
试卷更新日期:2022-03-18 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. —Mr. Green, can I take part in the school talent show?

    —Sure. I will put you in ________ name list.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 2. — Nick, have you heard that a ________ will be built near our house?

    — Yes. I'm afraid it will cause much air pollution.

    A、library B、factory C、hospital D、museum
  • 3. While shopping, customers always ________ similar products and choose the best one from them.
    A、compare B、borrow C、accept D、introduce
  • 4. Doctors suggest that we shouldn't stay up late, or we will possibly become ________.
    A、sick B、poor C、special D、bored
  • 5. —Mike, it's too difficult for me to skate. I can hardly control my feet.

    —You'd better skate ________ so that you won't fall down.

    A、freely B、slowly C、politely D、beautifully
  • 6. ________ we go out every day, we need to check the weather report and make sure we wear proper clothes.
    A、Until B、Though C、Before D、Unless
  • 7. —Sam, what topic will you choose for your speech?

    —I ________ choose "Heroes". I will ask my teacher for advice and make a decision.

    A、must B、may C、need D、should
  • 8. — Shh, don't make noise! Mrs. Smith ________ the latest news in the studio.

    — I'm sorry about that.

    A、presents B、presented C、has presented D、is presenting
  • 9. —Can you tell me ________?

    —They are more environmentally friendly because they use less energy.

    A、what advantage electric cars have B、who prefers to buy the electric cars C、how much the cheapest electric car is D、where people can fix their electric cars
  • 10. —Mom, I'm so nervous about the job interview tomorrow.

    —________. I'm sure you will do well because you've prepared for a long time.

    A、It's a pity B、I'm afraid not C、Take it easy D、That's no excuse


  • 11. 完形填空

        On the beach of Stone Harbor, New Jersey, Marie was walking with her eight-year-old brother, Eden.

    "Why does Mom have to go?" Eden asked again, with fear in his eyes.

    "Mom's a 1 serving in the army reserve. When the army needs her, they call her up to take care of the wounded soldiers." Marie answered.

    Dad had asked her to explain to Eden that Mom would 2 after the war. "You're older now, big girl. You 3."

    No, Marie didn't understand. Being thirteen didn't bring her any less fear of Mom's 4. How could she convince her brother when she needed to make 5 believe it? She looked over her shoulder and saw Eden's 6 face. That troubled her. She didn't want her brother to go through the 7 of not knowing what was going on.

    Wanting to make him 8, Marie suggested, "Let's try floating by the water's edge. Lie back." Slowly, Eden spread his body on top of the water. Marie lay back too, relaxed. When they stood up, Marie realized they were on the other side of the sea wall. 9 she began to lead the way back to the main beach.

    "Now that you can float, stay beside me," Marie said, tripping in the water.

    "OK," answered Eden.

    Suddenly, Marie stumbled into a hole in the sand under water. She turned to warn Eden to be 10 but couldn't find him. There was a rip current! 11, she turned her eyes out to sea. There in turbulent waters was Eden. With no time to think, Marie dove into the water and swam with all her 12 to her brother and took hold of his arm.

    "Stay on your back!" she shouted. They could 13 move, but Marie continued swimming with difficulty.

    Finally, the pull of the water began to weaken. Mom and Dad were rushing 14 them as Marie dragged Eden out of the sea.

    "Rip current." Marie told them. "I swept Eden out."

    "It's OK," Mom said, wrapping Marie in her arms.

    "Maybe that's 15 Mom serves. When others need help, someone has to step up and do it. Until Mom comes back, I'll be here to take care of Eden," Marie looked at her brother and said to herself.

    A、nurse B、pilot C、teacher D、soldier
    A、calm down B、wake up C、come back D、hang or
    A、decide B、promise C、believe D、understand
    A、hiding B、refusing C、leaving D、starving
    A、herself B、himself C、ourselves D、themselves
    A、cold B、pale C、dirty D、angry
    A、pains B、secrets C、illnesses D、adventures
    A、happier B、prouder C、more curious D、more confident
    A、or B、so C、but D、because
    A、quiet B、active C、careful D、patient
    A、Finally B、Lately C、Certainly D、Immediately
    A、pride B、memory C、strength D、pleasure
    A、just B、still C、quickly D、hardly
    A、past B、towards C、beside D、around
    A、how B、who C、where D、why


  • 12. 阅读单选

    You may have tasted Hershey's chocolate, but have you ever visited Hersheypark? Make plans today to visit Hersheypark—the sweetest theme park on Earth!

    Explore the Park



    Hersheypark has 15 coasters, including Candymonium, the tallest, fastest, longest and sweetest coaster in Hersheypark.

    Hershey Character Meet & Greet

    You can take a picture with Hershey characters inside Hershey's Chocolate Town.

    The Light Show

    Watch an amazing light show with more than 250,000 dancing lights during the Christmas season.

    Chocolate's World

    Create your own Hershey chocolate bar here and learn how chocolate is made.

    Buy your tickets online to save more and discover a list of fun and exciting attractions and events in the park.

    1-Day Ticket

    $ 44 (Online)

    $ 49

    2-Day Ticket

    $ 68 (Online)

    $ 91

    Season Pass

    $ 169 (Online)

    $ 195

    Our sweetest Season Pass includes unlimited visits to the park all year, FREE parking, 15% off food, drinks and so on.

    (1)、To take photos with Hershey characters, we can go to ________.
    A、the light show B、Candymonium C、Chocolate Town D、Chocolate's World
    (2)、How much can a couple save if they each buy a 2-day ticket online?
    A、$ 26 B、$ 46. C、$ 68. D、$ 91.
    (3)、According to the information above, what can we know about Hersheypark?
    A、It is mainly designed for old people. B、It has a theme connected to chocolate. C、It holds the same activities all year round. D、It allows people to park and have meals for free
  • 13. 阅读单选

    If you've always wanted to be a high flier, then skydiving is the right sport for you! Skydiving is the activity of jumping from a plane or other aircrafts at about 4000m and falling through the sky before opening a parachute.

    The actual history of skydiving started with Frenchman Andre-Jacques Garnerin, who made successful parachute jumps in 1797 from a hot air balloon. Later, more people took it up and had regular competitions, which led to it becoming an international sport in 1952. For some people, skydiving has become a sport they enjoy doing for a lifetime through which they meet new friends, learn, progress and even compete.

    The sport of skydiving has a whole range of training methods. Tandem skydiving is the most common way for beginners to get started in this exciting sport. During a tandem dive, the student is connected to an instructor. The student is able to enjoy the sensation of free fall, while the instructor takes control of vital activities such as opening the parachute and performing a safe landing. While falling through the sky, the "arch" position is the best body position for beginners. The shape of a banana is similar to the body position. To feel the sensation of the "arch" you can lie face down on the ground and extend your arms out while keeping them off the ground. Do the same thing with your legs — legs extended with knee bend and keeping them off the floor. This "arch" position allows for a smooth free fall.

    Today, skydiving has become a popular activity around the world. Why not take the chance to skydive in your coming vacation?

    (1)、According to the passage, skydiving ________.
    A、helps us jump higher in the sky B、was first practiced by an Englishman C、has a history of over 500 years D、is a lifetime hobby for some people
    (2)、While doing tandem skydiving, students ________.
    A、dive with a group of people B、control the parachute before landing C、experience free fall in the sky D、land on the ground by themselves
    (3)、Which picture shows the "arch" position?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (4)、Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
    A、Come and Join Us in Skydiving B、A True Story about Skydiving C、Secrets Behind an Excellent Skydiver D、Get Started with Tandem Skydiving
  • 14. 阅读单选

    In the open ocean, there's nowhere to hide. Being visible isn't safe for animals that live here. So many of them take up a remarkable form of camouflage: they're transparent.

    Transparent animals let light pass through their bodies the same way it passes through a window. These animals usually live between the surface of the ocean and a depth of about 3,300 feet (1,000 m) — as far as most light can reach. Most of them are extremely delicate and can be damaged by a light touch.

    How does an animal become see-through? The objects around you are visible because they interact with light. But a transparent object doesn't interact with light, at least not very much. To become transparent, an animal needs to keep its body from absorbing or scattering light. According to Sonke Johnsen, a marine biologist and professor at Duke University, avoiding absorption is actually easy. Living materials allow light to get through them if they don't have pigments, which are chemicals that absorb specific colors of light. Pigments make your blood red and plant leaves green, but if an animal doesn't have them, its tissues won't absorb light.

    __________ Light bends and scatters when it goes through different materials of an animal-skin, fat, muscle, and more. All that bending means light can't pass straight through the animal, so the animal is visible. Transparent animals use different tricks to fight scattering. Some animals are just very small without much tissue to scatter light. Others build a large, clear mass of non-living, jelly-like material and spread themselves over it. Actually the living tissue of the animal is pretty thin.

    Eyes and stomachs are hard to hide. To keep enemies from seeing their eyes or their last meal, transparent animals use disguises. Eyes might be placed far away from the rest of the body. A stomach may be covered by something like a mirror which makes others only see the ocean around the animal. It may also take strange, needle-like shape that is difficult to see the edge.

    (1)、The animals become transparent by ________.
    A、absorbing or scattering light B、living somewhere without light C、bending light with special chemicals D、letting light get straight through their bodies
    (2)、Which is the best sentence for in Paragraph 4?
    A、How do large animals protect themselves? B、The real challenge is to stop light from scattering. C、Is it possible to make an animal body scatter light? D、Transparent animals have to make themselves look large.
    (3)、The underlined word "disguises" means the ways to ________.
    A、eat less B、fight enemies C、see further D、change appearance
    (4)、Which of the following animals might be transparent?
    A、A large animal with small living parts. B、A soft animal living at the bottom of the sea. C、A light animal that absorbs colors of other animals. D、A strong animal that can escape from most dangers.


  • 15. 多任务混合问题

        I was an art-dealer in Berlin. Since the war broke out, there hadn't been much business to do. I decided to visit my former customer—a man who was probably the oldest yet alive. In the course of decades, what he had bought from us for low prices should be worth a large amount of money today.

    I finally saw him, in an old and cheap house. He was blind, living with his wife and daughter. He was overjoyed to meet me and would like to show me his collection.

    Then a strange thing happened. His wife, who had been listening with a pleasant smile, was scared. She begged me to come later. An hour later, the daughter arrived at my hotel with embarrassment, "We have to ask a favour of you. When you get back, Father will want to show you his collection, and the collection...the collection, well there's very little of it left." She went on difficultly, "soon after the war broke out, Father became blind. Each afternoon, he has the paintings on the table and fingers them one by one. The situation is terrible now, but Father knows nothing about the inflation. We don't read him that sort of things from the newspaper."

    "The first painting we sold was a very valuable one. We put the money in a bank. In a few weeks, it was gone! We had to sell another one. Every piece we sold was replaced by a sheet of blank paper...He would not survive the knowledge of the loss. Today may be the most excited experiences since he got blind. If you will lend yourself to the lie..."

    I promised to play up. I spent the whole afternoon in their house. The old man showed me blank pieces and pointed at every detail so surely that I couldn't help leaning forward to read the non-existent paintings. I didn't know what to say in front of all the blank sheets of paper until I saw the mother and the daughter. I pulled myself together and played my role, "Certainly you are right. It is valuable!"

    "Here's a man who knows what's what!" he said cheerfully to the two women. "When I am dead, you could sell them. You'll be the richest in the town!"

    Not for years, not since 1914, had I seen such happiness in the face of a German.

    (1)、The family was in a terrible situation because ________.
    A、the daughter took all the money away B、the war made the family's money gone quickly C、the old man's collection was actually not valuable at all D、the writer replaced the old man's collection with blank paper
    (2)、What made the wife scared when the old man offered to show his collection?
    A、Most of the old man's collection was sold. B、Some of the old man's collection was damaged C、She thought the old man might hurt the collection D、She was afraid the old man would sell the collection
    (3)、How did the writer feel when he saw the old man's "collection"?
    A、Sorry. B、Thankful. C、Unsatisfied. D、Amazed.
    (4)、Why did the writer help the old man's wife and daughter to lie? (请用约40词回答)


  • 16. 用单词的正确形式完成句子

    billion, finish, bad, outside, neither

    (1)、Although I have two brothers, of them can help me with study.
    (2)、Please keep the door and windows closed because it's too cold .
    (3)、We should always remember to hope for the best, but prepare for .
    (4)、Little Tom this drawing. The teacher doesn't need to help him now.
    (5)、When you look up into the sky at might, you will see of stars up there.


  • 17. 单词填空

        Sigmund Freud was born in 1856. When he was a little boy, he showed no interest in outdoor activities,  (除……之外) walking. He usually walked alone in the  (院子) after dinner. Most of the time, he just stayed in his room and read, with all books around.

    In 1873, Sigmund Freud studied medicine at the University of Vienna. He received his medical  (学位) in 1881. After leaving school, he began to work with patients who always felt  (担忧的) about their lives. Later, he created a method called "psychoanalysis" to  (治疗) people, and they got well soon in this new way.

    During the World War Ⅱ, Sigmund Freud  (抓住) by the German army. He suffered a lot in Germany. It was a  (黑暗的) period of his life. A lot of people tried to save him but failed.  (幸运地), the U. S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked the German army to let him free. They  (同意) but they wanted $ 32,000. A Greek princess who was once a patient of Freud's paid the money. In 1938, Freud and his family moved to a town near London. Several  (月) later, in September 1939, Freud died at the age of 83.


  • 18. Education杂志正在为学校管理者做一项调查:期末成绩单上呈现分数还是等级?下图是你班同学和家长对该调查的反馈,请你以"Scores or Grades on the School Report?"为题写一篇约110词的英语短文向杂志投稿,简单描述调查结果,并谈谈你对该问题的看法和理由,让学校管理者通过阅读你的文章能有所启发。




    Scores or Grades on the School Report?

    Recently, my classmates and their parents have taken a survey on "Scores or Grades on the School Report?"