
试卷更新日期:2022-02-13 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. Here________ a little boy. He's cute.
    A、comes B、coming C、come
  • 2. 当别人有可能会遇到危险之前,你会说:
    A、Be careful. B、Don't worry.
  • 3. —________ do you want?

    —Noodles, please.

    A、What B、When C、Why
  • 4. 当你做了对别人不好的事情,表示歉意时,你会说:
    A、You're welcome. B、I'm sorry.
  • 5. 当服务员见到顾客时会说:
    A、How are you? B、Can I help you?
  • 6. (  )— Can I help you?   


    A、I want some noodles. B、What do you want to drink? C、What do you want to eat?    
  • 7. It's thirteen _____.   

    A、dollar B、dollars C、yuans D、cent  
  • 8. A cola for me, _____.   

    A、to B、too C、also D、either
  • 9. A hamburger ____ me, too.

    A、to B、for C、in D、at 
  • 10. How much ____ the pen? Two dollars.

    A、is B、are C、be


  • 11. 给图片选择合适的单词。

    A. cent  B. cola  C. hamburger  D. cashier  E. dollar

  • 12. 我是小将军,给你们排排队。

    A. It is ten dollars and thirty cents.

    B. A hamburger for me, and a cola.

    C. What do you want?

    D. How much is it?

    E. I want a hot dog, and you?


  • 13. I want to buy five (tomato).

  • 14. This is my pen and that is (she) pen.

  • 15. 汉译英。

    ①汉堡     ②可乐   ③美分    ④美元 

  • 16. The (点心) is very delicious.

  • 17. One (美元) is about seven yuan.

  • 18. I want a (汉堡包), please.

  • 19. —What does she (want)?

    — She (want) some rice.

  • 20. Three (cola) please.


  • 21. 按要求改写句子。

    (1)、1 want a cola.(对划线部分提问)

    (2)、It looks good.(改为否定句)

    (3)、lt's 5 dollars and 13 cents.(对划线部分提问)


  • 22. 选词填空。

    (1)、What your sister want?
    (2)、The meat looks.
    (3)、I'm hungry, Mum. Two for me, please.
    (4)、It's five dollars fifteen cents.
    (5)、 two hot dogs and five hamburgers.
  • 23. 将下面的单词,填到相应的横线上。

           for   and   want   too

    (1)、It is thirteen dollarstwenty-five cent.

    (2)、Helen is twelve. Bob is twelve, .

    (3)、That's hot dog.

    (4)、I a new bike.

    (5)、A cola me.