
试卷更新日期:2022-01-07 类型:月考试卷


  • 1. 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语(   )
    A、I like music. B、l think it's useful. C、By learning from mistakes.
  • 2. 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语(   )
    A、Yes, I do. B、No, I didn't. C、Sounds bad.
  • 3. 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语(   )
    A、Silver. B、By my friend. C、In Yunnan.
  • 4. 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语(   )
    A、I don't know. B、OK, I will. C、You're kind.
  • 5. 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语(   )
    A、They are clever. B、I disagree with you. C、Td love to.


  • 6. 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案(   )
    A、In an old people's home. B、In a great' factory. C、In a children's hospital.
  • 7. 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案(   )
    A、Everyone likes it. B、Of course not. C、Yes, I think so.
  • 8. 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案(   )
    A、To sweep the floor. B、To go for a walk. C、To make the bed.
  • 9. 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案(   )
    A、Once a week. B、Twice a week. C、Three times a week.
  • 10. 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案(   )
    A、He was unhappy. B、He was angry. C、He was tired.


  • 11. 看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关)

    A.   B.   C.

    D.   E.   F.


  • 12. 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。
    (1)、How many students were there in the village school?
    A、25. B、125. C、900.
    (2)、Who was Jenny's only teacher in the village?
    A、Mary. B、Ellen. C、Mrs. Black.
    (3)、Why didn't Jenny like Iondon?
    A、Because she didn't love all the new things. B、Because she didn't have any friends there. C、Because there weren't big shopping centers.
    (4)、What did Ellen and Mary do to help her?
    A、They helped her to buy some gifts. B、They helped her to do her homework. C、They helped her to meet new people and showed her interesting places.
    (5)、How does Jenny feel now?
    A、She feels nervous. B、She feels happy. C、She feels lonely.



  • 18. 一 You've dropped _________________ "f"in the word "giraffe"!

    — Sorry, I forgot _________________ letter"f"is doubled.

    A、an; the B、an; a C、the; a
  • 19. I want to plant some flowers _________________ the garden next week.
    A、of B、in C、on
  • 20. 一 Look at the man running after the bus! Is that Mr. White?

    — It _________________ be him. He is at home at the moment.

    A、wouldn't B、mustn't C、can't
  • 21. There is _________________ for you if you put your heart into it.
    A、difficult nothing B、nothing difficult C、something difficult
  • 22. I will tell my father to call you when he _________________ back.
    A、will come B、came C、comes
  • 23. — When I meet a new word, I have to ________ in a dictionary.

    — Why not guess the word's meaning? It helps to read faster.

    A、look up it B、look it up C、look them up
  • 24. The first 5G mobile phone _________________ by a Chinese company two years ago.
    A、is produced B、produces C、was produced
  • 25. I really admire those volunteers _________________ can offer to help people in trouble.
    A、who B、which C、whom
  • 26. — Judy, could you tell me ________________ the schoolbag?

    一 Oh, yes. I bought it in a,store on the Internet.

    A、where did you buy B、where you bought C、where you will buy
  • 27. — I'm going to go hiking with my parents this weekend.

    — ______________________.

    A、Pretty bad B、Sounds boring C、Sounds like a good plan


  • 28. 完成对话,从方框中选择正确选项(方框中有一个选项与对话无关)。

    A. Who is she?

    B. She says she can not stand them sometimes.

    C. No. she is two years younger than me.
    D. Is she your cousin?

    E. I want to choosc my own clothes.

    F. What were you doing at the time of the snowstorm?

    A: Hi, Grace! What a heavy snowstorm it was last night!

    B: Yes, Bill.

    A: I was doing my homework in my room. What about you?

    B: I was talking on the phone with Gina.

    A: Gina?

    B: She is my cousin who comes from the USA.

    A: Is she as old as you?

    B: And she is now in Grade Seven.

    A: Are there also lots of rules in her school?
    B: Yes, there are.

    A: Can she be allowed to choose her own clothes on school days?

    B: No, she can't. But she told me that she liked her uniforms so much.

    A: I see. However, I think our uniforms are ugly.

    B: So do I. I have many beautiful clothes.

  • 29. 补全对话,根据所给对话填写适当内容,使其完整,正确(每空词数不限)。

    Jane: Good morning, Harry! What are you reading now?

    Harry: Hi, Jane. .

    Jane: Ancient Rome? Sounds interesting! ?

    Harry: Oh, I have read the book for a few hours. I'm a little tired and want to go for a walk.

    Jane: Good idea. I saw a bracelet(手环) on your left hand. ?

    Harry: It is used for getting information about how many steps I take during a day. Jane: That is such an amazing invention!

    Harry: And it sends the information into my mobile phone and also I will know how many steps other friends take if they have bracelets as well.

    Jane: yesterday?

    Harry: Umm, it was Alex. He took more steps than others, and he is always on the top of all my friends.

    Jane: Great! He really enjoys walking. Now let's walk together!

    Harry: .


  • 30. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文(方框中有两个选项是多余的)。

    A. buy      B. little       C. across      D. few       E. Even though    F. lonely

    G. more    H. himself    I. happiness    J. because   K. take          L. collect

    In a movie, Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck. Chuck is a businessman who isalways so busy that he has time for his friends. He is a successful manager in acompany that sends mail all over the world. One day Chuck is flying the PacificOcean when suddenly his plane fails. Chuck lives through the accident and lands on a island.

    On the island, Chuck has to learn to make a living all alone. He has to learn how to water, hunt for food and make fire. Perhaps the most difficult oroblem is how to live without friends.

    In order to make a living, Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend-a volleyball he calls Wilson. Chuck learns a lot about when he is alone on the island. He realizes that he hasn't been a very good friend he has always been thinking about himself. During his five years on the island. Chuck Chuck learns how to be a good friend to Wilson. Wilson is just a volleyball, he becomes fond of(喜爱)him. He talks to himand treats him as a friend. Chuck learns that we need friends to share and sorrow, and that it is interesting to have someone to care about. He also learns that he should have cared about his friends. When he makes friends with Wilson. He understands that friendship is about feelings and that we must give as much as we .


  • 31. 阅读理解

    Winter holiday is a great time to improve your child's reading!

    How to sign up(报名):

    We are inviting you to sign up for free to help vour child be an active reader thiswinter holiday!

    * Go to www.readfun.org

    * Choose"Parent"

    * Choose the blue"Sign Up"What we provide:

    We provide you with thousands of free, excellent articles with questions andactivities. To make reading easy, we have chosen interesting and knowledge-filled articles of different levels. You can go to www. readfun.org/winter holiday reading to download (下载) and print the articles for free.

    How to use:

    TIP 1: Articles for reading should be understandable, so be sure to choose articles atyour child's reading level. Don't be afraid to start with articles of lower grade levels. The important thing is that your child reads, reads, reads!

    TIP 2: It's also important to help your child develop good reading habits. First, helphim keep a good record of his reading. Second, encourage him to discuss what he has readwith family members. That way, you will all have a good time.

    We wish you and your family a great winter holiday!

    (1)、One of the steps for parents to sign up on www.readfun.org is to _____________.
    A、choose"Parent" B、finish a test C、choose a tip D、print an article
    (2)、What does a www.readfun.org provide?
    A、Online teachers. B、Interesting videos. C、Pen friends' information. D、Articles of different levels.
    (3)、According to TIP 1. it's important to choose articles ______________.
    A、of high grade levels B、with difficult questions C、at our child's reading level D、with interesting activities
    (4)、According to TIP 2, parents should help their kids to develop _____________ good reading habit(s).
    A、one B、two C、three D、four
    (5)、The text above is written for ______________.
    A、parents B、kids C、teachers D、writers
  • 32. 阅读理解

    More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that 's why there are 1. 4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on road worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost ! 

    Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighborhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping out of your car. You can bike to work anl benefit from the enioyable exercise and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting without polluting the environment. You don't even have to ride all the way.

    Folding(折叠) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. but be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.

    Health Benefits of Bicycling:

    lt helps to prevent heart diseases.

    Bicycling helps to control your weight.

    A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year.

    Bicycling can improve your mood(心情).

    Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.

    Bicycling is healthier than driving.

    (1)、From the passage, we know that bicycling is becoming very _________________.
    A、surprising B、exciting C、expensive D、popular
    (2)、When you are riding your bicycle around your neighborhood, you may ________________.
    A、pollute the environment around B、find something you didn't notice C、go everywhere and use a little oil D、get off your bike and begin to work
    (3)、If you travel with a folding bike, you can fold it and _________________.
    A、get out of the car B、take it onto a train C、put it in your purse D、go on airline websites
    (4)、One of the benefits from bicycling is that _________________.
    A、you can fold the bicycle B、you will be friendly to others C、you will be more relaxed D、you may get fatter and fatter
    (5)、Which is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、Bicycling is an enjoyable exercise for people. B、Driving cars is healthier than riding bikes. C、Riding a bike pollutes your neighborhood. D、Common bikes are welcomed by all airlines.
  • 33. 根据短文内容,判断正误。

    My name is Jim. My brother and I once went on a jungle holiday with another six people. It was an amazing experience and we saw lots of monkeys and huge snakes.

    One morning, Peter and I wanted to take photos of monkeys, so we got up early and walked into the jungle. We didn't have to go far before we heard some monkeys. We were excited and followed them for about ten minutes. Suddenly, Peter stopped. He was worried. "I'm not going any farther , "he said, "We'll get lost."

    We looked around us. There were trees everywhere. We had no idea how to get back to the campsite(营地), although it was not far from us. Then it started to rain. Luckily, I had a raincoat. we moved on slowly with the coat over our heads, scared and upset.

    After two hours, we heard a noise. It was our tour guide, John. He was very angry. "You're very lucky to come back alive. " he said. But we were very happy. " We're never going to follow the monkeys again. "we promised. Everyone laughed.

    (1)、Jim once went on the jungle holiday with seven other people.
    (2)、Peter and Jim went to thc jungle to catch the monkcys.
    (3)、They were not far from the campsite when they got lost.
    (4)、They waited in the rain for two hours.
    (5)、John went into the jungle and found them at last.
  • 34. 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺(每个选项只能选一次)。

    Recently, a very simple question became widely spread online: What China should beproud of? Lanlan, whose real name is Negar Kordi, is from Canada. She came to China five years ago and was a student at Ningbo University. Now she has 120,000 fans onthe Internet and the number is still growing.

    Lanlan loves China and Chinese. And that's why she is so well received amongChinese net friends. The following is China in her eyes. "It is the easicst country in which tofind a job. If you are not too lazy, it is really very simple to find a job in China. I believethere're more job chances here than in any other country in the world. "

    About 400 million Chinese are studying English. " If they can speak goodEnglish in the future, China will have the greatest number of English speakers of any non-English speaking country. "

    "The speed of Chinese trains is fast. From Ningbo to Beijing, the train runs 1,365 kilometers for seven hours and the ticket fare is only 595 yuan. ""Its public security is great. l have travelled in many countries, and l think China is really very safe. "

    "There are much more things China should be proud of. Many Chinese people oftencriticize China. At first, I believed that they didn't like China or that they loved westerncountries. "

    A. The foreign language level is surprising.

    B. And this country of 1.4 billion people makes me feel safe.

    C. A foreign girl living in China gave a very touching answer.

    D. But later, I realized that they just set a very high standard for China.

    E. She believes China will be one of the strongest countries in the world in future.

  • 35. 任务型阅读

    Maybe you pride yourselves on only sleeping a few hours a night. However, areyou feeling tired and sleepy throughout the day? Do you have a hard time keeping your eyesopen as you study? Have you nodded off while driving? If you can answer" Yes"to any ofthese, it shows you could not have enough sleep. It is suggested that most adults need sevento nine hours'sleep. As for teens, they need even more. lf you aren't getting enough sleep,you should do the following things.

    You should avoid drinking caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and soda for atleast 10 hours before you go to bed.

    Eating a big meal can make you feel sleepy, and it can make you feel uncomfortableand prevent you from sleeping well.

    With the light on, can you have a good sleep?Of course not, and you'd better make your bedroom dark and cool.

    The light from electronics can keep you from falling asleep. Try reading or listeningto quiet music instead. Please get enough sleep from now on.

    A. Avoid caffeine(咖啡因).

    B. Build a healthy sleep environment.

    C. Avoid eating big meals before sleeping.

    D. It's necessary to have enough sleep.

    E. Avoid using electronics before bed.


    Get enough sleep

    The results of lacking(缺乏) sleep

    ★It makes you feel tired and sleepy throughout the day.

    ★It's easy to keep your eyes as you study.

    ★You may nod off while driving.

    The time of sleeping

    ★Most adults need seven' to nine hours'sleep while teensneed .

    The advice of sleeping

    ★You'd better avoid drinking caffeinated drinks coffee, tea and soda.

    ★Stop before sleeping, and you can feel comfortable.

    ★Keep your bedroom dark and cool.

    ★Try reading or, listening, to quiet music usingelectronics before bed.

  • 36. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    In 1989, a strong earthquake almost flattened(摧毁)America, and over 300,000 peoplewere injured in less than four minutes. Though the earthquake had not ended completely, afather rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, he was surprised to find thatthe building was as flat as a pancake.

    After a moment he came to himself and remembered the promise he had made to hisson, "No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you!"And tears began to fill hiseyes. As he looked at the ruins(废墟), it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering hispromise to his son. He rushed there and started digging in the ruins.

    As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, saying, "It 's too late! They're alldead! Come on, face the fact. There's nothing you can do!"To each parent he just replied,"Are you going to help me now?"No one helped. And then he continued to dig for his son,stone by stone.

    Courageously he went on along because he needed to know for himself, "Is my boy aliveor is he dead?"He dug for... 12 hours... 24 hours…36 hours,then two hours later, he pulledback a large stone and heard his son's voice. He screamed his son's name, "Sean!"He heardback, "Dad! It's me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you werealive, you would save me and when you saved me, they'd be saved. You promised, 'Nomatter what happens, I'll always be there for you! 'You did it, Dad!"

    "What's going on there?"The father asked anxiously.

    "There are 14 of us, Dad. We're very frightened, hungry, thirsty and thankful you'rehere. When the building fell down, it made a triangle(三角形), and it saved us. "

    "Come out, boy!"

    "No, Dad' Let the other kids come out first, because I know you'll get me! No matter what happpens, I know you'll aways be there for me!"

    (1)、Where aa tne earthquake take place?
    (2)、Why did the fatner start digging in the ruins?
    (3)、Did the other parents help the father?
    (4)、How long did the father dig in the ruins?
    (5)、Who would be the last one to come out?


  • 37. 假期里,一些学生志愿者想担当交通小卫一,他们为司机朋右们制作了温馨提示卡,将一些驾驶时应注意的事项印在了上面。诸将卡片卜的信息补充宗整,每空一词。

    Dear drivers,

    To keep , please follow the rules.

    * You may go on if the light is green. When there is a red light, you must .

    * Wait the light changes to green if you want to turn left.

    * Whether the light is green or red, you can turn right if there are no cars in of you.

    * Color-blind people cannot see the difference red and green, so please don'tdrive.

    * Please remember not to drive fast around a school.

  • 38. 现在,许多中学生都喜欢上网。上网确实能给中学生带来学习上的便利,但给他们带来了许多不利的东西。为了让同学们能正确对待上网,本周五下午学校组织了一次英语班会,讨论上网的好处和坏处,请你根据下表中的资料准备你的发言稿。









    提示词:上网: work on the Internet

    不利的东西:bad things

    查阅信息:look up some useful information



    3)开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。

    Hello, everyone!

    As you know. Internet is more and more popular now.


    That's my idea. Thnk you for listening.