
试卷更新日期:2022-01-03 类型:中考真卷


  • 1. 阅读理解

        In Britain, Australia, Canada and a few other English-speaking countries, people don't stop celebrating when Christmas Day is over. They also celebrate the following day, known as Boxing Day. It is a popular day for giving additional (另外的) gifts. It has been celebrated for so long, but nobody exactly knows how it started.

        Some people believe Boxing Day began in the Middle Ages. In those days: in some special places there were special collection boxes where people threw money for the poor.

        The day after Christmas the boxes were opened and the money was counted. Then the money went to helping the poor in the area.

        Others believe Boxing Day started about 300 years ago when some rich people had Christmas feasts (盛宴). They offered lots of food to their guests. Because many servants (仆人)were needed to make and serve the food, they could not celebrate Christmas with their families. To thank them, the rich people would put food into boxes for their servants to take home.

        Now Boxing Day has become a public holiday in some countries. Some people spend the day boxing up old or unwanted things and donating (捐赠) them to the poor. Many people are active in helping service organizations(组织)like the Red Cross.

        No matter how Boxing Day got its start, it's a wonderful time to donate things or give small gifts to people. By doing so, you cam make someone's holiday much happier.

    (1)、From the first paragraph we know that Boxing Day ___________.
    A、has a long history B、is before Christmas Day C、is celebrated in only three countries D、is the day for buying gifts
    (2)、In the Middle Ages people put ____________into the boxes.
    A、unwanted things B、food C、old things D、money
    (3)、What did the servants mainly do on Christmas Day?
    A、They took the food home. B、They had Christmas feasts. C、They made and served the food. D、They celebrated with their families
    (4)、Today Boxing Day is a time ___________.
    A、to thank the rid people B、to make the guests happy C、to give people help or small gifts D、to remember the old days
    (5)、What's the best title(题目) for the passage?
    A、Christmas Day B、Boxing Day C、The Red Cross D、The Middle Ages
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Writing is a much newer invention than talking. Nobody knows when people first began to talk, but so far as we know, they did not begin to write until seven or eight thousand years ago.

        In Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China, and later in Palestine and Greece, people began to make marks and pictures with sticks and sharp stones from which others, or they themselves later, could see what they had thought.

        These early records were the beginning of writing. The first writing was picture writing. Here are some early Chinese picture words. Can you see what they represent (代表)?

        Later Chinese writing is less like pictures than the earlier writing was, but we can see the pictures in some of its words. For example:

        In picture writing, each picture represents a word; you need a different picture or mark for each word.

        In present—day Chinese writing most of the marks are not pictures of anything, and a reader has to learn how the Chinese write about two thousands of these words before being able to read a newspaper.

        With some of these marks you may be able to see what the idea is, For example:

        The sun and the moon. Its meanings are: "bright" and "open".

        A man and two marks. One of the meanings is "humanity".

    (1)、When did people begin to write?
    A、Seven or eight hundred years ago. B、Before people first began to talk. C、Seven or eight thousand years ago.
    (2)、Which of the following is the earliest Chinese picture word?
    A、 B、 C、
    (3)、What does the  in the passage mean?
    A、Day and night. B、Bright and open. C、Humanity.
    (4)、What's the passage mainly about?
    A、The history of Chinese writing. B、When Chinese people began to write. C、How the Chinese began to talk.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        How did people tell the time before clocks were invented?

        At first, the ancient people looked up at the sun and could tell it was the middle of the day when the sun was directly overhead in the sky. They also knew when it was morning or evening.

        Later, the Egyptians used sticks. These sticks measured (测量) time during the day. The sun shone on the tall stick and the stick made a shadow (阴影). As the sun moved across the sky, the position (位置)of the shadow changed. This would let people tell what time it was.

        Over time, Chinese first used sundials instead of shadow sticks. The sundial has a type of shadow stick on it. As the sun shines on it, a shadow appears on the numbers. Each number stands for an hour of the day. But sundials don't work at night or on a cloudy day! There are no shadows unless the sun is out.

        Water clocks used water to measure time at night. Water dripped (滴落) slowly from one bowl into another. The level of the water in the bowls showed the time.

        People also used sand-glasses. You may have seen one. Some games still use sand-glasses. The sand falls from the top of the sand-glasses to the bottom. It measures short amounts of the time. The more sand falls, the more time has passed. When the sand has finished falling, you have to turn the sand-glasses over.

    (1)、At first, the ancient people told the time by looking at _____.
    A、the stick B、the shadow C、the sun D、the moon
    (2)、Which picture can be a "sundial"?
    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (3)、Sundials can be used to tell the time when it is ______.
    A、sunny B、rainy C、cloudy D、snowy
    (4)、Which is right according to the passage?
    A、Sticks measured time in Egypt day and night. B、Sundials were first used in ancient Egypt. C、Sand-glasses usually measure a long time. D、The water clock told the time by the water level in the bowls.
    (5)、What's the main idea of the passage?
    A、Something about sundials. B、How to tell the time by looking at the sun. C、How to tell the time in the past. D、Some inventions in China.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Animals UK News        Daily News               16th March  2020

        Wild beavers (河狸) are back! Experts say that the wild beaver families are doing well. The beavers are even boosting wildlife and the environment!

        Over ten years ago, a family of beavers turned up in a part of the river Otter, in Devon. No one knew exactly where they came from. It was a big surprise -wild beavers hadn't lived in England for around 400 years!

        In 2015, the govemment allowed the beavers to stay there as part of a trial (试验). They wanted to see if these animals could be reintroduced to the wild. The trial ends in February. Some scientists from the University of Exeter already say the beavers help the wildlife in the area. One scientist called it “an amazing story”.

        A lot of this is because of dams. Beavers build dams along the river. This creates deep pools in the riverbed and slows the water down. Scientists say this is perfect for many different types of plants and animals! Many plants are growing near the beavers. Different types of animals are also becoming more and more in the river. Beavers also help make flooding less, scientists say. The beavers' dams slow down the speed of the river, especially after heavy rain.

        There are, however, some problems. Beavers gnaw (咬,啃) on trees and this can harm them. Their dams can also sometimes create floods (洪水) on people's land.

        Beavers aren't the only animals that are being reintroduced to the wild! In 2019, red squirrels were brought back to an area of the Scottish Highlands. Further away, the world's rarest (罕见的) duck, the Madagascar pochard, is making a comeback. It was set free into the wild on the African island in 2019 and is doing well.

        Who knows what other animals might be making a comeback?

    (1)、Which of the following best explains "boosting" in paragraph 1?
    A、building B、spreading C、helping D、creating
    (2)、Why did the govermment want a trial first? Because they wanted to _______.
    A、grow more plants along the river B、build dams for the beavers in the wild C、introduce the beavers to the wild D、see if the beavers could be reintroduced to the wild
    (3)、What are the good things about wild beavers living on the river Otter?
    A、They help plants grow and make flooding less. B、They bring heavy rain and floods. C、They gnaw on trees and harm them. D、Their dams create floods on people's land.
    (4)、How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the news story which have been reintroduced to the wild?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three. D、Four.
    (5)、How do you think animal lovers feel about the news?
    A、Embarrassed. B、Pleased. C、Tired. D、Disappointed.
  • 5. 阅读理解

        When Reginald Johnston, a British scholar (学者) , first walked into the Forbidden City in 1919, most palaces weren't allowed to visit. But a century later, when the People' Republic of China is to celebrate its 70th founding anniversary (周年纪念) in October, the 599-year-old palace complex (宫殿群) becomes the world's busiest museum.

        Open to the public

        In the old days, ordinary people could only imagine what it looked like inside. When the Palace Museum was founded in 1925, the public could go into the palaces. Now 80% of the total area of the museum is open to the public and it will increase to 8500 in 2025.

        Embracing (拥抱) the world

        "It felt like you were hit by hundreds of years of history," Christopher Allen from Britain said. "I begin to love its history and culture.”

    The Forbidden City is becoming more open and friendly to visitors. It attracted about 3. 5 million visitors from abroad and 9 overseas (海外的) exhibitions were held in 2018. The Palace Museum exhibition becomes a cultural phenomenon (文化现象) everywhere it goes.

    Attracting the youth

        On the Palace Museum's online store on Taobao, you can find more than 10, 000 cultural products. The ones with cute and humorous pictures of emperors are very popular.

        Some favourite products also go offline. For example, the "Kangxi Emperor's Favourite Chocolate", the most popular drink, always has people lining up (排队) to get a taste.

        As a child, Xu Jing often rode a bike in front of the Meridian Gate (午门) . "I had little memory of the museum then, but now I am more willing to visit it after watching several popular TV shows about the museum," she said.

    (1)、The current situation (现状) of the Forbidden City is that______________.
    A、it has become the world's busiest museum B、most palaces are still not allowed to visit C、it is closed to all the world except local people D、it is not open because there are too many exhibits (展品)
    (2)、The Palace Museum has been open to the public for _________ years.
    A、70 B、94 C、100 D、599
    (3)、Which is NOT the reason that the Forbidden City attracts more visitors from abroad?
    A、Foreigners are hit by hundreds of years of Chinese history.    B、The Forbidden City is becoming more open and friendly to visitors. C、The ticket price of the Forbidden City is the lowest.    D、The Palace Museum exhibition becomes a cultural phenomenon everywhere it goes.
    (4)、According to the last part, the youth know more about the Palace Museum mainly through_________________.

    a. the online store on Taobao           b. offline stores

    c. history books                        d. popular TV shows

    A、a, b, d B、a, b, c C、b, c, d D、a, c, d
    (5)、Which is RIGHT according to the passage?
    A、The Palace Museum becomes world famous in a short period. B、Visitors can leave their footprints (脚印) in each area of the museum. C、All the native people were willing to visit the museum when they were kids. D、With the development of China, the Palace Museum opens its arms and welcome the visitors from all around the world.