2022年中考英语专题复习—— 介词(真题二)

试卷更新日期:2021-12-25 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —In China,driving after drinking             .

    —You are right. That's              the law.

    A、is not allowed; against B、was not allowed; with C、are not allowed; for D、were not allowed; along
  • 2. Space Day of China falls________ April 24th every year.
    A、on B、by C、at D、in
  • 3. I often go to school ________ foot.
    A、in B、by C、on D、at
  • 4. Our hometown is a beautiful city ________ hundreds of lakes.
    A、at B、on C、with D、by
  • 5. Thanks to the video Visiting the World Online, we can enjoy the sights ________ leaving home.
    A、with B、by C、without
  • 6. We'll cause more pollution ____________ _we find ways to recycle more rubbish.
    A、unless B、if C、although
  • 7. — Good news? You've passed the PE test.

    — Hooray! ______, I was worried about it.

    A、By accident B、To be honest C、As a result D、In my opinion
  • 8. —How do you study for a test, Eric?

    —I study         working with a group.

    A、by B、with C、in
  • 9. Look! The sun is shining directly into the car. You'd better park it _________ the tree.
    A、under B、in front of C、behind
  • 10. We usually have a flag-raising ceremony ___________ Monday.
    A、in B、at C、on D、for
  • 11. Our country has made great progress in the fight        blue skies and clear waters.
    A、in B、for C、against D、between
  • 12. The Tianwen-1 Probe landed on Mars             May 15th, 2021.
    A、at B、in C、to D、on
  • 13. — What happened to Tony?

           the morning of a rainy day, he        a bike and hurt his legs.

    A、In; put off B、On; fell off C、In; fell off D、On; put off
  • 14. Ann didn't know anything about the news ________ Mrs. Brown told her.
    A、because B、until C、if
  • 15. The Communist Party of China will have its 100th birthday ______ July 1, 2021.
    A、in B、on C、for D、at
  • 16. As a middle school student. you should learn to depend         yourself to make a decision.
    A、of B、with C、for D、on
  • 17. We'll have a class meeting ________ 3:30 this afternoon.
    A、in B、on C、at
  • 18. Helen's mother always goes shopping _____________ Friday afternoons.
    A、in B、on C、at
  • 19. Usually I make breakfast for my family _________ Saturdays.
    A、at B、in C、on D、to
  • 20. It is going to rain. Take an umbrella ________ you.
    A、with B、at C、in D、from
  • 21. You'd better not hang out after school _______ telling your parents. They may worry about you.
    A、by B、with C、without D、after
  • 22. —Did you go on the Silk Road trip by train?

    —Yes. The train was great, just like a hotel ________ wheels — it had all that I needed.

    A、in B、at C、on D、by
  • 23. — Many doctors and nurses went to Hubei in February.

    — Hubei is far from Heilongjiang. It's ________ the south of China, ________ the south of Henan.

    A、in;to B、on;to C、in;on
  • 24. —How long have you had the cellphone, Kangkang?

    —I've had it        two months. It helps me a lot.

    A、for B、since C、in D、on
  • 25. All of us helped to clean up the old people's home _______ Eric. He had a bad cold.
    A、besides B、against C、except D、with
  • 26. —Can you play volleyball or basketball?

    — __________of them. I'm good at ball games.

    A、Both B、Either C、Neither D、None
  • 27. A recent study in Australia shows that parents are _______ the top five world's hardest jobs.
    A、between B、among C、from D、above
  • 28. I will be in senior high school ________ a month. I can't believe the time went by so fast.
    A、at B、in C、on
  • 29. He drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went ______the road.
    A、off B、on C、along D、behind
  • 30. —When did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon?

    —____July 20th,1969.

    A、In B、At C、For D、On