北师大版初中英语九年级Unit 2 Getting Ready & Lesson 4 Classics第一课时练习

试卷更新日期:2022-03-10 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 英汉互译
    (1)、get sb. into trouble
    (2)、enjoy doing sth.
    (3)、at first
    (4)、by the early 1960s
    (5)、try to do sth.



  • 7. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空

    adventure   curiosity   society   force   read

    (1)、This book will appeal to young .
    (2)、It is raining hard, so many people are to stay at home.
    (3)、Their cultural background (背景) gave them a spirit of .
    (4)、With the development of the , we will have a better life in the future.
    (5)、 is the first step to success in science.


  • 8. Helen _______________ to a language school when she was seven.
    A、sent B、is sent C、was sent D、will send
  • 9. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we _______________ well.
    A、look out B、stay up C、carry on D、get along
  • 10.       , the Internet was only used by the government. But now it's widely used in every field.
    A、As usual B、At first C、After all D、So far
  • 11. —Don't you think it______ of some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars?

    —Well, I don't think so. We were once young and had the similar experiences.

    A、creative B、silly C、wise D、curious
  • 12. — I have great _______________ in finishing the work by myself. Could you help me?

    — No problem.

    A、fun B、success C、advice D、trouble
  • 13. —Laura enjoys ________ storybooks.

    —Me, too.

    A、reading B、read C、to read D、reads
  • 14. — I like reading.

    — Me, too. I especially like the _______________ written by J. K. Rowling.

    A、homework B、numbers C、movies D、books
  • 15. We have been friends for nearly twenty years. Nothing can break off our _______.

    A、friendship B、pleasure C、decision D、experience
  • 16. You'd better not force your son ________________ something he doesn't like.
    A、eating B、to eat C、eats D、eat
  • 17. She used to _______________ a bus to school, but now she is used to _______________ to school.
    A、taking; walk B、take; walk C、taking; walking D、take; walking


  • 18. 一个叫杰瑞的男孩儿成为这本书的角色。

    A Jerry became a character of the book.

  • 19. 虽然这本书最初不太成功,但它后来变得受欢迎了。

    Although the book was not a great success at first, it later.

  • 20. 有两部电影也是根据这个故事拍摄的。

    Two films have also the story.

  • 21. 一些生词被包含在这篇课文中。

    Some new words are in this text.

  • 22. 不论她多少次被问及此事,她一直保持沉默。

    No matter how many times she was asked about this, she all the time.

  • 23. 不要再往火中加煤了。

    Don't coals the fire any more.

  • 24. 我们那时认为他遇到了麻烦。

    We thought he had at that time.

  • 25. 我习惯于熬夜,尽管我知道这对我的健康不利。

    I am up, though I know it's bad for my health.

  • 26. 飞机发生事故后,他们被迫一起待在一个岛上。

    They stay on an island together after their plane has an accident.

  • 27. 如今我们彼此相处得很好。

    We each other nowadays.


  • 28. 阅读理解

        Some people say that today, reading is not as important as it was. These days we have photographs, films, radio and television. Why read a description of something when you can look at a photograph? Why read a newspaper when the latest news is brought to us every hour on radio and TV?

        Photography is certainly a wonderful invention. Photo- graphs can give us a very clear idea of places and of people that we have never seen. An encyclopedia (百科全书),for example, is always better when it has good illustrations. But we also need words to explain the photographs and drawings. A photograph of an elephant may give us a very good idea of what an elephant looks like, but it tells us nothing about the different sorts of elephants there are and where they are found, their exact size and weight, how they can be useful to man and so on.

        In the same way, a good film has action, movement, colour and maybe music. These are things we do not find on the printed page." But reading a novel has certain advantages over watching even an excellent feature film. Reading a novel requires imagination. Each of us imagines a story differently.

        Watching news on television can certainly be exciting. But we need newspapers as well. Some important news stories happen when there are no cameras around. More importantly, a newspaper does not just report the news. It explains why something has been happening. It also contains interesting articles on different subjects. Newspapers are an important part of our lives, if we want to understand what is going on in the places we live as well as in other parts of the world.

        Reading is very important for information and pleasure. We need to be good readers to enjoy a full life as human beings. Reading is a skill and like other skills, it needs practice. The more we read, the better readers we will become. And the better readers we become, the more we will enjoy reading! The secret is to form the reading habit.

        Read at least a little every day.

    (1)、According to Paragraph 2, photographs can give us ______________.
    A、enough information about people and places B、no information about things C、some information about things but not enough D、the wrong information about things
    (2)、Newspapers contain _________________.
    A、more information than television B、less information than television C、more news from other countries D、less information about important events than TV
    (3)、What are the advantages of novels over a feature film?
    A、There are more interesting subjects in novels. B、We do not hear any music in a novel. C、Novels always explain what is happening. D、Novels make us use our imagination.
    (4)、What does the author think about reading?
    A、It is a wonderful invention. B、It is an important part of our lives. C、It requires no practice. D、It is not as important as television.