
试卷更新日期:2022-03-03 类型:高考模拟


  • 1. What does the woman want Jimmy to do?
    A、Organize a barbecue. B、Help prepare some drinks. C、Do some shopping with her.
  • 2. Where does Jason's father do exercise now?
    A、In the gym. B、In the park. C、In his house.
  • 3. What will the weather be like tomorrow afternoon?
    A、Foggy. B、Sunny. C、Windy.
  • 4. Why does Thomas often play video games?
    A、To make friends. B、To pass the time. C、To learn to create them.
  • 5. When did the man get his niece
    A、At 5:30. B、At 6:00. C、At 6:20.


  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Why does Karen turn down the man's invitation to a movie?
    A、She has some other plans. B、She has already watched it. C、She doesn't like the actress.
    (2)、Who will most possibly perform in the concert?
    A、Some folk singers. B、Some popular bands. C、Some high school students.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Where were Henry's parents eager to go most?
    A、Luoyang. B、Xi'an. C、Beijing.
    (2)、What was Henry's biggest gain when traveling in Xi'an?
    A、Learning about local performances. B、Experiencing ancient Chinese culture. C、Improving the relationship with his parents.
  • 8. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、Where does Mark usually get news now?
    A、From TV. B、From the newspapers. C、From his phone.
    (2)、What has happened to koalas in Victoria, Australia?
    A、Their food was enough. B、Their habits were impressive. C、Their numbers have increased too fast.
    (3)、How does the woman feel in the end?
    A、Excited. B、Concerned. C、Relieved.
  • 9. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the greatest feature of Goodreads?
    A、Friends' book reviews and updates. B、Lists of new books and popular books. C、Personalized recommendations about books.
    (2)、What does the woman like most about Goodreads?
    A、Voting for her favorite books. B、Joining online book clubs nearby. C、Participating in the Reading Challenge.
    (3)、What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A、Classmates. B、Teacher and student. C、Librarian and library user.
    (4)、What does Mike plan to do?
    A、Download an e-book. B、Buy a book at the bookstore. C、Borrow a book from the library.
  • 10. 听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What was the speaker's family worried about her?
    A、She had difficulty in studying. B、She couldn't get used to the life. C、She made friends carelessly in the UK.
    (2)、How does the speaker celebrate Chinese New Year in the UK?
    A、She travels alone. B、She reunites with her family. C、She celebrates it with friends.
    (3)、What is the speaker's favorite activity organized by her university?
    A、The lantern show. B、The dragon dance. C、The calligraphy competition.
    (4)、What does the speaker think of the events in her university?
    A、Average. B、Meaningful. C、Disappointing.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Our Mission

    Sunday Breakfast Mission serves the homeless, addicted and impoverished through Christ -centered programs to meet their spiritual, social and physical needs. Under the direction of Rev. Tom Laymon, Sunday Breakfast Mission offers a series of services to help meet the needs of its surrounding community.

    ●Up to 130 men who would otherwise be homeless call our shelter "home" each night.

    ●A hot, nutritious meal is served to more than 200 men, women and children each night.

    ●The NewLife Program offers a fresh start. While here each person is counseled, educated, and trained to become the productive member of society he was created to be.

    Please visit our Program & Services page to learn more about what we do and how you can partner with us.

    Our History

    In 1893, a group called the Christian Endeavor Society of Wilmington decided to reach out to the homeless men of Delaware. They wanted to provide these individuals with church on Sundays. The ministry opened at 7th and Lombard in late 1893. But soon, in January 1894, it began to provide shelter. Throughout the years and at several locations the Mission has gone far beyond "Sunday Breakfast" to reach out to area children through Sunday school programs and to local women through "Mothers' Clubs." After a short time, these ministries continued to expand to men.

    Our Commitment

    Sunday Breakfast Mission is a non-profit organization. Costs are average and include the expenses, extra funds will be used to care for hungry, homeless, and hurting people throughout the year. No person is denied services based on race, creed, sex, disability, or national origin. We never sell or rent our supporters' name.

    (1)、How can you get more information about the services of this mission?
    A、By visiting its official website. B、By joining a Christian Church. C、By sending an application form. D、By calling on its community.
    (2)、Who were this mission originally intended for?
    A、The addicted. B、The homeless. C、Local mothers. D、The area children.
    (3)、Which one lives up to the commitments of this mission?
    A、No person will be treated differently because of his gender. B、No money will be used to the administration of the mission. C、No supporters' names will be protected from the third parties. D、No expense will be charged to supporters for operating budget.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    The Future of Money is an overview of the current state of monetary systems and a review of how new financial technologies are interrupting as well as increasing the chances of changing current monetary architectures.

    I just finished reading the Kindle version of this book, and found it to be exceptionally clear, well-written, and extremely thorough. I also loved The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson, Naked Money by Charles Wheelan … those are definitely equally good. What sets this book apart is that it starts with great explanations of the definition of money, the different types of money (eg. "outside money", "inside money" etc.), then explains Bitcoin, the current crypto craze, central bank digital currencies and a lot more.

    For most people, says Eswar Prasad, money still means physical cash printed by a sole, public authority. Yet that is a surprisingly modern case: only a century ago, private currencies competed with government-issued banknotes. It may be short-lived, too, as cash gives into the digitalization of finance and new means of payment take over. This big bang will have huge impacts on states, people and companies.

    That cash is declining may not surprise readers. Many will bank from laptops and make payments on their phones. One of the first financial technology breakthroughs happened centuries ago, when China introduced paper currency to replace metal coins, which were heavy and scarce. Yet this time is different, Mr. Prasad insists. Previous changes improved existing systems, he notes. The end of cash — likely within a decade or two — is revolutionary.

    Mr. Prasad gives us a vivid picture of the evolution of money. Anyone interested in an excellent review of the concept of money, the current trends and likely future direction should read this book. Kudos and thanks to Professor Prasad.

    (1)、What makes this book different from others according to the author?
    A、It's clear, well-written, and extremely thorough. B、It equips readers with the definitions of economics terms. C、It offers an overview of the current state of monetary systems. D、It's full of interesting examples and stories and is clearly written.
    (2)、Who is Eswar Prasad?
    A、The editor of The Ascent of Money. B、The author of The Future of Money. C、The Chief Financial Officer of Kindle. D、The economics professor of the author.
    (3)、Which of the following will get Mr. Prasad's approval.
    A、Only the public authority has the right to print physical cash. B、The majority of people cannot accept the fact that cash is declining. C、China's paper currency is heavy and scarce constrasted with metal coins. D、Cash may be replaced by new means of payment within a decade or two.
    (4)、Where is this text most likely from?
    A、A book review. B、A history book. C、A financial report. D、A bank announcement.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Beijing set a target to hold " high-tech Winter Games" after it won the bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. Soon after, China's Ministry of Science and Technology was made the leading party to provide technical support for the Games. In collaboration with relevant parties, it drew up the "Action Plan for Science and Technology at the Winter Olympics," the results of which were applied in this year's test events.

    "During the test events in February and April this year, we tested and applied 133 types of techs in a number of key areas. Since October, another 228 pieces of technologies have been tested and applied in test events, athlete training schedules and prep work for the winter games," said Wu Yuanbin, director of the ministry's Social Scientific Development Department, during a press conference.

    For the Games next year, high -tech will be applied for four proposes: support COVID-19 measures, reduce carbon emissions, ensure the safety of the events and create a better viewing experience for the viewers. To achieve these results, a number of new and experimental techs will be used, including 5G and hydrogen vehicles.

    "The much - anticipated 5G signals will cover all venues, including the roads that connect them. This will provide network connectivity for applications such as ultra-high-definition video and smart services. Eighty hydrogen vehicles were tested in Zhangjiakou. And during the Winter Games, more than 700 hydrogen buses will be stationed in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou to provide transportation," said Yu Hong, director of the Technical Department of Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee.

    The target of hosting high-tech Olympics isn't just for the convenience of thousands of participants during this event. The organizing committee once said they wish to use the Games as an experimental model that could help the world build future smart cities that would benefit residents, industries and the environment.

    (1)、Which department is chiefly responsible to provide technical support?
    A、Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee. B、The Social Scientific Development Department. C、The Ministry of Science and Technology of China. D、The Technical Department of Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee.
    (2)、According to Wu, how many kinds of technologies have been tested and applied?
    A、95. B、228. C、361. D、456.
    (3)、Which scene is LEAST likely to be seen during the coming event?
    A、The athletes take hydrogen buses to and from the Olympic sites. B、Accurate COVID-19 Testing is made with the support of high-tech. C、The carbon emissions rise greatly as a result of the application of high-tech. D、The audience enjoy a better view of games with ultra-high-definition videos.
    (4)、What is the main idea of the text?
    A、5G signals will cover all venues at the 2022 Winter Olympics. B、Beijing 2022 organizers promise high-tech, green, safe event. C、Beijing set a target to hold the best Winter Games with full passion. D、The world will build more smart cities with the help of Beijing 2022.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Frustrated by an increase in wild boar(野猪) attacks, officials in Hong Kong used bread to attract and trap some of the animals in a district close to the city Press reported. Wild boars can be seen frequently along Hong Kong fuse to obey orders from authorities to stop feeding them because they can gather in large groups and pass along diseases. Attacks by wild boars have also become an increasingly common issue. In an attack last week, a wild boar knocked down a police officer and bit his leg last week before the animal fell from a residential car park and died.

    Government data indicates that there are roughly 3,000 wild boars in Hong Kong. They are not a protected species. Though Hong Kong authorities have attempted to naturally cut down the boar population, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said it " could not effectively control the wild pig disturbance." "A large group of wild pigs continued to wander and gather at the site, posing threats to members of the public and road users," a statement from the department read.

    Since the attack on the police officer, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has cautioned that the city could impose more severe punishment against people who continue to feed the boars. "I understand that a lot of Hong Kong people love the wetlands and nature. However, we also need to protect public safety.We can't simply sit on our hands while things worsen," she added.

    Philanthropic group ADM Capital Foundation, the Hong Kong Veterinary Association and other animal rights organizations have since sent an open letter to the government criticizing its shift in policy to kill the boars. A request by groups including Hong Kong Animal Post and Hong Kong Wild Boar Concern Group said that the measures announced by the agriculture department to regularly capture and put down wild boars "ignore their right to live. This approach is extremely unreasonable and contradicts previous animal management policy principles."

    Hong Kong needs legislative reform to deal with the current gaps in existing laws, so that wildlife feeding is an illegal activity, punishment is severe and can be enforced effectively.

    (1)、What do you know about the wild boars in Hong Kong?
    A、They do not hurt human beings unless they are attacked. B、They are endangered species with a very small population. C、If gathering in groups it is easy for them to spread diseases. D、They are seen frequently close to the city's financial center.
    (2)、What does the underlined phrase "sit on our hands" mean in paragraph 3?
    A、Keep cautious. B、See before acting. C、Take immediate actions. D、Look on indifferently.
    (3)、What is the attitude of some animal rights organizations towards killing the boars?
    A、Neutral. B、Worried C、Favorable. D、Disapproval.
    (4)、What may be the most reasonable measure to take based on the whole text?
    A、Making severe laws to ban wildlife feeding. B、Naturally cutting down the boar population. C、Regularly capturing and putting down wild boars. D、Calling on citizens to keep distance from wild boars.


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Easy, kid-friendly ways to make tomato sauce

    You can't beat the convenience of tomato sauce from a jar, but what about when you're desiring something a little more homemade? You don't need to keep an Italian grandmother on speed-dial.  Use two pints (品脱) of tomatoes in the following formulas to make approximately three servings' worth of sauce.

    No-cook tomato sauce

     Add all the ingredients to a large bowl, sprinkle generously with salt, and stir in a few tablespoons of olive oil. Let the mixture sit for 2 or 3 hours at room temperature to allow the salt to soften the tomatoes and meld the flavors.

    Cherry tomato pan sauce

    Slice the tomatoes in half and thinly slice or mince 1 or 2 garlic cloves (depending on how much you love garlic).  Cover and cook for about 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the tomatoes have mostly softened into a stirrable sauce. Taste and season with salt and pepper, along with any fresh or dried herbs.

    Roasted or grilled tomato sauce

    Keep the tomatoes whole for this version. Preheat a conventional oven or toaster oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit or preheat a gas grill to medium heat. For oven-roasting, place the tomatoes in a single layer in a baking dish. Roast for about 20 to 25 minutes, or grill for about 15 to 20 minutes, until the tomatoes are starting to burst and the skins are starting to char.

     So you can add other ingredients you may have on hand. Add more, or cut back on, garlic depending on your tolerance. Experiment with adding a few shallots instead of an onion. Stir in chopped fresh or dried herbs like basil, oregano, rosemary and parsley. If you like heat, add a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes.

    A. This olive oil-based sauce is ideal for vegetarians.

    B. Roughly cut the tomatoes and any fresh herbs on hand.

    C. You just need a helpful kid and some tomatoes to start.

    D. Carefully pour the tomatoes into a bowl and season to taste.

    E. These sauce techniques are customizable to your family's tastes.

    F. Add more salt to taste and chopped fresh herbs if you have them.

    G. Heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat, then stir in the tomatoes and garlic.


  • 16. 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It's autumn again, the eighth since my father died, and I'm aching for chicken nuggets (炸鸡块). I don't remember him saying "I love you," which isn't a common 1 in Mandarin (普通话), his preferred language. We always had a bit of a 2 issue.

    My father was the fun parent, the indulgent(溺爱的) one. He 3 me to fries, ice creams, and fizzy drinks. It didn't seem to 4, then, that his English wasn't fluent, or that my Mandarin was already 5.

    Our language of junk food evolved into one of 6: a Happy Meal on our fishing trip; two liters of Coke guzzled together before my mother came home. I felt honored until I began to understand that my father kept secrets from me too.

    In third grade, I came home and told him the dangers of cigarettes. He promised to 7, but I kept smelling smoke in his clothes and car. My father was not virtuous. He was a man of 8 pleasures: fast foods, nicotine…I didn't understand why he 9 these.

    My father died two years after I graduated from university. He was 49. I was 22. I grieved his 10, and then I grieved the fact that I never fully knew him.

    I used to 11 my father for addicting to fast food which might be responsible for his death. But the older I get, the more I see myself compromising too. And so, each 12, I think: now I'm the age at which my father followed his wife to a country where he didn't speak the language; now I'm the age at which my father followed his wife to a country where he didn't speak the language; now I'm at the 13 at which he was fired from his job...

    I can imagine the difficulties my father must have 14 upon moving to the US to discover that McDonald's was now the stuff of everyday. It was cheaper than fish, much more 15 than fresh fruit, and simpler than a long-distance phone call to Beijing in which he had to 16 his difficulties and his loneliness.

    I can imagine how it might be happier to eat golden nuggets, even if they 17 shorten our lives by a day or a week or a year — because first we have to 18 this day, this week, this year.

    The next time the urge strikes, I'll have a 19 or two or four. And in that moment, I will understand my father 20.

    A、request B、phrase C、apology D、promise
    A、legal B、financial C、nation D、communication
    A、addicted B、delivered C、introduced D、pushed
    A、matter B、prove C、know D、help
    A、moving on B、slipping away C、calming down D、breaking out
    A、languages B、problems C、challenges D、secrets
    A、continue B、escape C、quit D、nod
    A、quick B、mature C、casual D、fantastic
    A、stay on B、turned to C、look into D、think over
    A、passing B、missing C、changing D、retiring
    A、assist B、comfort C、praise D、blame
    A、spring B、summer C、autumn D、winter
    A、country B、company C、age D、airport
    A、suffered B、enjoyed C、discovered D、reserved
    A、unappealing B、accessible C、beneficial D、expensive
    A、assess B、cancel C、pour D、hide
    A、eventually B、deliberately C、theoretically D、cautiously
    A、get through B、take in C、pick up D、brush aside
    A、job B、nugget C、call D、promise
    A、occasionally B、accidentally C、gradually D、completely


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Taikonauts (中国航天员) from the Tiangong space station gave a live science lesson for young kids on December 9.

    The lesson, (main) aimed at young students from all over the world, began with a live broadcast  was from the orbiting China Space Station on Thursday afternoon.

    A total of 1,420 students took part in video communication with the Shenzhou-13 crew, according to a statement the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) (provide) to the Global Times.

    According to the CMSA, it will become a routine for Chinese manned space missions (conduct)such space lectures. Taikonauts will carry out such missions on  regular basis from the China Space Station.

    (compare) with eight years ago, the Tianhe space station core module is much (large) than the experimental space lab Tiangong-1, and way more advanced. The quality of space-ground interaction and communication is also much improved  the help of the Tianlian relay satellites.

    When the (construct) of the China Space Station finishes next year, China's space education will become better, and younger generations' curiosity and love of space science (inspire) greatly.


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







    One day, when I was a teenager, I come home from school and my mum and dad was out. I was hunger and couldn't find much food but I did find some bread, cheese and an onion so I made me a sandwich. When they returned back home with fish and chips, I explained, while eating, that I didn't know they were bringing back food and I'd made a sandwich.

    Before a while, my mum said, "I can understand the bread and cheese and where did you get the onion from?" When I told her, she couldn't stop laugh: it wasn't an onion that I'd found; it was a daffodil bulb(水仙花的球茎)! The whole family said they probable wouldn't see me again.


  • 19. 你校英语社团公众号正在开展征文活动,主题是"Where there is a will, there is a way."请你结合自身经历,写一篇英文短文参与。


