
试卷更新日期:2022-03-30 类型:月考试卷


  • 1. Dale, are you having a good time ______ the village?
    A、visit B、to visit C、visits D、visiting
  • 2. — How's the weather in Boston?     

    — ______.

    A、Sounds good B、Fine, thank you    C、That's right D、It's windy
  • 3. A _____________ is next to my house. Every morning my grandmother exercises in it is.
    A、classroom B、library C、supermarket D、park
  • 4. Look! There is a blackboard ______________ our class.
    A、in the front of B、in front of C、on front of D、on the front of
  • 5. I really enjoy _____________ a trip with you.
    A、take B、taking C、get D、getting
  • 6. There are so many people and cars. The street is _____________.
    A、quiet B、clean C、busy D、new
  • 7. — Paul, is there a post office near our school?

    — _____________. It's just next to the supermarket.

    A、Yes, there is B、Yes, it is C、No, there is D、No, it isn't
  • 8. Now let me _____________ you what I like doing in my free time.
    A、telling B、to tell C、tells D、tell
  • 9. We all like listening to music and _____________ games.
    A、playing B、play C、to play D、plays
  • 10. —Is the juice _____________?

    — No, you have to pay for it.

    A、delicious B、healthy C、free D、cold


  • 11. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Dear Peter,

    I'm so happy that you're coming to China. Yang Jun says you'll stay1him in Hangzhou. But I really2that you can visit our city-- Xiamien. Xiamen is in the southeast(东南) of China3it is a great city to go sightseeing. When you come here, I can be your4.

    Do you like to take a walk by the5? Well, there're some nice beaches in Xiamen. They are not very6but they're good places to have fun. For many visitors, Gulangyu is7favourite place. You like old buildings, right? You'll love Amoy University, a beautiful school with8buildings. There are many other interesting places in Xiamen and the people there are friendly and9Come and visit them by yourself.

    I'm looking forward to10you soon!



    A、at B、on C、up D、with
    A、need B、ask C、hope D、want
    A、and B、but C、so D、or
    A、friend B、manager C、guide D、player
    A、square B、sea C、park D、church
    A、small B、light C、dangerous D、famous
    A、my B、their C、our D、your
    A、easy B、silly C、old D、strong
    A、successful B、polite C、little D、personal
    A、waiting for B、hearing from C、getting off D、worrying about


  • 12. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。

    Our class has a special plan for this weekend. We are planning to go to Moonlight Town with some exchange students.

    Moonlight Town is a new town in our city. It takes only twenty minutes to get there from our school by underground, but we plan to go there by bike. So we can enjoy the beauty(美) of spring on the way. One of my friends says the town is really beautiful. There are green trees and beautiful flowers all over it, and the air is very fresh. We will have lunch there. We can try some local food. That's great!

    We are ready for the trip now. I am looking forward to having a nice day out!

    (1)、They will go to Moonlight Town with their parents.
    (2)、They will go to the town by underground from the school.
    (3)、It's spring-now.
    (4)、The air in the town is very bad.
    (5)、They will have some local food for lunch in the town.
  • 13. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。

    Here are the weather and the temperature (温度)on July 12, 2021.



    High temperature

    Low temperature













    New York






    (1)、Which cities are sunny on July 12?
    A、Beijing and London. B、New York and London. C、London and Melbourne D、Melbourne and Ottawa.
    (2)、________ is windy in the day.
    A、Tokyo B、Ottawa C、New York D、Melbourne
    (3)、________  and ___________have the same(相同的) low temperature.
    A、Beijing; New York B、Beijing; Tokyo C、Beijing; London D、New York; Melbourne
    (4)、Ben wants to play soccer. But he can't. Because he lives in________.
    A、Melbourne B、Ottawa C、New York D、Tokyo
    (5)、________  is the hottest in the day and the coolest at night."
    A、New York B、Beijing C、Melbourne D、London
  • 14. 阅读理解

    I'm Sally. My grandparents live in a nice neighborhood. It's an interesting place to visit. I like to spend time there on weekends.

    I often walk along Main Street to get there. There is an old building in the center of the neighborhood. It's a library. It's about 150 years old and lots of people like to read books there. There is a red building across from the library. It's an old post office. It's about 100 years old. Next to it, there is a supermarket.

    My favorite in the neighborhood is Walking Street. There are many small restaurants on this street. I like to eat all kinds of delicious snacks(小吃). There is a park behind Walking Street. My grandparents always walk around in the park every afternoon. It's nice and quiet, and they can enjoy the clean air and sunshine.

    (1)、How does Sally often go to her grandparents' home?
    A、By bike. B、On foot. C、By bus. D、By car.
    (2)、The library is about _____________ years old.
    A、150 B、130 C、120 D、100
    (3)、There is a ______________ next to the post office.
    A、school B、hotel C、hospital D、supermarket
    (4)、Where is the park?
    A、On Main Street. B、Next to the library. C、Behind Walking Street D、Across from the post office.
    (5)、What do sally's grandparents often do in the afternoon?
    A、Read books in the library. B、Shop in the supermarket. C、Walk around in the park. D、Watch TV at home.
  • 15. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。

    Vanilla is my best friend. She is of medium height. She is a cute girl with beautiful big eyes. But she always hides them behind a pair of black glasses. Why? Because she can't see and she is afraid that others make fun of(取笑) her.

    Amy is our English teacher. She is from America. She is tall with long hair. The students in our class all like her, because she knows each of us very well and she cares about(关心) us. After knowing how Vanilla feels about her eyes, she wants her to learn something.

    On Sunday, Amy asks Vanilla to go shopping with her. So they go to a busy street. On the street corner (角落), they stop. "Where are we, Miss Brown?" asks Vanilla. "We are on a street corner. And there are many people here. I will describe them to you," says Amy "Why? "Vanilla feels curious (好奇的).

    "You will know. Here comes a boy. He looks happy with his parents, but he has to speak to them with gestures (手势). Also, there is a woman sitting there. She is playing the violin, but she can't see. I get it, Miss Brown, "Vanilla says happily.

    (1)、What is Amy's last name?
    A、Smith. B、Brown. C、Jackson. D、Dean.
    (2)、What does Vanilla look like?
    A、She is short with big eyes. B、She is tall with long hair. C、She is of medium height with black glasses. D、She is of medium height with small eyes.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "hides" mean?
    A、隐藏 B、支撑 C、联系 D、潜伏
    (4)、We can learn that _________________.
    A、the woman is playing the guitar to make money. B、the boy uses gestures because he can't speak English. C、Vanilla doesn't want others to see her eyes. D、Amy takes Vanilla to go shopping on Saturday.
    (5)、What does Vanilla's teacher want to tell her?
    A、She needs to live a happy life. B、Everyone has a health problem. C、The boy and the woman are not happy. D、People with defects (缺陷) can still live happily.


  • 16. 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。

    A: Excuse me! Is there a post office near here?


    A: Great! So can you tell me the way?

    B: Of course. Just walk down this street, You can see it on the left of Center Street.

    A: Is it far from here?

    B: No, it isn't.


    B: There. You can take it in front of the restaurant.

    A: Thanks a lot.


    A. You can walk or take the No. 1 bus.

    B. Yes, there is.

    C. You're welcome.

    D. When you see a library, turn right. Go down Center Street.

    E. Where can I take the No. 1 bus?




  • 27. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。每个单词只能用一次,每空一词。

    goodbye, happy, cold, so, drinking, writing, children, by, talking, great

    Dear Eric,

    How is it going these days? I'm having a time in Dongxing, China. It's winter, but the weather here is not . Today is Sunday. My uncle doesn't have to go to work, he takes me and Tony, my cousin to the park.

    In the park, we see lots of people. Some are playing games. Some old men are walking the river. What is my uncle doing? He is with his friend under the tree. They are very . My cousin is apple juice. I'm sitting on the grass and to you. Oh, my uncle is calling me. I have to say !

    I miss you!



  • 28. 假设下星期日是你的生日,你将邀请你的朋友Tom 到你家,根据下面英语提示和要求写个60词的便条告诉你的朋友如何到你家,尽可能运用下列提示语

    ① turn right   ②go along Guanghe Street   ③the Heping Street  ④go straight     ⑤across from


