
试卷更新日期:2021-12-25 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. So far, the number of people using 5G mobile phones     a lot.
    A、is increasing B、are increasing C、has increased D、have increased
  • 2. —There __________ a basketball game against Class Two this Sunday.

    — I see. I will come and cheer you on.

    A、will have B、is going to be C、is going to have
  • 3. Look! The musician ________ at the piano, ready to play.
    A、sat B、will sit C、is sitting D、was sitting
  • 4. — Dad, I can't find my school ID card. Did you see it?

    — No, I didn't. I think you ________ it!

    A、lose B、will lose C、have lost D、are losing
  • 5. Over the past few months, Chinese COVID vaccines (疫苗) ________ in many other countries.
    A、have arrived B、arrived C、will arrive D、had arrived
  • 6. William          six books, and all of them are bestsellers.
    A、will write B、is writing C、has written D、was writing
  • 7. Mrs. Jones ______________in the garden at this time yesterday.
    A、worked B、was working C、has worked
  • 8. — May I use your dictionary?

    — Sorry, I        it now.

    A、am using B、use C、used
  • 9. Look! Many people         in the park.
    A、dance B、are dancing C、were dancing
  • 10. The spirit of ox (牛) _________ an important role for China's development this year.
    A、is playing B、was playing C、played
  • 11. The Monkey King is a traditional Chinese cartoon hero. Today, he ________ by people of all ages.
    A、will love B、was loved C、is loved D、will be loved
  • 12. — I wonder if Li Hua        to the hospital to receive COVID-19 vaccinations (疫苗接种).

    — I'm sure he will if he        time.

    A、goes; will have B、will go; has     C、will go; will have D、goes; has
  • 13. —The policewoman __________the driver for breaking the traffic rules.

    —That's right. He's explaining to her loudly over there.

    A、is punishing B、was punishing C、would punish D、is punished
  • 14. —The classroom is so quiet.

    —Yes, all the students __________ for the final exam.

    A、prepare B、prepared C、will prepare D、are preparing   
  • 15. Thanks for letting us borrow your camera. We __________it to you next Monday.
    A、return B、will return C、have returned
  • 16. By the time the teacher came, we __________ cleaning the classroom.
    A、finished B、have finished C、had finished
  • 17. We can't leave here until our teacher __________.
    A、will arrive B、arrives C、arrived
  • 18. Bob, you ____________in this city since 2018. How do you like it?
    A、lived B、live C、have lived
  • 19. —Hello, John. This is Mike. What are you doing now?

    —I'm watching a film on TV. It ____________ at 7:30 and will be on for another hour.

    A、starts B、started C、has started
  • 20. It has been two months since my father ________ for Italy.
    A、was left B、left C、leaves
  • 21. —Hi, Jill. I ________ in my math since you shared your good experience with me.

    —Great! Congratulations!

    A、have made rapid progress B、made rapid progress C、will make rapid progress
  • 22. While Mike ______________ computer games in his room, his dad came in.
    A、is playing B、was playing C、will play D、plays
  • 23. —How long _____ you _______ chemistry so far?

    —For almost one year.

    A、are; studying B、do; study C、have; studied D、will; study
  • 24. —Steven had nothing for breakfast this morning,       ?

    —No. Because he had a fever.

    A、hadn't he B、had he C、didn't he D、did he
  • 25. Could you tell me ____this morning?
    A、what time you had breakfast B、where have you been C、how did you get there D、why will you leave earlier
  • 26. —The drama series The Thunder (破冰行动) hits screens these days.

    —Oh. What a pity! I ____________ any of them yet,

    A、doesn't watch B、didn't watch C、won't watch D、haven't watched
  • 27. —         you ever        Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge?

    —Not yet.

    A、Did; visit B、Are; visit C、Have; visited
  • 28. —How many letters          you            to your mother?

    —109 in all, since 2016.

    A、has, written B、have, written C、did, write D、are, writing
  • 29. My father ____ in a panda protection center for 10 years, so he knows a lot about panda.
    A、was working B、is working C、has worked D、will work
  • 30. — Mary, I remember you      several years ago.

    — Yes, I      for 3 years.

    A、married, have married B、married, married   C、married, have been married D、have married, have been married