外研版(2019)必修三高中英语Unit 6 Disaster and hope SectionC Developing ideas基础分层训练(含答案)

试卷更新日期:2022-03-04 类型:同步测试



  • 5. Not only a little girl but also adults (have) a growing appetite for junk food nowadays.
  • 6. (她不仅许下了诺言), but she also kept it.  
  • 7. 同义句转换

    He speaks not only English and French but also Spanish.

    (1)、. (改为not only位于句首的倒装句) 
    (2)、. (用as well as改写) 


  • 8. I wasn't there, otherwise,  I (take) that job.  
  • 9. He is old and sick, otherwise he would (work) right now.  
  • 10. 迄今为止,这个项目已拯救了成千上万个本来会死亡的孩子。

    Up to now, the program has saved thousands of children .  



  • 14. Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people the roof of the burning building.
  • 15. (rescue) the drowning boy to the bank, he left without being noticed.  
  • 16. 我们来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。

    We and pulled him out of the river.  



  • 20. He fell in love with you the moment he saw you.
    (1)、. (用as soon as改写) 
    (2)、. (用以-ly结尾的连词改写) 



  • 25. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词
    (1)、weather (预测,预报)
    (2)、 (抓住)the handle
    (3)、 (可靠的)quality
    (4)、 (营救) workers
    (5)、 (紧急) treatment
    (6)、 (非常)big
    (7)、 (夺去) his life
    (8)、economic (危机)  
    (9)、 (威胁) a person or thing
    (10)、describe (准确地)
  • 26. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词
    (1)、(无处) to go
    (2)、or (相反;要不然)
    (3)、 (直升机) pilot 
    (4)、 (房地产) market
    (5)、 (充足的)condition
    (6)、 (庇护,防护) belts


  • 27. 选词填空

    all of a sudden, come down, up and down, have yet to,

    in the open air, keep on

    (1)、The cold rain for hours last night.  
    (2)、To my surprise, he looked at the stranger .  
    (3)、He smoking during the meeting, which made me angry.  
    (4)、a shower came down, so that my skirt outside was all wet.  
    (5)、They had to sleep after the earthquake to keep safe.  
    (6)、I find out the truth.  


  • 28. 根据课文完成短文。

    The hurricane happened (sudden), and the roof flew off. The street turned a river and we were going nowhere. At first, I was (please) we could stay at home, but soon it got really tough. We didn't have enough (drink) water. It was hot and it smelled so bad everywhere!  What's (bad), we had nothing clothes on our backs. (fortunate), my mother encouraged us and the stars in the sky gave us light. After few days, we were rescued and the (miss) Smartie came home in time, which made us happy. Now, one year has passed, but the beauty of the stars of New Orleans inspires us and gives us (confident) to move on.


  • 29. 阅读主题活动

    What do you think could be done to help the local people rebuild their homes?