
试卷更新日期:2022-01-11 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —Do you always get up so early?

    —Yes, _________ the first bus. My home is far away from school.

    A、catch B、catching C、to catch
  • 2. It is hard for people to move forward with a strong wind ___________hard.
    A、blown B、blowing C、to blow
  • 3. — Ms. Griffin, what should we do        stupid mistakes in the coming exams?

    — Be more careful.

    A、avoid make B、avoiding making      C、avoid making D、to avoid making
  • 4. —Hi! Alice, why are you in such a hurry?

    —____________ my best friend from Canada at the airport.

    A、Meet B、Meeting C、To meet D、Met
  • 5. —The movie The Wandering Earth is wonderful. Do you feel like ________it tonight?

    —I'd love to, but my parents won't let me _________out too late.

    A、watching, to stay B、to watch, staying C、watching; stay
  • 6. He felt tired, so he stopped _____________ a rest under the tree.
    A、having B、have C、to have
  • 7. —Why do many farmers put their products online these days?

    —__________ them more easily.

    A、To sell B、Sell C、Selling
  • 8. It's important for us ________a healthy lifestyle.
    A、to keep B、keep C、keeping D、kept
  • 9. The singer was often seen to practice ____________ songs near the woods three years ago.
    A、sing B、singing C、to sing
  • 10. Smart phones ______ by Huawei are getting more and more popular around the world.
    A、made B、making C、to make
  • 11. —What should I do, doctor?

         healthy, you should take more exercise.

    A、Keep B、Keeping C、To keep
  • 12. —Hello, Lucy, please give me some ____ on how to improve my English!

    —You'd better keep ___ more English books.

    A、advices; read B、advice; read C、advice; reading D、advices; reading
  • 13. I like the TV program The Reader best. I think we should spend as much time as we can        in our spare time.
    A、read B、to read C、reading D、reads
  • 14. —I'd love to go hiking with you, but I have much homework________.

    —If you don't go, _____.

    A、to do; so do I B、to do; nor will I C、doing; so will I D、do; neither am I
  • 15. —Julia, your mobile phone is ringing.

    —Wait a minute. It's dangerous ______ it while crossing the street.

    A、answering B、answer C、to answer