北师大版初中英语八年级下册Unit 3 Lesson 9 Thanksgiving第5课时

试卷更新日期:2022-03-02 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 把图片和对应的英文表达搭配起来

    a. oven    b. pizza     c. turkey    d. pumpkin



  • 2. the turkey made it the worst Thanksgiving ever.


  • 3. However, turkey is not to cook.


  • 4. My mum was herself as she got it .


  • 5. It it would be delicious.


  • 6. We didn't know .




  • 17. As the lights in the room went out, it was very dark and ___________could be seen clearly.
    A、something B、anything C、everything D、nothing
  • 18. Great changes have taken place in Huairou. We are all ___________ the achievements.
    A、known as B、proud of C、similar to D、good with
  • 19. Except for working hard, we should give more attention to proper exercise and enough sleep. _______________, health always comes first.
    A、For example B、After all C、So far D、As a result
  • 20. —You look sad. What has happened?

    —Everyone _____________ us to win the match, but we lost.

    A、expects B、expected C、hopes D、hoped
  • 21. I haven't decided when __________ a holiday yet.

    A、took B、taking C、to take D、take


  • 22. 我花费了一周的时间为生日聚会做准备。

    It took me a week for the birthday party.

  • 23. 我为我们的祖国自豪。

    I am our country.

  • 24. 我不知道下一步做什么。

    I don't know next.

  • 25. 他们昨晚玩得很开心。

    They last night.

  • 26. 我妈妈的心脏几乎停止了跳动。

    My mother's heart .

  • 27. 昨天我们都同意了他的建议。

    Yesterday we all his suggestions.

  • 28. 如果你没有空闲时间,我们就明天去那里。

    you don't have free time, we there tomorrow.

  • 29. 我看到瓶子里有奇怪的东西。

    I saw in the bottle.


  • 30. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余的。

    A: What's the date today?

    B: It's June 16.

    A:Then it's the Dragon Boat Festival today, isn't it?

    B: Yes.

    A: Did you have rice dumplings this morning?

    B: Sure.

    A: I didn't.

    B: What a pity! But I happen to have got some with me.

    A: I'd love to. By the way. Why do you call it the Dragon Boat Festival!

    B: Because in China, people race dragon boats this day every year.

    A: Oh, I see,

    B: You are welcome.

    A. We Chinese usually cat rice dumpling this day.

    B. I hate eating rice dumplings.

    C. Thank you for your rice dumpling.

    D.I don't think so.

    E. Would you like to have one?

    F. Already?

    G. How about you?


  • 31. 完形填空

        Thanksgiving Day was coming. A teacher gave her class an interesting task — to draw a picture of something to express their1.

        The teacher thought most of her2would draw turkeys or some other traditional food of the festival. And so they did. But Douglas made a3kind of picture. Douglas was a child of unhappiness.4other children played together, Douglas always stood close by his teacher's side.

        His picture was special. When he was asked to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a hand!5else Just an empty hand.

        His work caught the attention of his classmates. Whose hand could it be? Some guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers raised turkeys. The discussion6.and they even forgot to ask the artist himself.

        When the discussion stopped, the teacher asked Douglas whose hand it was. The little boy said in a low voice, "It's7, teacher."

        She got surprised at his words. Then she8that she often took his hand. Sometimes she said, "Douglas, take my hand, we'll go outside." Sometimes she said. "Let me show you how to hold your pencil." And she usually said, "Let's do this together."

        Her eyes were full of tears. She had done these to all her students. She didn't know these were 90 important to him. She bugged Douglas and decided to give him more love.

    A、requests B、thanks C、opinions D、ideas
    A、friends B、neighbours
    C、students D、teachers
    A、different B、bright C、modern D、dark
    A、After B、When C、Until D、Before
    A、Nothing B、Anything C、Everything D、Something
    A、went away B、went on C、went up D、went down
    A、hers B、mine C、yours D、his
    A、remembered B、forgot C、agreed D、disagreed