人教版(2019)必修一高中英语 Unit 4 Natural disasters Discovering Useful Structures巩固练习

试卷更新日期:2022-01-26 类型:同步测试


  • 1. You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it.
    A、who;/ B、/; whom C、whom;/ D、/; who
  • 2. I'll vote for those people ________ opinion about education is right.
    A、that B、whom C、who D、whose
  • 3. It's such a good place ________ everybody wants to visit ________ it is well known all over the world .
    A、which , that B、as , as C、as, that D、that , which
  • 4. The little problems ________ we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.
    A、when B、how C、that D、those
  • 5. The needle treatment ______ the ancient times has cured many diseases.
    A、dated back to B、dated from C、that dated back to D、that dates from
  • 6. Donald survived when the car ________ he was in crashed into a truck from the opposite side.
    A、as B、where C、that D、once
  • 7. The Chinese general said in an interview that the PLA would do all _______ they can to protect every inch of our territory (领土).
    A、which B、that C、who D、as
  • 8. Is this the reason ________ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?
    A、he explained B、what he explained C、how he explained D、why he explained.
  • 9. Tom is the boy ________is good at English.
    A、which B、who C、whom D、/
  • 10. The car ________ color is black is my father's.
    A、where B、when C、that D、whose
  • 11. This is the village ________ I remembered.
    A、where B、that C、how D、in which
  • 12. The little boy was in danger. The doctors and nurses are doing everything________ they can ________ him.
    A、which; help B、what ;to help C、that; to help D、how; help
  • 13. The writer said something________we should remember forever.
    A、which B、that C、what D、how
  • 14. It was not such a good dinner ________ she had promised us.
    A、that B、which C、as D、what
  • 15. This is ________ I wanted.
    A、the one what B、which C、one which D、the one
  • 16. —What are you looking for?

    —I'm looking for the book __________ you bought last Sunday.

    A、who B、when C、that D、what
  • 17. When people talk about the cities of the UK, the first ________ comes into mind is London.
    A、which B、what C、that D、when
  • 18. Is this the only reason ________ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?
    A、why he explained B、what he explained C、that he explained D、which he explained
  • 19. What's the name of the man ________?
    A、you borrowed his car B、which car you borrowed C、his car you borrowed D、whose car you borrowed
  • 20. —Have you found the information about famous scientists________ you can use for the report?

    —Not yet. I'll search some on the Internet.

    A、which B、who C、what
  • 21. Is oxygen the only gas ________ helps fire burn?
    A、that B、/ C、which D、it
  • 22. A doctor is a person ________ looks after people's health.
    A、which B、whose C、how D、who
  • 23. You may search on the Internet for professors and their courses about the university ________ may interest you.
    A、that B、where C、which D、who
  • 24. The scientist ________ discovers a cure for cancer will be great.
    A、who B、whom C、whose D、which
  • 25. We visited a factory ________ makes toys for children.
    A、who B、which C、what D、whose
  • 26. Mr Liu wants to talk to the students ________ homework hasn't been handed in.
    A、who B、whose C、whom D、which
  • 27. I hate people________talk much but do little.
    A、whom B、whose C、which D、who
  • 28. This is Tom ________ I often go to school with.
    A、who B、whom C、that D、all the above
  • 29. The reason ________ he offered to explain his being late was incredible.
    A、that B、why C、where D、what
  • 30. What annoys me is the way ________ he is always showing off his good grades.
    A、which B、how C、where D、/
  • 31. Some students think that learning a foreign language is slow and difficult—think of all the hours of hard work ________they have spent learning English.
    A、when B、in which C、that D、while
  • 32. MSF is a non-profit organization ________ mission is to provide medical care to those affected by conflict, epidemics or disasters.
    A、that B、which C、whose D、where
  • 33. All________ made________ possible for China to succeed in carrying out its open and reform policy.
    A、that happened; it B、what happened; it C、what happened; that D、that happened; that
  • 34. The first place ______ they visited in London is Big Ben.
    A、who B、which C、what D、that
  • 35. Both the girl and her dog ______ were crossing the street were hit by a coming car.
    A、which B、who C、whose D、that
  • 36. The first thing ________my brother is going to do this afternoon is to study physics.
    A、which B、what C、that D、in which
  • 37. It is the best film _______ I have ever seen.
    A、who B、which C、that D、what
  • 38. I believe in him. He is the only person________can help me out of trouble.
    A、which B、who C、that D、/
  • 39. He often talked about the artists and paintings __________ impressed him greatly.
    A、which B、who C、that D、不填
  • 40. I want to have such a dictionary ______ he has.
    A、as B、which C、that D、what


  • 41. He talked happily about the men and books interested him greatly.
  • 42. They must be athletes are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others.
  • 43. At that moment an attractive young lady noticed my book came up to me
  • 44. The reason she gave is unbelievable.
  • 45. Li Mei is the student handwriting is the best in our class.
  • 46. Mary Smith says she likes to have friends are different from her.
  • 47. Tony, tell me the result of the discussion you had with your dad yesterday.
  • 48. The policeman caught the thief has stolen Mr. Li's computer.
  • 49. I know the girl the teacher talked with yesterday.
  • 50. The car window got broken in the accident belongs to Mr. Brown.
  • 51. The way he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.
  • 52. The reason he explained at the meeting for his absence didn't make sense.
  • 53. Confidence comes from taking action.Each time you succeed in doing something you fear, your comfort zone will expand.
  • 54. This is the first thing we must do in order to learn English well.
  • 55. We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schoolswe had visited.


  • 56. I'll treasure those unforgettable days .


  • 57. You can also share your unhappy things with somebody and listen to their suggestions.


  • 58. In senior high school you will study more courses .


  • 59. This is the very book .


  • 60. They only talked about things.
