
试卷更新日期:2022-03-24 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 阅读理解

    Although Adrian Wood had already sent her three oldest children off to White Oak Elementary School in Edenton, North Carolina, she was anxious when it was her youngest son Amos's turn to start classes. Adrian said, "Sending Amos to school was such a different path. He was 3 when he started school. He had autism(自闭症)and he didn't speak."

    Amos struggled to make friends and fit in, but there was always one person there who was very happy to see him. Raymond Brown has worked at the school as a guard for the past 15 years. All of the students know and love him, and he's truly a friend to all. He started calling Adrian's son "Famous Amos" on day one. To the mom's surprise, Amos quickly began responding with a cheerful "Hey, Brown" whenever he saw him. "He wasn't even saying 'daddy' at home, so it was really something, "Adrian said.

    "Amos is a hard friend to have," Adrian explained, "He takes a lot more than he gives and that's tough for children. But those kids saw that he was popular and loved, and they started fighting over who would get to hold Amos' hand on the way to the classroom. It meant so much to me that he was favored by the other children at school, and Mr. Brown had a big hand in that."

    About a year ago, school officials nominated Mr. Brown for North Carolina's School Hero, a $20,000 prize. When the results came out and he didn't win, Adrian was heartbroken. She couldn't let the disappointing results stand, so she took to Facebook and created an annual "Famous Amos" prize for Mr. Brown in their community. Her neighbors answered the call, donating $35,000 in just one week! Townspeople and school officials gathered in March to celebrate Mr. Brown and give him the money they'd raised. Principal Michelle handed him a giant check and thanked him for everything he does to help kids like Amos find their way.

    (1)、What made Adrian worried?
    A、Her youngest son's bad behavior. B、Her family's heavy financial burden. C、Her youngest son's mental problem. D、Her three sons' poor performance at school.
    (2)、What change did Mr. Brown bring to Amos?
    A、Amos became a top student at school. B、Amos got more attention from other kids. C、Amos learned to share and care about others. D、Amos had a better relationship with his family members.
    (3)、What did Mr. Brown get in the end?
    A、The "Famous Amos" prize. B、A check from the local government. C、North Carolina's School Hero prize. D、A small donation from the community.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    We use what is known as inner speech, where we talk to ourselves, to evaluate situations and make decisions. Now, a robot has been trained to speak aloud its inner decision-making process, giving us a view of how it responds to contradictory demands.

    Arianna Pipitone and Antonio Chella at the University of Palermo, Italy, programmed a humanoid robot named Pepper, with software that models human cognitive (认知的) processes, which allowed Pepper to retrieve (检索) relevant information from its memory and find the correct way to act based on human commands, as well as a text — to — speech processor. It allowed Pepper to voice its decision-making process while completing a task, "With inner speech, we can better understand what the robot wants to do and what its plan is," says Chella.

    The researchers asked Pepper to set a dinner table according to etiquette (礼仪) rules they had programmed into the robot. Inner speech was either enabled or disabled to see how it affected Pepper's ability to do what was instructed.

    When instructed to place a napkin on a fork with its inner speech enabled, Pepper asked itself what the etiquette required and concluded that this request went against the rules it had been given. It then asked the researchers if putting the napkin on the fork was the correct action. When told it was, Pepper said, "OK, I prefer to follow your desire," and explained how it was going to place the napkin on the fork.

    When asked to do the same task with inner speech disabled, Pepper knew this contradicted etiquette rules, so it didn't perform the task or explain why.

    With the potential for robots to become more common in the future, this type of programming could help the public understand their abilities and limitations, says Sarah Sebo at the University of Chicago. "It maintains people's trust and enables cooperation and interactions between humans and robots," she says. However, this experiment only used a single human participant, says Sebo. "It's unclear how their approach would compare across a wide range of human participants," she says.

    (1)、Why does the author mention how people make decisions in the first paragraph?
    A、To introduce the topic. B、To make comparisons. C、To provide an example. D、To support his argument.
    (2)、How did Pepper react to the contradictory instruction with its inner speech enabled?
    A、It failed to complete the task. B、It followed the etiquette rules. C、It made a random decision. D、It communicated with the researchers.
    (3)、What did Sarah Sebo think of the research?
    A、It was creative but worthless. B、It was a good try but the result was a failure. C、It was inspiring but needed further evidence. D、It was carefully designed but poorly performed.
    (4)、Which of the following is the best title for the text?
    A、Robot Taught To Be Polite B、Robot Can Explain Its Decision C、Robot Making Decisions: No Longer A Dream D、Robot-Human Communication: No Longer A Problem
  • 3. 阅读理解

    It was a weeknight and one of my twin daughters marched into the room, waving a book she'd finished. "Dad, why are books with science in them always about boys?" she asked.

    I told her that simply wasn't true; there were loads of great science fictions with girls in them. She agreed, but argued that in those stories it was the boys who were doing science, and the girls were just along for the ride. My other daughter took her sister's side and challenged me to give an example.

    This left me in a difficult position. I could either go through our library to point out some wonderful examples of female-led science fictions, or just admit they were right and remain in my comfortable chair.

    I've been asked several times how I came up with the idea for A Problematic Paradox and my answer is always the same: it came to me in a moment of inspiration. I like that answer because it's simple and makes me seem very creative. The fact that this explanation is not true bothers me from time to time. Here's the truth: the story wasn't my idea. It was my daughters who suggested I write something for them that had a girl doing science.

    My daughters were at an age when many young women turn away from STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), believing those areas of study unfriendly or out — of — the — norm for girls. I also read about how important role models can be to young people. It's one thing to tell a person they can do something, but seeing someone like them doing that thing can be more powerful.

    So, I kept two guidelines for the book in mind: First, the story had to be fun for anyone, because it's as important for boys to understand that science is for everyone. Second, I wanted the main character, Nikola, to be imperfect. She should be someone with shortcomings as we all have. I think this not only makes a story more interesting to read, but also helps make it clear that the most extraordinary things can be done by ordinary people.

    (1)、What does the underlined phrase "along for the ride" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
    A、Entering a bike race. B、Offering vital help. C、Doing unimportant things. D、Playing the leading role.
    (2)、What do we know about the book A Problematic Paradox?
    A、Its main character is perfect. B、It is a female-led science fiction. C、It is intended to appeal to girls only. D、Its idea comes from the author's inspiration.
    (3)、Which of the following best describes the author's book?
    A、Serious and abstract. B、Simple and practical. C、Creative and well-organized. D、Inspiring and interesting.


  • 4. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。

    When you are looking for a new job, you'll probably get a lot of advice from the Internet and well-meaning friends. Some of it may even hurt your chances. We've clarified a few of the most common misbeliefs about job hunting so you can find your new position quickly without lowering your standards.

     Having a college degree shows that you put in hard work and effort, but it doesn't lock you into one specific career. If you take a completely different career path, consider getting experience in your new field of choice with an internship (实习) or vocational classes.

    You don't need to be perfect to apply. If you meet some of the requirements that the job asks for, take a chance? It's pretty rare for a company to find someone who meets all the requirements. Of course, there are some things that companies won't bend on, or give in, like experience or skills.

    Temporary jobs don't necessarily mean dead-ends.  Usually, companies are cautious about hiring new people, so they use temporary jobs to test the waters first. If you come across a suitable temporary job, consider applying to get your foot in the door.

    Your personality is no less important than your qualification. You may have gone to a top school and have years of experience.  Do your best to make a good impression by being polite and kind during your interview.

    A. However, it never hurts to try.

    B. Some may turn into long-term or full-time work.

    C. Your college degree determines your career path.

    D. You don't have to work in the field your degree is in.

    E. While the advice can sometimes be helpful, a lot of it is contradictory.

    F. Therefore, they will save companies the trouble of training new employees.

    G. But, if your attitude doesn't match the company culture, you won't be employed.


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。

    It was summer 2019 when CBS News first met middle school math teacher, Finn Lanning and his student Damien.

    "He's a 1 student who always stands out. And then one day he just came to me and 2that he was not coming back to school," Lanning said.

    Lanning sat his student down and had a (n) 3 with him. He then 4 Damien had a kidney disease and that he was 5 to leave school and move into a hospital as social services couldn't find a foster family (寄养家庭) 6 to meet his medical needs.

    But here's the real problem: Damien 7 needed a transplant(移植).But a lot of times it's 8 to get a transplant if someone doesn't have a 9 to return to after the operation.

    "It hit me like a ton of bricks. I mean, you 10 can't sit across from somebody you 11 and hear them say something like that when you know you can 12 them," Lanning said.

    That's how Lanning became a foster parent. He13Damien — medical needs and All— although he claimed that he 14 his childless life, "I never15 I could leave school after work and take one of them home with me and still 16he said.

    Damien refused to get too 17 though they got along very well. That's 18    he'd seen fairy tales fall apart before, "They'll be 19 with you one day and then just kick you out the next," Damien said.

    Lanning 20 he's not going anywhere, whether Damien believes it or not.

    A、honest B、smart C、naughty D、strict
    A、said B、warned C、begged D、denied
    A、argument B、conversation C、competition D、interview
    A、noticed B、shared C、learned D、doubted
    A、invited B、allowed C、encouraged D、forced
    A、proud B、curious C、willing D、anxious
    A、desperately B、hopefully C、hardly D、simply
    A、dangerous B、convenient C、painful D、difficult
    A、home B、school C、hospital D、neighborhood
    A、still B、just C、even D、also
    A、respect B、hate C、envy D、care
    A、train B、teach C、raise D、help
    A、picked up B、looked for C、took in D、put down
    A、imagined B、missed C、enjoyed D、introduced
    A、pretended B、thought C、remembered D、admitted
    A、recover B、survive C、escape D、relax
    A、excited B、determined C、surprised D、amused
    A、how B、why C、where D、because
    A、pleased B、patient C、angry D、bored
    A、planned B、expected C、promised D、hoped


  • 6. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Family drama "A Love for Dilemma", focusing  China's education system and parent-child relationship, started airing on iQIYI on April 11, and  (cause) a wide public concern among netizens ever since.

     (base) on a novel, the drama centers around several  (family) whose children are about to enter middle school. Different generations of people hold different attitudes toward the children's education,  leads to conflicts, misunderstandings and relationship crises.

    The director of the drama,  mother of two herself, admits she used to be anxious about her children's education like most mothers in China.  she wanted to give her children sweet memories and a happy childhood, she was worried their studies would fall behind without taking extra lessons. "I hope to remind the audience  (give) children more time and patience, and set aside the anxiety and confusion," Zhou said, "Let nature take  (it) course and everything that happens in life has its own meaning."

    A netizen commented that the drama encourages her to cherish every moment in life, even the ordinary ones. "The meaning of life is not to compete, but to experience, explore and fulfill one's  (responsible) for the world," she said.


  • 7. 假定你是李华,你的好友Jimmy报名了校书法俱乐部,但因人数已满而未成功,请给他写 一封邮件,内容要点如下:




  • 8. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。

    Effective communication can make you an effective leader and success can come much more easily. It is very important to be a confident and efficient communicator so that others can understand you. However, in order to become an effective communicator, you need to be an effective listener first.

    To be a good listener, you need effective listening skills, which will help you understand other peoples' point of view. However, most people generally overlook the skill of listening. Actually, communication is never a complete process if you are only a good speaker without being a good listener. You may be very good at expressing your thoughts effectively. But if you are not good at understanding other people's point of view, it will never be considered effective communication.

    Usually, speaking is considered an active process and listening is claimed to be a passive process. Listening, however, is undoubtedly an active process, too. It doesn't just mean sitting in front of someone and staring at their eyes. In order to understand someone better, you need to analyze their thoughts and words. Additionally, you need to show that you are listening. For instance, you can say "I see," "go on" or just nod your head. Of course, in the case of disagreement, you do not necessarily have to do that. You can also ask questions if you have problems understanding that person's perspective. Asking questions will not only improve your listening habits but also make the other person realize that they are being heard.

    Too often, we attach great importance to the skill of speaking; however, most of us do not value the skill of listening very highly. Now is the time for you to break the old stereotype (刻板印象) and follow the new trend, which is a contributing factor to effective communication.