外研版(2019)必修三高中英语Unit 2 Making a difference Section C Developing ideas基础分层训练

试卷更新日期:2022-03-04 类型:同步测试


  • 1. In the last few years, China has made great (achieve) in environmental protection.
  • 2. This project requires close teamwork. Nothing (achieve) unless we work well together.  
  • 3. His laziness makes it impossible for him (achieve) success.  
  • 4. 他在科研工作中取得了巨大的成就。

    He his scientific research.


  • 5. He aided me (finish) the work.  
  • 6. I'm collecting money aid of the homeless people.
  • 7. 他在一位邻居的帮助下设法把火扑灭了。

    a neighbor, he managed to put out the fire.  

  • 8. 得知我陷入困境后, 他立即赶来帮助我。

    Having learned that I was in trouble, he without delay.  



  • 13. 看见经理进来了,员工们站起身来。

    Seeing the manager come in, the staff .  

  • 14. 老人摔倒了,挣扎着站起来。

    The old man fell over and .  

  • 15. 狮子一跃而起,向山羊扑去。

    The lion and started running at the goat.  


  • 16. Please do not hesitate (contact) me if you have any question.  
  • 17. He accepted the invitation without (hesitate).
  • 18. He hesitated whether to drive or take the train.
  • 19. 如果你需要帮助来摆脱困境, 只管向我寻求帮助。

    If you need help to get out of trouble, .  


  • 20. Mary is an English major student and she also majors Chinese.
  • 21. One third of the country covered with trees and the majority of the citizens (be) native Americans.
  • 22. 我们绝大多数与你意见一致。

    agree with you.  



  • 27. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词
    (1)、My farm (延伸)as far as the river.
    (2)、her (职责)in life
    (3)、prevent the spread of (疾病)
    (4)、be born with (残疾)
    (6)、the greatest scientific (成就)of the decade
    (7)、medical (治疗)
    (8)、for (更多的)details
    (9)、a birth (证书)
    (10)、a (慷慨的)and loving person
    (11)、Rice is the (主要的)crop and staple food.


  • 28. 选词填空

    be confident about, come up with, play an important role in,

    be suitable for, rise to one's feet, pass away, take in, in danger

    (1)、The dam was because of the rising flood.  
    (2)、I'm sorry to hear that your father last month.  
    (3)、We hope you can a plan better than this.  
    (4)、He when the guests arrived.  
    (5)、This soil in this area growing peanuts.  
    (6)、Family education the growing process of children.  
    (7)、I the future of China.  
    (8)、We could hardly what he was saying.  


  • 29. 根据课文完成短文。

    In August 1939, a group of frightened children (board) a train at Prague's Wilson Station. Nicholas Winton would save them from death at the hands of the Nazis.

    Nicholas Winton was born 19 May 1909 in London, to German-Jewish parents. On (leave) school, Winton worked in banks in Germany and France. He returned to Britain in 1931, he worked in business.

    When Winton saw people living in terrible conditions and whose lives were in danger in Prague, he decided (help) transport children to safety in Britain. By August 1939, Winton (save) 669 children. However, he did not mention the children he saved, and his actions soon disappeared from people's memories.

    In 1988, his wife Grete found a (forget) journal at home. The journal contained

    photographs and (name) of the children and addresses of the families that took them in. She sent the journal to a newspaper and the British television programme That's Life brought his actions to public attention.

    Later, Winton received various honours for his (achieve). Nicholas Winton passed away on 1 July 2015, at age of 106.


  • 30. 阅读主题活动

    Talk about the following question in pairs, and find out the best answer.

    Why did the parents fear that they would never see their children?