
试卷更新日期:2022-01-11 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —What's your plan for the summer holiday?

    —I'll go to Chendu as soon as the school term ___________.

    A、end B、ends C、will end
  • 2. —Alex, go and clean your bedroom.

    —I __________ it. It's tidy and clean now.

    A、have cleaned B、cleaned C、clean
  • 3. —There __________ a basketball game against Class Two this Sunday.

    — I see. I will come and cheer you on.

    A、will have B、is going to be C、is going to have
  • 4. The spirit of ox (牛) _________ an important role for China's development this year.
    A、is playing B、was playing C、played
  • 5. —I __________when you called me at 8:00 last night.

    —No wonder you didn't pick it up.

    A、was taking a shower B、am taking a shower C、took a shower D、take a shower
  • 6. —What is Jane doing these days?

    —She ____________ a book about the history of new China.

    A、reads B、has read C、is reading
  • 7. — Alice has gone out.

    — Oh, has she? What time        she       ?

    A、has; gone B、will; go C、did; go D、is; going
  • 8. — Jane, I rang you up last night but nobody answered.

    — Oh, I together with my parents        walks in the park then.

    A、have taken B、was taking C、were taking D、had taken
  • 9. — I wonder if Li Hua        to the hospital to receive COVID-19 vaccinations (疫苗接种).

    — I'm sure he will if he        time.

    A、goes; will have B、will go; has     C、will go; will have D、goes; has
  • 10. 一Don't make noise! The children _____________online.

    —Sorry, I won't.

    A、studies B、are studying C、studied D、were studying
  • 11. —Your scarf is so beautiful! When did you buy it?

    —On my 18th birthday. I _____________ it for 6 years.

    A、bought B、will have C、have had D、have bought
  • 12. —Alice, have you finished learning the whole book?

    —Not yet, So far, we __________ six units.

    A、learned B、have learned C、learn
  • 13. I _____________ a math problem with Joe when Mike called me up.
    A、have discussed B、discussed C、was discussing
  • 14. Bob, you ____________in this city since 2018. How do you like it?
    A、lived B、live C、have lived
  • 15. — I wonder if Sally________ us prepare for the party.

    —I'm sure she will if she ________time.

    A、helps, will have B、will help, has C、will help, will have D、helps, has
  • 16. — The new shirt looks good on you. When did you buy it?

    —On July 7th. I________ it for a week.

    A、have bought B、have had C、bought D、buy
  • 17. —It's 20 years since we came back to Liangshan.

    —How time flies! We ___________ in our hometown for such a long time.

    A、work B、worked C、has worked D、have worked
  • 18. On January 29th, 2020, Zhong Nanshan and his team ___________ over four hours online ___________ five patients who were seriously ill, and made a treatment plan for those patients.
    A、spent; checking B、spent; to check C、spend; checking D、spend; to check
  • 19. —Jack, I'm busy doing the washing. Can you give me a hand?

    —Wait a moment. I ___________the bed.

    A、am making B、will make C、was making D、have made
  • 20. —Hello, John. This is Mike. What are you doing now?

    —I'm watching a film on TV. It ____________ at 7:30 and will be on for another hour.

    A、starts B、started C、has started
  • 21. Tom said he ____basketball with his classmates from 4:00 to 6:00 yesterday afternoon.
    A、is played B、was playing C、plays D、had played
  • 22. Could you tell me ____this morning?
    A、what time you had breakfast B、where have you been C、how did you get there D、why will you leave earlier
  • 23. Be quiet! The students ______ an English exam.
    A、take B、are taking C、will take
  • 24. — Where is your uncle?

    —He____ America and he ____New York for two weeks.

    A、has been to; has been in B、has gone to; will stay in C、has been in; has been to D、has stayed in; has gone to
  • 25. Could you tell me____?
    A、when will they leave Beijing B、when would they leave Beijing C、when they will leave Beijing D、when they would leave Beijing
  • 26. If the singer         to Zigong      September 20th, please call me.
    A、will get; on B、gets; on C、gets; in
  • 27. —You'd better take an umbrella. The weather report says it     in the afternoon.

    — Thank you. I will put one in my bag.

    A、will rain B、rains C、is raining
  • 28. —I went to see you yesterday evening. But you weren't in. Where were you then?

    —I     a walk by the lake with my father.

    A、was having B、am having C、have had
  • 29. —Alex, why didn't you answer my call at nine last night?

    —Sorry. I ___ my mobile phone at home. I ___ basketball in the park with my friends.

    A、forgot; played B、forgot; was playing    C、left; played D、left; was playing
  • 30. —Jeff, could you tell me if it___ tomorrow. If it ____tomorrow, I will stay at home.

    —It's reported that it will be sunny, let's go camping on the Fenghuang mountain.

    A、rain; rain B、rains; rains C、will rain; rains D、will rain; will rain
  • 31. — Linda has        to Paris. How can I get in touch with her?

    — Don't worry. She will call you as soon as she        there.

    A、been;will get B、been;gets C、gone;will get D、gone;gets
  • 32. — Your new watch is so nice! When did you buy it?

    — In October. I        it for two months.

    A、had B、bought C、have had D、have bought
  • 33. — I can't find Jimmy. Where is he?

    — He      in the garden at the moment.

    A、works B、will work C、is working
  • 34. —Are you a basketball player in you school?

    —Yes, I ______the team 3 years ago. I ______in it for 3 years.

    A、joined, was B、was joined, am C、have joined, have been D、joined, have been
  • 35. —Did you hear the strange noise next door at around 10 o'clock last night?

    —No. I     my favorite music in my bedroom.

    A、listen B、listened to C、was listening to D、am listening to
  • 36. —Paris is a wonderful place.

    —So it is. I      there twice.

    A、have been B、have gone C、went D、will go
  • 37. — Do you know     yesterday?

    —Yes. She was ill in hospital.

    A、why didn't Jenny go to school B、why doesn't Jenny go to school C、why Jenny didn't go to school D、why Jenny doesn't go to school
  • 38. —Did you watch the basketball match on TV last night?

    —I wanted to, but my father______ his favorite TV program.

    A、watched B、was watching C、watches