2022年中考英语专题复习—— 被动语态(真题一)

试卷更新日期:2021-12-25 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. In the year of 2020,each of us             by the people like Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan who taught us how to fight against the difficulties in life with a strong will.
    A、were greatly encouraged B、greatly encourages C、greatly encouraged D、was greatly encouraged
  • 2. —Lily, cars are increasing very fast nowadays.

    —Actually, lots of convenience (方便) __________ for us.

    A、provided B、provided C、is provided
  • 3. —Why have I never seen this kind of mobile phone?

    一Because it _______ by Huawei last month.

    A、was produced B、would produced C、has produced D、are produced
  • 4. Paper, one of the four greatest inventions in ancient China, ________by Cai Lun about 2, 000 years ago.
    A、was invented B、is invented C、were invented D、are invented
  • 5. As we all know, the telephone ________ by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
    A、invented B、is invented C、was invented
  • 6. — Eric, you ________ to go to the teachers' office just now. What's up?

    — We aren't allowed to bring phones to school. Em, but I broke the rule.

    A、told B、tell C、are told D、were told
  • 7. Many research labs ________in the next 5 years to develop science and technology in China.
    A、are building B、will be built C、were built
  • 8. These gifts         by children in their last summer holidays.
    A、made B、were made C、make D、are made
  • 9. Fishing ___________ in order to protect the ecosystem of Hanjiang River.
    A、allows B、is allowed C、isn't allowed D、won't allow
  • 10. The blender________ for making a banana milk shake just now.
    A、will be used B、was used C、is used
  • 11. Our school library ________ with plants, lovely desks and chairs, so I feel relaxed while studying or reading there.
    A、decorates B、decorated C、is decorated D、was decorating
  • 12. —Students begin to pay more attention to subjects of art education.

    —That's true. They ___________ in senior high school entrance examination.

    A、are tested B、were tested C、will be tested
  • 13. A lot of trees            in our city in spring every year.
    A、are planted B、were planted C、plant D、planted
  • 14. — This math problem ___________ in half an hour.

    —Don't worry. Mr. Wang is good at math. He can make it.

    A、is working out B、would work out C、should be worked out D、has worked out
  • 15. The 2022 Asian Games ______ in Hangzhou.
    A、hold B、held C、will be held D、have held
  • 16. The videos about cooking tell us how food _____________.
    A、makes B、made C、is made D、was made
  • 17. Tea from China began to be sent abroad more than a thousand years ago and since then it ___________ to the world.
    A、was known B、is known C、has been known D、knows
  • 18. Now waste from daily life in the city of Shanghai ______ to be separated into four different groups.
    A、is requiring B、is required C、was required D、required
  • 19. The kite                    in China more than 2,000 years ago.
    A、invents B、invented C、is invented D、was invented
  • 20. Another bridge over the Jialing River ______last year.
    A、builds B、built C、is built D、was built
  • 21. That machine is broken. It ________ tomorrow.
    A、repaired B、was repaired C、will repair D、will be repaired
  • 22. In Miss Lin's class, many chances ___________ to students to learn from each other.
    A、offer B、offered C、are offering D、are offered
  • 23. —Do you need any help?

    —No, thanks. We ______________ a lot of support since last year.

    A、have offered B、have been offered C、were offered D、were offering
  • 24. — What language ________ in Canada?

    —Both English and French.

    A、is spoken B、speaks C、is speaking
  • 25. You        lunch at school. So you don't have to bring your own food.
    A、give B、will give C、are given D、have given
  • 26. It's said that tea _________________ to Korea and Japan from China in the 6th and 7th centuries.
    A、brought B、is brought C、was brought
  • 27. You can't wear shoes inside this place. It __________.
    A、doesn't allow B、isn't allowed C、hasn't allowed D、wasn't allowed
  • 28. —China is getting stronger and stronger.

    —Yes. So Chinese ______ by more and more foreigners.

    A、learn B、learned C、is learned D、was learned
  • 29. —Why did you leave that position?

    —I ______a better position in another factory.

    A、offer B、offered C、am offered D、was offered
  • 30. In Chinese culture, children born in the Year of the Monkey ______ to be smart.
    A、say B、said C、will be said D、are said