2022年中考英语专题复习—— 名词(真题二)

试卷更新日期:2021-12-25 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. In a conversation between two persons, 65% of     is done through body language.
    A、information B、pronunciation C、introduction D、communication
  • 2. — What's your favourite sport?

    —I like ________.

    A、maths B、spring C、tennis D、milk
  • 3. — Could you tell me the ____________ of the sweater?

    — Yes. It's ¥125.

    A、color B、price C、shape
  • 4. Amy refused her friend's ________ because she had to take care of her grandma.
    A、tradition B、attention C、invitation
  • 5. Yuan Longping and his team have solved the problem of __________ for many people.
    A、hunger B、health C、pollution D、population
  • 6. —Have you ever heard" A thousand mile journey begins with the first      "?

    —Yes, It's a famous Chinese saying by Laozi.

    A、class B、step C、break D、exam
  • 7. There are many              teachers in this primary school.
    A、woman B、woman's C、women D、women's
  • 8. If you want to be a doctor like Zhong Nanshan, hard work is the key to       .
    A、treasure B、beauty C、success D、health
  • 9. _________ can make people happy and want to make greater progress.
    A、Fear B、Praise C、Doubt D、Regret
  • 10. Maria is always full of ______ because she takes exercise every day.
    A、energy B、talent C、humour D、wealth
  • 11. Would you send me some _______of yours? I miss you very much!
    A、magazines B、photos C、money D、advice
  • 12. The___________ of the meeting is to help teachers and parents achieve better communication.
    A、position B、progress C、period D、purpose
  • 13. —According to a recent survey, many students have poor eyesight (视力).

    —In my opinion, reading on mobile phones too often is the ________ of having poor eyesight.

    A、cost B、result C、cause
  • 14. —What do you think of your new house built by the local government?

    —Pretty good. I have a         of happiness now.

    A、warning B、tradition C、feeling D、question
  • 15. How much ______________ do we need to make a banana milk shake?
    A、bananas B、apples C、coffee D、milk
  • 16. —To keep our city clean and beautiful, the ____ are always very busy in the street.

    —They should be respected by all the people.

    A、drivers B、postmen C、firemen D、cleaners
  • 17. —Which should we start with, Water World or Space World?

    —Either is OK; it makes no _________ to me.

    A、mistake B、promise C、difference D、decision
  • 18. The _________ of the machine made us feel sick.
    A、voice B、noise C、sound D、voices
  • 19. You'll have to get your parents' ________ if you want to go on the trip.
    A、achievement B、announcement C、agreement D、advertisement
  • 20. On February 25, President Xi Jinping announced that China has made a "complete ________"  in its fight against poverty (贫困).
    A、victory B、progress C、difference D、improvement
  • 21. — It's dangerous to drive after drinking.

    —That's true. It can increase the _____of traffic accidents

    A、advantage B、stress C、safety D、risk
  • 22. —What do you think of The Belt and Road Initiative ("一带一路"倡议)?

    —Great! It will help China improve the __________with those related countries.

    A、relationship B、agreement C、environment D、information
  • 23. —I hear Mary has got a good job in a world's top company.

    —Yes. Her good__________ experience helped her a lot. She once studied in one of the best colleges in China.

    A、travel B、education C、life D、wealth
  • 24. The earth is the only home for us, so Green Hills and Clean Water is true __________.
    A、community B、discovery C、relation D、treasure
  • 25. The Great Wall is one of the greatest _____ in China. People wonder how ancient people built it.
    A、standards B、mysteries C、historians
  • 26. There is a large       between the old and young.
    A、information B、thought C、idea D、gap
  • 27. ________, like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, are children's favourite programmes.
    A、Game shows B、Cartoons C、Chat shows D、Drama series
  • 28. We have          a lot of animals because of the          of their living areas.
    A、lose; loss B、lost; lose C、lost; loss D、lose; lost
  • 29. When the sun shines through falling drops of water, a________ appears.
    A、cloud B、rain C、rainbow D、wind
  • 30. Her________ was blue because her father was seriously ill.
    A、characteristic B、purity C、strength D、mood