新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级下册Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum 训练5 重难点提优

试卷更新日期:2022-03-08 类型:同步测试


  • 1. I wonder ____________.
    A、if the program Readers is popular B、how does the program Readers succeed C、when did the program Readers begin D、whether is the program Readers popular
  • 2. 不管成功还是失败,我们都必须尽力而为。

    we succeed fail, we have to try our best.

  • 3. 我想知道明天是否会下雨。

    I wonder it will rain tomorrow.


  • 4. —Jack, how was your summer vacation?

    —Just so so. I decided to go____________ for my next vacation.

    A、something wonderful B、wonderful something C、somewhere wonderful D、wonderful somewhere
  • 5. 暑假我想去有趣的地方参观。

    I would to visit in the summer vacation.

  • 6. You can find him somewhere. (改为否定句)

    You find him.


  • 7. Whenever____________, I will walk around the interesting places of our city with you.
    A、you come B、do you come C、you will come D、will you come
  • 8. Kate's dad is getting old.  She will go back home to see him __________ it is convenient.

    A、because B、whenever C、although D、unless
  • 9. The boys fight whenever they meet. (同义句转换)

    The boys fight they meet.

四、three quarters的用法

  • 10. —Have you finished reading the book?

    —Not yet. I only read three (quarter) of the pages.

  • 11. Only a quarter of the teenagers (show) great interest in it.


  • 12. Our Chinese teacher often encourages us (study) hard at Chinese.
  • 13. Her (encourage) made me work harder.
  • 14. Jessica's parents always encourage her __________ out her opinions.

    A、speak B、speaking C、to speak D、will speak



  • 19. The dog can find food (it). Don't worry about it.
  • 20. Mike lost his school ID card this morning. He is looking for ______ now.   

    A、it B、him C、them
  • 21. The cat hurt ____________when it fell off the tall tree.
    A、itself B、himself C、herself D、myself


  • 22. —Tom (invent) a tree-planting machine.

    —I think no one is more creative than him. He's a boy full of strange ideas.

  • 23. The little boy wants to be an (invent).
  • 24. There are many old (invent) in the museum.