
试卷更新日期:2022-01-18 类型:月考试卷


  • 1. It is ____ good idea to write down _____correct answer to this question.
    A、a; a B、the; the C、the; a D、a; the
  • 2. Yuan Longping a famous Chinese scientist, is doing research on sea rice. If farmers ___start planting rice in salty water, China's food will surely rise.
    A、can B、can't C、must D、mustn't
  • 3. —Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks?


    A、Thank you. B、You are welcome. C、Have a nice day! D、That's a good idea.
  • 4. —What's the ________of Shenzhen?

    —It's over ten million.

    A、pronunciation B、population C、conversation D、countryside
  • 5. Shenzhen was a ________village about thirty years ago, but it is getting ______now.
    A、small; big B、smaller; bigger C、small; bigger D、smaller; big
  • 6. We hope ____________well so that we have more fans to watch the matches.
    A、play B、to play C、playing D、played
  • 7. —____________, Tony? You look tired.

    —I'm really tired after last night's tennis match.

    A、What's the matter with you B、What about going by bike C、How do you go to school D、Who is Lao She
  • 8. Last week the football match on TV was so boring because no one __________at all.
    A、forgot B、hurt C、passed D、scored
  • 9. It's a good choice to go to school by bike, but it's ____________dangerous.
    A、a bit B、a few C、a bit of D、a lot of
  • 10. You can go by car and by ship across the North Sea. This is _______comfortable way to travel but also ___________expensive in the four ways of travelling.
    A、more; more B、the most; the most C、more; the most D、the most; more
  • 11. Lao She is famous _____________ his play Teahouse.
    A、in B、on C、from D、for
  • 12. —_____ interesting the story is!

    —Really? Let's read it together.

    A、How B、How an C、What D、What an
  • 13. As a student, you must arrive at school _____.
    A、on time B、in time C、for the first time D、from time to time
  • 14. I felt _____ when I heard the _____ news.
    A、surprising; surprised B、surprised; surprising C、surprising; surprising D、surprised; surprised
  • 15. In China, people _____ a gift with both hands.
    A、refuse B、accept C、suggest D、drop
  • 16. There are a lot of colourful flowers on _______ sides of the streets.
    A、each B、both C、either D、all
  • 17. The girls are talking about _______ during their vacation.
    A、anything interesting B、interesting something C、interesting anything D、something interesting
  • 18. —What's ________ with you, Tom?

    —I have a cold.

    A、trouble B、matter C、wrong D、the wrong
  • 19. Remember to ________ the old buildings when there are earthquakes.
    A、put away B、laugh at C、stay away from D、stay up
  • 20. It was ______ lovely weather ______ we decided to spend the day on the beach.
    A、such a; that B、such; that C、such; as D、so; that


  • 21. 完形填空

    If you often have a cold, headache or backache, there is something wrong with your health. Eating healthy food1good for our health. Tofu, milk and vegetables are healthy for us.

    Tofu is a kind of common2food. We often3it in China. Now more and more people4other countries think tofu is good for health,5 . They also like eating it. Milk is 6kind of healthy food. Every day you should7one or two glasses of milk. It can keep us8.

    Vegetables are very important. You should eat9them. They are nutritious(有营养的).

    As we know,it's important to keep a balanced diet(均衡饮食). We must have the right kinds of food. We should also eat some pork, chicken and beef. We should eat more fruit and vegetables10less meat.

    A、are B、was C、will be D、is
    A、French B、American C、English D、Chinese
    A、eat B、drink C、talk D、play
    A、for B、with C、in D、at
    A、too B、also C、neither D、either
    A、the other B、other C、another D、others
    A、drinking B、drink C、bring D、to take
    A、strong B、weak C、thin D、heavy
    A、a lot B、plenty C、much D、a lot of
    A、as B、never C、but D、though


  • 22. 阅读理解

    Weather Forecast(天气预报)For Tomorrow












    sunny and windy







    (1)、The weather in Liuzhou will be_____.
    A、cloudy B、windy C、rainy D、sunny
    (2)、It will be sunny in_______.
    A、Nanning and Liuzhou B、Beihai and Wuzhou C、Nanning and Guilin D、Liuzhou and Beihai
    (3)、The lowest temperature in_______cities is below 27℃.
    A、two B、three C、four D、five
    (4)、It may be a good time to  _______in the open air in Guilin tomorrow.
    A、play with snow B、have a snowball fight C、go skiing D、fly a kite
    (5)、The temperature in Nanning will be ______.
    A、28℃~32℃ B、26℃~30℃ C、25℃~29℃ D、24℃~29℃
  • 23. 阅读理解

    Dolphins (海豚) are not fish but mammals (哺乳动物). They live in groups, and speak to each other in their own language. In this way they are like many other animals, like bees. But dolphins are very different from almost all land animals. Their brain (脑) is nearly the same size as humans', so they are the cleverest animals. And they live for 20 to 30 years.

    But what does the dolphin look like?The dolphin has teeth, and eats fish. It can grow up to three and a half metres long. Its nose is very long. Like some other animals, the dolphin uses sound to find its way. They make sound to talk to each other and to help find food. We now know they don't use their ears to listen to the sound, but the jaws (颚).

    Dolphins are friendly to people. They often save people in the sea. So many people like them.

    (1)、What kind of animals are dolphins?
    A、Fish. B、Mammals. C、Birds. D、We don't know.
    (2)、The biggest difference between dolphins and other land animals is that ______.
    A、their brain is nearly the same size as humans' B、they live in groups C、they speak to each other in their own language D、they are mammals
    (3)、The dolphin can grow up to ______ metres long.
    A、3. 5 B、2. 5 C、3 D、2
    (4)、Dolphins listen to the sound through their ______.
    A、ears B、mouths C、jaws D、heads
    (5)、Which of the following sentences is WRONG?
    A、Dolphins can live for 20 to 30 years. B、Dolphins often use sound to find their way. C、Dolphins aren't friendly and they like to attack (袭击) people. D、Dolphins can help people who are in trouble in the sea.
  • 24. 阅读理解

    Once there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was said that the island would go down, so all made boats and left except Love.

    Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to offer her help until the last possible moment. When the island had almost gone down, Love decided to ask for help.

    Richness was passing by Love in a great boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you. "

    Sadness was close by, so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh, Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"

    Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even notice when Love called her.

    Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love was so excited that she even forgot to ask who the elder was. So Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?" "It was Time." Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"

    Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time understands how valuable Love is."

    (1)、What would happen to the island?
    A、It would grow bigger. B、It would sink. C、It drove feelings away. D、All the feelings lived.
    (2)、Sadness didn't see Love when he passed by Love, did he?
    A、Yes, he did. B、Yes, he didn't. C、No, he didn't. D、No, he did.
    (3)、Why didn't Happiness help Love?
    A、Because Happiness didn't like Love. B、Because Happiness didn't hear Love calling her. C、Because her boat was so small that she couldn't take Love with her. D、Because she needed to be by herself.
    (4)、Who helped Love out of danger?
    A、Sadness. B、Knowledge. C、Happiness. D、Time.
    (5)、What does the underlined word "valuable" mean in Chinese?
    A、令人喜爱的 B、珍贵的 C、吸引人的 D、有爱心的
  • 25. 阅读理解

    When you hear Westerners(西方人) say "Drop in anytime"(随时来玩) or "Come and see me soon", you should realize that it doesn't mean you are welcome to come over to their house anytime. It's wise to telephone before visiting someone.

     Never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go. You may refuse by saying, "Thank you for inviting me, but I may not be able to come. " If you are unable to come after accepting the invitation, be sure to tell those who invite you in advance(提前) that you will not be there.

     When you have accepted the invitation to a party or a dinner, it is polite to bring small gifts with you, such as bottles of drink, flowers, and some others. Sometimes Westerners may take you out to dinner in a restaurant and it does not necessarily mean that he is going to pay the bill at the end of the meal. He might want you to "go Dutch", which means each person pays his own bill.

    (1)、The best title of this passage is "________".
    A、Drop in anytime B、Come and see me soon C、Invitation in Western countries D、Westerners
    (2)、When Westerners say "Drop in anytime" or "Come and see me soon", it means ________.
    A、you are welcome to visit them anytime B、you are welcome to visit them, but you still need to call them before going to their house C、they don't want you to visit them D、they will hold a party for you
    (3)、If a Westerner invites you to go to his house, ________.
    A、you may refuse if you don't plan to go B、you have to accept the invitation even if you don't want to go C、you can't accept the invitation D、and you accept the invitation, you must go
    (4)、If you have accepted the invitation to a party or a dinner, what kind of gifts will you bring?
    A、Money. B、Televisions. C、Computers. D、Books.
    (5)、The underlined part "go Dutch" means "________" in Chinese.
    A、去荷兰 B、实行AA制 C、去Dutch这家餐厅 D、请客

四、情景交际(A. 每小题1分,共5分. B每题2分,共10分)

  • 26. 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话。

    A. You just have a cold.

    B. It'll still be rainy tomorrow.

    C. What's the weather like?

    D. Yes. My temperature is 38℃.

    E. I have a headache.

    F. What's the matter with you?

    G. Any other suggestions? 

    A:Good morning.  Sit down, please.

    B:Morning, doctor.


    B:I was caught in the rain.  I've got a bad cough and my head hurts.

    A:Do you have a fever?

    B:I feel terrible.

    A:Let me see… There's nothing serious.  Have a good rest, and you'll be fine soon.

    B:Thanks, I will. 

    A:You'd better choose your clothes according to the weather report. The weather often changes in summer.

    B:How will the weather be tomorrow?

    A:Now we're in the season of rain.

    B:What had weather!

    A:When you go out, please wear warm clothes and take an umbrella with you.

    B:Thank you, doctor.

  • 27. 在划线处写出所缺句子,是对话意思完整。

    A: Good morning.

    B: Good morning. ?

    A: I don't feel very well and I've a headache.


    A: Ever since this morning.

    B: Maybe you've caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature?

    A: No, I haven't.

    B: ?


    B: Oh, you've got a fever.

    A: ?

    B: Nothing serious.

    A: What should I do then?

    B: You can take some medicine and drink much water.

    A: Thank you, doctor.



  • 28. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的词,并用正确形式填空。

    feel   student   something   be    good    die   that   swim   safe

    Swimming is very popular in summer. People like swimming in summer because water makes them cool. If you like swimming, but swim in a wrong place, it may notsafe. These years, more than ten peoplewhile they were enjoying themselves in the water and most of them were . But some people are still not careful in swimming. They often think they swim sothatcan happen to them in water. Summer is here again. If you go swimming in summer, don't forgetsome people died in water. They died because they were not careful, not because they couldn't swim. Soget into water when you are alone. If there is a "No"sign, don't get into water. If you remember these, swimming will be much.



  • 39. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    Most new babies were born in the developing countries. These countries are found in Africa, South America and parts of Asia. In the developed countries of Europe and North America, the population(人口) is growing very slowly. This is because women in these countries have, on average (平均), only one or two children. In the developing countries, many women have five or more children. In 1950, about one quarter of the world's population lived in the developed countries. By 2050, these countries will be home to only about one tenth of the world's people.

    In the developing countries, more than one billion people are still living below the poverty(贫困) line. These people do not have enough food to eat and they live in poor housing conditions. Children get little time at school and suffer (遭受痛苦) from many kinds of diseases.

    At the beginning of the 21st century, the world's population was around six billion. The U. N. has said that the world's population will level off (平稳下降) at 12. 5 billion by the year 2100. Other groups think the world's population will continue to grow, reaching 14 billion before it becomes stable (稳定的), or even falls.

    (1)、In what areas of the world can developing countries be found?
    (2)、In 1950, what percent of the world's population lived in the developing countries?
    (3)、Were most new babies born in the developed countries ?
    (4)、There will be twelve and a half billion people on the earth in 2100, won't there?


  • 40. 根据短文信息在横线上填入适当的词,每空一词

    Last Tuesday, a little girl died after eating some fried chicken. Her father bought the chicken for her from a street seller in Fenzhuang Village, Fengtai, Beijing. After testing the girl, the doctor said she was poisoned(中毒)by nitrites(亚硝酸盐). Some experts suggest that we shouId buy foods with QS signs. They are safer. After hearing about the accident, many people feel more worried about the food safety because there have been many food safety problems in our country these years. For example, poisonous (有毒的)rice, oil, milk and so on have been found out recently. People feel quite afraid. They want the government to do something to stop such poisonous food and drinks appearing again so that they can have safe and healthy food and drinks.

    Information Card

    The little girl died after she ate fried

    Some experts suggest that we should buy  food.

    Many people feel  about the food.

    The poisonous foods are   for people.

    People want to poisonous food and drinks appearing


  • 41. 寒假即将开始了,你的朋友Daming想来你的家乡旅行,你向他推荐一下你的家乡,包括当地的气候,需要注意的礼节


    Dear Daming

    Best wishes

    Li Hao