
试卷更新日期:2022-01-26 类型:期末考试

一、Look, read and match. 看图,朗读单词并连线。

二、Read and choose. 朗读并找出不同类的单词。

  • 3. 朗读并找出不同类的单词。
    A、face B、mouse C、mouth D、knee
    A、panda B、pear C、bear D、bird
    A、doll B、dog C、baloon D、ball
    A、juice B、cake C、chicken D、hamburger
    A、boat B、foot C、ship D、train

三、Look and circle. 看图圈出正确的单词。

  • 4. 看图圈出正确的单词。
    (1)、 plasdollseball
    (2)、 muaddeggcakel
    (3)、 minmousesoieare
    (4)、 cinbikecare
    (5)、 ballobustaxi
    (6)、 toaeitrainein

四、Look, read and choose. 看图读句子并选择。

  • 5. 看图读句子并选择。

    A. milk B. car C. boat D. apple E. juice

    F. hamburger G. ship H. banana L egg J. ball

    (1)、Have some and , please.
    (2)、Here's an for you.
    (3)、Have a big , please.
    (4)、—Look! I have a .

    —Oh, it's nice. I have a .

    (5)、This is my nice .
    (6)、I have a new .
    (7)、Can I have a and a ?

五、Read and choose. 情景选择。

  • 6. 早上见到张老师,应该和他说,
    A、Good morning, Mr Zhang. B、Good morning, Miss Zhang.
  • 7. 你的朋友看到你受伤了,他难过地说:
    A、Oh, I'm sorry! B、Not so well.
  • 8. 新学期开始了,Peter在展示他的新文具说:
    A、I have a new pen. B、I have a new car.
  • 9. 班里来了新同学,大家欢迎她,应该这样说:
    A、You're welcome! B、Welcome!
  • 10. 晚上睡觉前,你这样对妈妈说:
    A、Goodbye, Mum! B、Good night, Mum!
  • 11. 你建议同学和你一起画一辆出租车,你会这样说:
    A、Let's draw a taxi. B、Let's draw a car.

六、Read and choose. 读一读,选一选。

七、Read and choose,朗读句子,选择合适的答语。

  • 18. 朗读句子,选择合适的答语。

    A. OK.

    B. Fine. Thank you!

    C. some rice, please!

    D. You're welcome!

    E. Thank you.

    F. It's green.

    G. Sure. Here you are.

    H. My name's Peter.

    (1)、—How are you?

    (2)、—Can I see it?

    (3)、—Here you are.

    (4)、—What colour is your bag?

    (5)、—Can I help you?

    (6)、—What's your name?

    (7)、—Let's draw a rabbit.

    (8)、—Thank you!

八、Make sentences. 连词组句。

九、Read and number. 读句子,请按字母(A-G)的顺序将下列对话排序。

  • 23. 读句子,请按字母(A-G)的顺序将下列对话排序。

    Thanks! Can I have some water, please?

    Hello, Peter.

    Anything eke?

    Sure. Here you are.

    Hi, Bob. Here's some chicken for you.

    No, no, no. Thanks!

    Thank you!