发事情的真相。

    The newly found papers will  what really happened.

  • 15. 该国总统致力于改革医疗保健制度。(commmit)

    The president of the country health care system.

  • 16. 在过去,一所学校的成功是以考上大学的学生人数来衡量的。(term)

    In the past, a school's success was measured.

  • 17. 截止到昨天晚上9点钟,我们已经收到200 张从宇宙飞船发来的图片。

      we had got 200 pictures from the spaceship.

  • 18. 由于调查正在进行中,她向媒体强调,她目前不会草率得出任何结论。(rush)

    As the investigation is going on, she stressed to the media that she would not at present.

三、Grammar and usage & integrated skills.在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

  • 19. There is a need to check the (accurate) of these figures.
  • 20. Our new offices are still under (construct).
  • 21. One of the important reasons may be that it is these very people who cannot afford to obtain (profession) help.
  • 22. New theatres and arts centres sprang  all over the country.
  • 23. Her assistant was accused  theft by the police.
  • 24. Police have appealed for(witness) to the accident to come forward.
  • 25. Their marriage (found) on love and mutual respect.
  • 26. Silk (become) one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC.
  • 27. We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody ( break ) into the office during the night.
  • 28. He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all,  (have) it for a very long time.


  • 29. 短语填空
    dozens of,   put out,   to sum up,   for instance,   in terms of, rely on,
    vary from...to...,  be committed to, come about,  bring...to light
    (1)、We had no idea there was such a thing going on until the interview it .
    (2)、, our customs have their value and are an important part of our culture.
    (3)、When my mother woke up, she didn't know what had .
    (4)、Bad weather has caused flight cancellations over the holiday weekend.
    (5)、The conceptions and practices of child education culture culture.
    (6)、If you want to get ahead in life, you must achieving your dreams.
    (7)、She was rushing around madly trying to the fire.
    (8)、He stands out from all his fellows competence.
    (9)、There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving,, training tigers, fire fighting and so on.
    (10)、Most working women parents to help them look after their children.


  • 30. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

    One important early rail line was the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway,( complete) in 1909. Other rail lines then under development relied on Western financing and assistance,Zhangjiakou was an important trading post with Russia and the Chinese government felt the line was a high priority, so it decided that the construction should be done all by the Chinese. Hence Zhan Tianyou(give) this important job. When he was 12, he was sent by the government to study in the US,he graduated from high school and Yale University. After his return to China, he gained experience ( work ) on the railroad between Beijing and Shenyang, before being given the (responsible) for building the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway. Through his skill, the railroad was finished two years ahead of schedule.

    ( unfortunate), the development of the Chinese rail networks (be) soon stalled by war.

    In the 1950s, the government began renewed push to develop the rail networks repairing damaged lines, filling the gaps and lengthening lines still ( far) so that most of the major cities could be connected.