
试卷更新日期:2022-01-08 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. 阅读材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Takeover Day

    Want to be a football coach, a policeman or a musician? If you could do any job for a day, what would it be? Takeover Day offers young people this chance.

    Takeover Day is an event

    for young people to "take over" the day from adults(成年人). Of course, it's difficult to give somcone the job of a film star or a model! However, Takeover Day has offered young pcople jobs as news reporters, teachers and even politicians(政客).

    The event serves two

    purposes. First, it gives young

    people experience in different

    kinds of jobs. Second, adults

    can learn from young people's

    opinions and fresh ideas.

    Here's what the students

    say about their Takeover Day.

    Simon, 16, went to Coventry Football Chub. He became conch of the football team for a day. "Having a go at training professional players was an unforgettable experience,"said Simon. "If I had the chance, I would do this job every day. "

    Sally, 15, became the head teacher of her school. "I'd go mad if I were a head teacher!"she said. "So many meetings!" Sally thinks she learned a lot. "My favourite part of the day was meeting the school cook and improving the school menus for the week. It was a great chance to tell her what we really like eating!"

    Paul, 17, spent the day with an important

    politician. He even went to a meeting at

    Buckingham Palace! Paul thought that if everyone had the chance to follow a politician for a day: they'd be amazed. "It isnt a nine-to-five job. It's 24/7, "he said. "We even had no time for lunch."

    (1)、What may Simon choose to be in the future?
    A、A model. B、A politician. C、A head teacher. D、A football coach.
    (2)、What do Sally and Paul probably think of their Takeover Day?
    A、Busy but exciting. B、Peaceful but tiring. C、Amazing and relaxing. D、Easy and unforgettablc.
    (3)、Takeover Day is set up for young people to __________________.
    A、spread ideas B、become famous C、know more about jobs D、work for their schools
  • 2. 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    T-shirt (men's)

    Short-sleeved shirt.


    Made of cotton.

    Sizes: S (35/37) M (38/40).

    L (41/43) , XL (4/46)

    Order number:

    England T-shirt KQ8149  dark blue

    Scotland T-shirt  KQ 8151 dark green

    Wales T-shirt


    dark red


    Three-quarter length jacket (women's)

    Made of fashionable leather (皮革)

    Fully lined. Length34 ins.

    Do not hand clean.

    Sizes: 10, 12, 14, 16, 18

    Order number:

    CQ 8200 dark blue

    CQ 8201 dark brown

    $100 (buy three get one free)


    against being stolen and accidental damage

    For details see Page 1143.

    Swimsuit (women's)

    Soft and comfortable.

    Made of:


    20% nylon.

    Sizes:10, 12, 14, 16

    Order number:

    GQ 9292  dark brown

    GQ9963 dark blue


    (1)、What you have just read is a/an ______________.
    A、ad for clothes B、movie review C、news report D、food order
    (2)、From the passage above, we can know that ____________.
    A、the swimsuit is made of silk and cotton B、there are five sizes available for the T-shirts C、the order number of the dark blue jacket is CQ 8200 D、both the T-shirt and the jacket can be washed by hand
    (3)、How much do you need to pay if you get four jackets?
    A、$200. B、$300. C、$400. D、$ 500.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Dear Sir/Madam,

        ①It is now common to go online in the home, yet a recent survey showed that ninety-five percent of parents do not know what websites their children visit. I strongly believe that a training project should be started to help parents to improve their Internet and computer skills so that they can better monitor and guide their children.

        ②One advantage of providing training is that it would get parents to pay more attention to their children's online activities. If they had a better understanding of the Internet, they would see the need to make sure that their children use it properly and responsibly.

        ③Another argument for providing training to parents is that it would allow parents to help their children with their schoolwork. These days, a lot of homework needs to be done on computers. If parents have poor computer skills, they will be of little or no help with homework, which can make them upset. Some people argue that it is good that students can work independently on computers. However, it is clear that students, especially young students, often need this kind of home support. 

        ④Improving parents' Internet and computer skills might also be a good way or parents to improve their relationships with their children. These days, children spend a lot of their free time on computers. If parents want to be part of that free time, they need to see that playing on computers can be a fun family activity. Joining their children can help parents bridge the generation gap(代沟) between them and their children.

        ⑤I strongly believe that children need to be helped and guided to use the Internet in a proper and responsible way, and so training is extremely important.

    Yours faithfully.

    Pat Chan

    (1)、In the letter, the writer ________.
    A、thinks parents should improve their Internet and computer skills B、advises children not to spend a lot of their free time on computers C、tries to make children less worried about their online schoolwork D、explains why parents should pay more attention to their children
    (2)、Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (3)、The letter is probably from the part of ________ in a newspaper.
    A、culture B、sports C、health D、education
  • 4. 阅读短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Welcome a student from France or Spain into your family!

    Host a student from Spain or France and experience his/her life and culture.

    Exchange students from Spain and France are looking for welcoming warm, fun and loving hosts who will share life and culture with them for a few weeks in June, July and August.

    Stays can be from 3 to 6 weeks.

    What to do with your exchange student:

    Movies /Museums /Beach /Cooking /Baking /Community projects / Volunteering /Hanging out /Shopping /Disneyland/

    anything you can think of.…

    Requirements to host;

    Loving, active, outgoing family

    One stay-at-home, or part-time host parent

    Teen in the home within 4 years of age of the exchange student

    Willing to take students to places of interest once a week

    (maybe visiting them next summer at their home countries)

    If you are interested and would like more information, please contact:

    Shirley Wentzell 909-918-6715

    Email: Shirley@ uceus.com

    (1)、Exchange students from France or Spain will possibly stay for ________ in host families.
    A、10 days B、5 weeks C、2 months D、1 year
    (2)、According to the passage, we can learn that ________.
    A、exchange students will come back next summer B、exchange students have to cook dinner by themselves C、parents in a host family should have full-time jobs D、teens in host families can experience different cultures
    (3)、The text above is probably a ________.
    A、letter B、notice C、poster D、diary
  • 5. 阅读短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    The Coffee Pot Restaurant

        We're looking for Saturday assistants (帮手) in our busy town centre restaurant. The job will include setting and clearing tables, serving customers and helping in the kitchen, We're looking for polite and patient people who can work under pressure.

    Hours: 10 a. m. 4 p. m. including a half-hour lunch break.

    Pay:£5 an hour + lunch

    Film Extras Wanted

        Have you ever wanted to be in the movies? Are you interested in acting? We're making a film in the local area during July and August and we'll need several young people as extras (临时演员), We're looking for active and social 14—18-year-olds.

    Pay:£50 a day +meals.

    Please include a recent photograph in your application.

    Newspaper Boys/Girls

        We're looking for honest young people to deliver(投递) newspapers and magazines. We need one person for morning deliveries (7-8) and two people for evening deliveries (5-6). You must be at least 13 years old and have your own bicycle. For morning deliveries you need to be good at getting up early, too!

    Pay:£30 a week

    When you apply (申请), please say whether you prefer mornings or evenings.


        Shop'n'Save Supermarket needs two young people (14-18) for evening and weekend work. The job includes helping customers, putting things on the shelves, collecting trolleys, etc.

    Hours: 5-7 evenings or 10-5 Saturdays and Sundays.

    Pay:£4 an hour and free lunch for weekend hours

    (1)、To be a film extra, one has to be ________.
    A、polite and patient B、active and social C、honest and strong D、helpful and careful
    (2)、A part-time assistant at Shop'n'Save Supermarket needs to      .
    A、set and clear tables B、provide a photo C、deliver newspapers D、help customers
    (3)、If 13-year-old Tom is free from 5: 00 p. m. to 7: 00 p. m., which job can he apply for?
    A、A restaurant assistant. B、A film extra. C、A newspaper boy. D、A supermarket assistant.
  • 6. 阅读材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。


        Give your workplace a spring facelift!

        Living magazine is offering three prizes of between £10, 000 and £50, 00o to be spent on improving the school, college or office where you spend so many hours each day! If you win, the money will be yours to spend as you wish to make life more pleasant.

    Just think! You could spend it on any of the following:

        ◇improving the look of the place (new wallpaper, tables or pictures).

        ◇better study places (a computer room, a language laboratory or a small library).

        ◇improving the outside area(making a garden or a car park for example).

        ◇better sports places (a small gym or a swimming pool).

    To enter, all you have to do is to design:

        ◇five ways you plan to spend the money if you win.

        ◇what you want to include(for example, sofas in your new computer room).

        ◇why these changes will make your workplace a better place to be!

    Email us your design at livingmagazine@hotmail.com before June 16th.

    If you want to get more information, please contact us:

    Tel+323-647-4200    Fax+323-647-4245

    Don't miss this great chance to improve your workplace!

    (1)、The text tells us that the new competition ________.
    A、can help you get good grades B、is organized by Living magazine C、allows only students to enter D、provides more than three prizes
    (2)、Those who want to enter the competition are supposed to ________.
    A、describe how to spend the prize B、mention the money they have C、hand in their designs after June 16th. D、visit Living magazine in person
    (3)、What kind of writing is the text?
    A、An email. B、A diary. C、A note. D、A poster.
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    (1)、Totally Wild Hotel is special because of ________.
    A、its high price B、its good breakfast C、the lovely giraffes D、the old buildings
    (2)、According to the text, people can ________ in Kenya.
    A、cheer on camels in Lamu Old Town B、have breakfast with zebras in Totally Wild Hotel C、see lions. Zebras. elephants in East National Park D、watch the bright pink birds near Lake Nakuru
    (3)、________ will most probably be interested in the text above.
    A、People who enjoy travelling B、Scientists who study birds C、Players who are good at running D、People who have a pain in the neck
  • 8. 阅读下文,然后从各顺所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案.

    (1)、The purpose of the charity drive for Grace Orphanage is to ________.
    A、encourage children through reading B、teach children to draw pictures C、introduce some local performers D、raise money for children aged 5 to 12
    (2)、According to the text, we can _______ in the charity drive.
    A、play Yo-Yo with the volunteers B、give away used books to kids C、watch performances on Saturday D、enjoy children's TV programs
    (3)、The text might be ________
    A、a news report B、a meeting notice C、an advertisement D、a science story
  • 9. 阅读下面短文,从每所给的A、B、C、D四个项中选出最佳选项。

    (1)、Which of the following jobs is wanted in the poster?
    A、A model. B、A waiter. C、A support worker. D、A market worker.
    (2)、The Wowee Magazine wants writers who should ________.
    A、be over 16 years old B、be skilled and active C、keep the salon clean and tidy D、have the ability to care for others
    (3)、According to the passage, the workers in ______ will work 40 hours a week.
    A、Wowee Magazine B、Golden Care C、Top Model Company D、Cut Above Salon
  • 10. 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Safe Travel Abroad

        Preparing to go traveling abroad can be really stressful, especially if you don't know what to expect. Here is a list of important things to remember, so you know exactly what you need to do before you take off.

    What vaccines(疫苗) do I need?

        Go to your doctor for advice as soon as you know you're going traveling. They will know what vaccines you will need and will be able to advise you on when you need to have them. Remember, some vaccines need to be given months ahead, so make sure you book an appointment as early as possible.

    Do I need a visa(签证)?

        It's important that you have the correct official documents for traveling abroad. If you don't have the necessary paperwork, you might be refused entry. You'll need to check that your passport hasn't been out of date either.

    How do I arrange travel insurance(保险)?

        Travel insurance is really important. It can protect you in different kinds of situations, such as if you need medical treatment or if your flights are canceled. Travel insurance can be arranged easily online or over the phone, but you can always turn to your local travel agency. Travel agents will also be able to advise you on what you are insured against.

    (1)、Those who        will most probably be interested in this text.
    A、work in insurance companies B、need medical treatment C、plan to travel abroad D、want to take vaccines
    (2)、The text above may be from the part of        in a newspaper.
    A、news B、life C、sports D、advertisement
    (3)、The main purpose of the text is to__________.
    A、help you make a travel plan B、tell you how to keep safe while traveling C、give you some advice on travel preparations D、suggest you buy insurance for your family
  • 11. 阅读下面短文:客观题请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Oats are healthy food. Many families have them for breakfast. The following is the instructions of Golden Oats from America.

    (1)、To make three servings of oats, we need one cup of Golden Oats and ______ cups of water.
    A、two B、three C、five D、six
    (2)、Both Oatmeal Cookies and Oatmeal Apple Crisp need _____ .
    A、milk B、eggs C、salt D、butter
    (3)、According to the instructions, we must ______.
    A、cook the oats before adding water B、cook the oats for at least 4 minutes C、choose the microwave to cook the oats D、add fruits to the oats when cooking them
  • 12. 阅读下面四篇材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Eating your way around the world

    Australia: Try a pie floater?

        Feeling hungry? No visit to South Australia is complete without trying the local food-a pie floater. They are traditionally sold at roadside food shops, some of which stay open all night. It is a meat pie floating in a thick green pen soup. Finally, the pie is covered with plenty of bright red tomato ketchup(番茄酱). Enjoy!

    Vietnam: Soup for breakfast

    The food stands in the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, open early in the morning and stay busy till late at night, selling fast food to hungry passers-by. The most famous dish is pho, a noodle soup with slices of beef or chicken and different vegetables. It's usually eaten for breakfast—-many Vietnamese people say they cannot start the day without this delicious food!

    Belgium: Home of French fries

        You can find French fried potatoes all over the world, but as Belgians will tell you, they, not the French, invented this popular street food, back in the 17th century. French fries, eaten from a paper cone are the Belgian's favourite food. The secret of perfect French fries is that they are fried(油炸) twice in hot oil, to give a perfect, golden outside

    (1)、A pie floater in South Australia is a kind of food with _________.
    A、fried potatoes B、thick soup C、beef or chicken D、a golden outside
    (2)、According to the passage, all the three kinds of local food _________.
    A、are sold in the street B、have meat inside C、have tomato ketchup D、are fried in hot oil
    (3)、The passage most probably comes from the ______ column(栏目) in a magazine.
    A、education B、health C、travel D、technology