
试卷更新日期:2021-12-20 类型:期中考试



  • 6. How was Alan's trip to Shanghai?
    A、Excellent. B、Not bad C、Too bad
  • 7. What are the speakers talking about?
    A、A movie. B、Their homework C、A TV program
  • 8. What kind of shows does Peter like best"?
    A、Game shows. B、Talent shows. C、Sports show.
  • 9. How does Mr. Green like the shoes in Park Store?
    A、Expensive. B、Comfortable. C、Popular.
  • 10. Why does the girl dislike Mr. Green?
    A、He doesn't like the students. B、He is so serious. C、His math lessons are not relaxing.
  • 11. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、How does Rose feel about cartoons?
    A、Boring. B、Exciting. C、Meaningless.
    (2)、What kind of movies does Rose like?
    A、Comedies and scary movies. B、Action movies and comedies. C、Action movies and 3D cartoons.
  • 12. 听对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What day was it yesterday?
    A、Thursday. B、Friday C、Saturday.
    (2)、Who's Tintin?
    A、Sandra's sister. B、Sandra's classmate. C、Sandra's Pen friends.
    (3)、Where did Jimmy see Tintin one year ago?
    A、In America. B、In Thailand. C、In China.


  • 13. 听独白,回答问题。
    (1)、Jeff has only one ________.
    A、arm B、eye C、leg
    (2)、Jeff learnt to ________ with his father's help.
    A、play basketball B、drive a car C、swim
    (3)、It took Jeff about ________ years to finish his first plan.
    A、five B、six C、eight
    (4)、Jeff wants to be a ________.
    A、writer B、dentist C、magician
    (5)、Jeff wants to make money to ________.
    A、make the basketball team B、run across his country C、help people in need
  • 14. 听独白,回答问题。
    (1)、Paulina's favorite exercise is ________.
    A、running B、camping C、swimming
    (2)、When Paulina is tired she ________.
    A、stays at home B、walks through forests C、goes fishing in the rivers
    (3)、Paulina enjoys meeting new people to ________.
    A、know different ways of life B、get help from different people C、share her stories with more people
    (4)、Paulina thinks driving is ________.
    A、boring B、cool C、exciting
    (5)、Paulina doesn't like Chinese class because ________.
    A、her Chinese teacher is strict B、she finds it's very difficult C、she doesn't think it's useful


  • 15. 你将听到的是一篇有关比尔和艾伦的旅行的短文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。

    A Terrible Trip

    The time when Bill and Alan went to Maldives: During their vacation

    The problem they first met: weather

    The place where they stayed for 12 hours: On the .

    The breakfast in the hotel: Only bread and .

    The number of nights they stayed in the hotel: .


  • 16. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Polly Cooper is a mom of two girls named Debbie and Milly. Here is what she says about them.

    Debbie and Milly arc so different. Debbie is1shy girl. She enjoys doing things by2, and doesn't like to talk and play with others. Also, she is more selfish(自私的) than Milly. It is difficult to ask her to share things.3 others. But Debbie has her good points, too. Schoolwork is easier for Debbie, 4 she is better at learning than Milly. She is also good at dancing and wants to be a dancer in the future.

    Milly always 5bigger problems with her schoolwork. She doesn't like listening to her teachers in class and doesn't spend enough time.6, so her exam results are usually worse. However, Milly is much 7than her sister. Maybe because Milly is two years older than Debbie, she is a little more mature (成熟的).

    I worry about Milly because she isn't sure about her future. She doesn't know what she wants 8after she leaves school. I'm also worried about Debbie because she isn't as happy as Milly. I don't think parents 9stop worrying about their kids and I'll miss them both when they leave home. I hope they can live 10.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、she B、her C、hers D、herself
    A、on B、to C、for D、with
    A、or B、though C、so D、but
    A、has B、had C、is having D、will have
    A、study B、studied C、studying D、to study
    A、outgoing B、more outgoing C、most outgoing D、the most outgoing
    A、do B、did C、doing D、to do
    A、can B、should C、need D、must
    A、happy B、happily C、happiness D、unhappy


  • 17. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Last summer, my family and I went to England and we spent two weeks in Cornwall. It took us five hours to get there by car. We1in a hotel near a lake. We did a lot of different things there 2we went for long walks, played games, went shopping and swam in the lake.

    I had a good time at first, but then something 3happened(发生). One morning. I went to the forest near the hotel by myself. I walked outside with my camera. I watched the birds and took some 4of them. Then I got hungry and 5to go back to the hotel. But l couldn't find the way back. I tried different ways. However, at last, I was still in the 6place.

    "Oh, God! Please 7me! I am so afraid!" I said. But later, it started to rain. I didn't have a(n)8so I became wet and cold.

    Finally, I stayed under a tree and 9my parents. After a few hours, they found me. It was dark and I was cold, hungry and scared. I will10go to the forest.

    A、stayed B、worked C、studied D、exercised
    A、luckily B、easily C、happily D、quickly
    A、interesting B、boring C、useful D、terrible
    A、orders B、photos C、lessons D、messages
    A、forgot B、learned C、promised D、wanted
    A、same B、different C、boring D、new
    A、help B、believe C、leave D、ask
    A、clock B、gift C、umbrella D、bicycle
    A、asked for B、called for C、looked for D、waited for
    A、always B、never C、still D、usually


  • 18. 阅读理解

    Many people don't think that (TV shows are educational. It is true that lots of shows are meaningless. However, some shows are good and we can learn many things from them. Here are a few of my favorite shows.

    When I was a child, this was the only show l could watch. I watched it on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday every week. You can learn about different countries around the world from it. As the show is for children, the language in it is easy.

    This show is about making bread, cakes and soon. The show wants to find Britain's best amateur baker (业余烘焙师)? You can watch the show and learn how to bake different kinds of bread and cakes by following their steps.

    This show is about life in cold places. There are many special animals in this show. 1 love this show not because of the cute animals, but because it teaches us about the impact (影响) we have on these animals and what we need to do to save them.

    This show is great for you to think. It is a quiz(知识竞赛) show. It may be about sports, weather, movies and so on. I learnt lots of things from this show.

    (1)、The writer watched Blue Peter ________ when he was a child.
    A、three times a week B、twice a week C、three times a month D、twice a month
    (2)、__________ might be most interested in the show The Great British Bake Off.
    A、Someone who is studying in college B、Someone who is trying to save animals C、Someone who is good at sports and movies D、Someone who is interested in cooking
    (3)、If Sarah likes animals, she can watch ________.
    A、Blue Peter B、The Great British Bake Of C、Frozen Planet D、Pointless
    (4)、According to the passage, we can know ________.
    A、Pointless is a knowledge quiz only about sports B、Blue Peter tells about different countries around the world C、the writer always watches The Great British Bake Off online D、the writer likes Frozen Planet because the language in it is easy
    (5)、The passage is mainly written for ________.
    A、children B、teachers C、TV lovers D、the police
  • 19. 阅读理解

    Do you like summer holiday? In Australia, summer holiday is from late December to early February. Students have to finish their homework. They should read some English books and write reports. They also need to do science projects with their classmates. They often go to special classes to learn swimming, singing and cooking. And they really like to go to the beach to camp with their parents. Summer holiday in the US is very long, from early June to around late August. Teachers will give summer homework. But if students don't do it, it's OK. There are many classes and camps. They can be about sports, cooking, or outdoor survival skills (户外生存技巧). Some students also go camping with friends or family. Some students will try to make money by doing the housework. Some will do voluntary work like helping the elderly or the poor for free.

    In France, summer holiday usually goes from mid-June to the end of August. But the first day is different for everyone because of the day of the last exam. French students don't have any homework or classes. They spend the holiday having fun. Some students like traveling around the world. They see nature in Africa. They visit America to learn English. They go to China. Other students enjoy themselves in France. They camp on the beach, sec friends, watch movies, go swimming and have barbeque(烧烤) parties.

    (1)、What does the word voluntary in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese?
    A、有偿的 B、公平的 C、志愿的 D、有效的
    (2)、The students in ________ have no homework during summer holiday.
    A、Australia B、the US C、France D、China
    (3)、________ is popular with students in the three countries.
    A、Learning skills B、Having classes C、Go camping D、Seeing friends
    (4)、Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    A、French students only meet their friends at school. B、Students in the US have summer holiday for about four months. C、Most students take math or English classes during summer holiday. D、It is winter in China when Australian students enjoy their summer holiday.
    (5)、The passage is mainly about ________.
    A、Students' summer homework B、Students' activities after school C、different places for students to travel D、summer holiday in different countries
  • 20. 配对阅读。左栏是五个人需求的描述,右栏是相应场所的介绍。请为每个人选择合适的场所。

    Li Ming grandpa is in hospital. He would like to buy some fresh fruit for him.

    Mr. Han is visiting a big city with his wife. He wants to find the best hotel there to stay in.

    Dennis is a teacher in a middle school. He plans to take his students to visit the fire station this weekend.

    Lisa's best friend's birthday is coming. She wants to buy a beautiful skirt for her. Her home is close to Center


    Allen is a driver. He enjoys listening to music when driving. He decides to find a radio station to enjoy music.

    A. It is a five-star hotel. It is close to the train station. It has the friendliest service, the best environment (环境) and the most comfortable beds in the city.

    B. It is the most popular clothes shop in Center Street. It has the most kinds of clothes: beautiful skirts, cool T-shirts and so on. And you can buy clothes at low prices.

    It is the best music radio station of all. It has the best music. The DJs choose the songs the most carefully. It is the most popular with the drivers.

    D. Near the fire station there is a fantastic library. It has lots of books about firefighting. It also has the quietest and the most comfortable reading rooms.

    E. It is the biggest fire station in the city. It has the best firemen.

    It gives free classes to schools and students can visit it on weekends. It is next to a bus station.

    F. It is the best hotel in this countryside. It has the quietest rooms. It also has a swimming pool and a garden. A good place for little kicks. You can order it the most quickly online.

    G. it is a popular fruit shop. It has more kinds of fruit than other fruit shops. And you can buy the freshest fruit at very good prices here. The seller of the shop is friendly.


  • 21. 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Dongguan is a modern city. Now you can enjoy your life comfortably and conveniently (方便地)in Dongguan. If you want to shopping, you have many choices. There are many shopping malls in the city center and every town in Dongguan, such as Wanda Plaza, One Mall, One City and so on. You can shop in one of all day and find almost everything there. Of all the shopping malls, I think Wanda Plaza is the most convenient it is the closest to the subway stations. There are a lot of wonderful and you can enjoy your meals there.

    As for movie theaters, I think Bingo Cinema is the best. You can the newest movies there. Bingo Cinema has the most comfortable seats. It has the biggest screens (屏幕).

    One more thing l want to introduce for you is Dongguan's cafes. You can have not only fresh coffee and juice, but also yummy cakes and bread there. They are fantastic places to enjoy afternoon tea. Among them. Starbucks from the US is the most with people. Many people like to go to Starbucks for coffee. Because it gives them good services. Some singers from foreign countries sing beautiful in the bar. Many people like to deal with the business, spend time friends or even just do some reading in this kind of situation. Dongguan is a fantastic city. People can find what they want easily and have good time in Dongguan.


  • 22. 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整。

    A few young people are talking about their best friends on the Internet.

    Zhao Jun is my best friend. He enjoys travelling (旅游) a lot. He thinks he can learn a lot of things from travelling. Last month, he went to Xi' an on vacation. He said he ate much delicious food and learned much about Chinese history there. He hopes to go to Chengdu next year.

    -Li Zhi

    My best friend Han Xin is more outgoing than me. She likes making friends, because she thinks friends can make her happy. She lives more healthily than me. She goes to bed early, likes playing sports and goes to the dentist once a year.

    -Ma Lan

    Zhu Kai, my best friend, is as friendly as me. We often go to the old people's home on weekends. What's more, he is a man of many talents. He can sing about 130 English songs, play the guitar and play chess.

    -Su Lei

    (1)、What did Zhao Jun learn in Xi'an?
    (2)、Why does Han Xin like making friends?
    (3)、How often does Han Xin go to the dentist?
    (4)、Where do Su Lei and Zhu Kai often go on weekends?
    (5)、How many English songs can Zhu Kai sing?


  • 23. 假设你是李芳,孟甜是你最好的朋友。读了上面的材料后,你想向大家介绍已下她。请你根据下面的提示内容写已篇英语短文。








    My name is Li Fang. Now let me introduce my best friend to you.