
试卷更新日期:2022-01-08 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. (让我惊讶的是), Nancy did well in the school sports meeting.
  • 2. I think (对我们来说……是必要的) to learn a foreign language.
  • 3. Many people were touched by the film Hi Mom. It (值得观看) .
  • 4. Yuan Longping, one of (最伟大的科学家), made important contributions to the world.
  • 5. (在……帮助下) the local firemen, we learned some fire safety skills.
  • 6. Their products (没达到标准). They had to work last Sunday.
  • 7. Kate (成为一名……成员) the dancing club since two years ago.
  • 8. Could you join us by (分发新书), please?
  • 9. Pingshu is my grandma's favourite. It's (最传统的之一) art forms in China.
  • 10. Tom bought a toy car yesterday. The wheels of it (是由木头制成的).
  • 11. What beautiful songs! All the students think Julie(对唱歌有天赋).
  • 12. Brazil  (因……而著称)the Amazon rainforest and soccer. Many people travel there every year.
  • 13. Yesterday afternoon my brother (花了两个小时安装)a new light in our bedroom.
  • 14. Suddenly, Lucy saw a policeman near the bus station. "I may ask him for help" She (自言自语).
  • 15. It is important for us (学会如何表达)our sincere thanks to others.
  • 16. 你能告诉我何时上交我的英文报告吗?

    Could you tell me when to my English report?

  • 17. 在上学路上,西蒙看见了一道美丽的彩虹。

    Simon saw a beautiful rainbow school.

  • 18. 山东潍坊现在因制作风筝而出名。

    Weifang in Shandong Province making kites now.

  • 19. 王俊凯擅长唱歌和打篮球。

    Wang Junkai singing and playing basketball.

  • 20. 事关重大,你得三思而行。

    It's very important and .

  • 21. 出于安全原因,这次年终特价优惠最终被取消了。

    The end-of-year at last.

  • 22. 赫本在《罗马假日》中扮演一位公主,堪称经典。

    Hepburn a princess in Roman Holiday and it is a classic.

  • 23. 警方报告显示该事故与天气无关。

    The police report shows that the accident the weather.

  • 24. 写作占去了我四分之三的假期,但我乐在其中。

    Writing my holiday, but I enjoyed myself.

  • 25. 机会就在面前,但值得冒此风险吗?

    The chance is right in front of us, but

  • 26. 江苏无锡因水著名,也曾因水而困。

    Wuxi its water but it once had trouble because of water.

  • 27. 对于你的看法我恐怕无法苟同。

    I'm afraid I.

  • 28. 此事挂在我心头已有数月,但依然亳无头绪。

    This matter, but I still haven t got a clue.

  • 29. 明星该如何得体吸引粉丝注意,网上对此曾有热议。

    There was a heated online discussion on.

  • 30. 这首乐曲虽是偶然之作,但价值恒远。

    This piece of music has by accident.

  • 31. Jim, check your homework before you (上交它).
  • 32. Benny, in my opinion, the job (值得做). Why not try it?
  • 33. —Philip, how do you feel about this afternoon' s competition?

    —Oh, I'm (又兴奋又紧张) about it.

  • 34. —Have you met Luke recently?

    —Yes, I (碰巧看见他) in the science museum yesterday afternoon.

  • 35. Many public service ads on TV remind us to spend more time (与…… 相 处) our parents well.
  • 36. 每年,成千上万的人聚焦在纽约时代广场庆祝新年的到来。

    Every year in New York, People gather on Times Square to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

  • 37. 当我们处于困境时,我们不应该放弃。

    We shouldn't when we are in trouble.

  • 38. 历史上的第一个风筝是用木头做的。

    The first kite wood in history.

  • 39. 在公共场合,插队是不礼貌的。

    It's impolite to before others in public.

  • 40. 你最好不要熬夜,熬夜有害健康。

    You stay up late. It's harmful to your health.

  • 41. 像往常一样,迈克是步行上学的。

    , Mike went to school on foot.

  • 42. 如果你每天练习. 你的听力技能将得到提高.
  • 43. 多么精彩的一部4D电影啊!
  • 44. 对中国人而言,在春节团聚是常见的.
  • 45. 你能告诉我你在门后面找什么吗?
  • 46. 那只兔子如此胖以至于无法穿过那个洞.
  • 47. 那是如此漫长的一段旅程,每个人都筋疲力尽了。
  • 48. 一个重要的案例将在这次会议上讨论。
  • 49. 不要开始这个项目,除非一切就绪。
  • 50. 我想知道他们是否已经去过那家新的书店。